As much as I don't recommend any HD receivers at present time
Best of electronics specs Quality and Support Is Sonicview SV8000 HD $370 I dont't think it worth that much cuz they are still inferior devices But if yo got the money and still craving for one SV8000 HD should be yor top choice
However best SD receiver Quality and Support in my opinion: Sonicview SV-360 Elite for $170 Has dual tuner and PVR It just came out and maybe best SD for the money Video Quality not far away from any HD FTA receiver since all HD recivers suck anyway and require aditional $200 hardware for 1080i making them 720p at best Yo pay $650 to $700 for what? Where as $170 can do the job
PVR is great to record Attach an external Hard Drive So whenever there is an ECM yo got something to watch 500 GB Hard Drive for about $100 Just about 300 hours of recording time Will always give yo something to watch at reasonable quality and price
Wonder where KT shops? An 8k board can be purchased from ebay $120 including shipping. Depend on where you live, you can get a SV8000 + 8k board for $450 out the door. It is up to you if you want to spend $450 to move up to HD. By the way, the SV 8000 can be recorded to an external HD too. The only diff is the SV-360 elite will allow you to watch a program from a TP that is different from the one you are recording on.
$450 not bad for something worth $200 So if something happens to PTA this October It will cost yo easy $150 per month for limited counted views
Trust me many modern SD receivers not much less in quality Many TVs upscale just as good if set up right Only 4:3 screen will be stretched to fit 16:9
Find me 5 out of 10 people happy with their HD over SD I got HD cable I only watch HD during big Sports matches
Yo are paying for decoded HD programs upscaled using crappy electronics These inferior HD receivers are few years backward Just enhanced to look a little better