Hi I have a viewsat extreme connected to 119 and 110 and fully working. I am trying to get Bell, but when i connect the cable to my diseqc i am not getting signal,, It is jumping aroung and the quality also, I have replaed the cable and Diseqc switch and still getting the same thing,,
I have bell Dish and dishnet LNB,, i know that is not the problem. I have been working on this for the past 2 days, and i am running out of Idea,
My fellow satellite friends do you have any other suggetions??
Going from 119/110w to 91/82W. All that is required is to swing the dish 28 degrees to the East and adjust the vertical elevation slightly. Common problem is to halt after turning 19 degrees only.
Meisha i have a motor on my dish and if i select a linear satellite with a circular LNB the signal goes up and down, you can trust me. you are on bad satellite or a three interfer between dish and sat
hi i just bought vs2000 ultra, but i can't get all channels on 61.5, i am only getting etc alpha (622). i have signal but not quality on other channels. i would appreciate thanks
Meisha you have a problem with connector on Cable. reinstall all Connector on cable between LNB and Receiver or try new cable. That can be the LNB in trouble too
Check if inside wire on connector is OK, it must be equal with connector
hooked up my viewsat ultra and pulling good signal on port 1.trying to pull 110 and 119 with one dish,dual LNB.using ports 2 and 3 and can only get 110 to show up.how do I get both??