Here's what you'll need: Null modem cable (probably got one with your receiver) Loader v1.06 or v1.05 (you can use either) Latest bin (download these from any fta site.)
Here's what you do:
1. Download loader and bin to your computer. Unzip the bin and copy it to somewhere you can find it easily when browsing from your loader.
2. With the receiver turned off on the rear switch, connect it to your computer via the null cable.
3. Put your machine into either (a) STANDBY or (b) BOOT mode (you can load it either way). (a) To get it to STANDBY mode, turn the receiver's rear switch ON, and when you see 00:00 on the display, turn OFF using the FRONT button; you will then see --:-- (STANDBY). (b) To get to BOOT mode, hold the front power button, and turn the rear switch ON; you will see "boot" displayed.
4. Open the loader and browse for the bin where you saved it unzipped. Select it and click start.
5. Wait until you see "end", then you can power off the receiver and disconnect from computer.
You have successfully upgraded your software! -------------
Now to scan for channels!
Hook your receiver up to your TV and connect the coaxial cable from your dish(es) to the LNB IN connector. When you first turn it on, it will take you through an few automated setup procedures, like language choice, and so on.
Now if you were to go into the menu>installation>antenna setup, and try to chose your sats, you may notice they are all screwed up, and trying to chose them will cause the receiver to reboot. You must first of all do a factory default. Go to menu>installation>factory default. You will now be able to chose your satellites and setup values. switches, etc.
You can setup the values for each sat separately if you wish, and scan each. However, the easiest way, especially for a first time user, is to simply go to menu>installation>easy tuning. You can use the down button to navigate between fields, and the right/left to select the desired value/sat/switch. You can use easy tuning to scan your channels if you have only one LNB, or if you have up to 4. A typical screen for 4 sats might look like this after you've chosen the desired values:
Any ports you don't use, just set the status to OFF.
Now press OK and choose either FAST TUNING or AUTO TUNING to scan your sat(s). Fast tuning uses preconfigured tp/channel data, while auto tuning actively also looks for new data; it is recommended you use AUTO TUNING.
Note: at this time it appears that scanning multiple satellites renders a number of EPG channels listings as "prog xxxx" (where xxxx is the number of the channel) rather than the proper channel name or abbreviation. It is best then to simply autoscan (red button) each sat separately. You can do this from the easy tuning menu or the installation menu. After one scans in, just change the sat name to the next one you want to scan, make sure other settings are correct, and scan.
After your receiver finishes scanning, exit menus and go to any channel. Now you will perform the final step: enabling the patch (the top secret function that allows you to watch scrambled channels!). Press F1 You will see "H" Input "000" The patch is now enabled!
Now just sit on a scramble channel and wait for the autoroll function to grab the active key. If you have both DN and Bev sats, you will need to go to a channel for each to await autoroll (remember Bev takes a little longer, six minutes or more). You will see it grabbing the keys, wait for it to grab both sets; reboot unit if necessary if it remains scrambled after grabbing the keys, or if audio is not present.
1.How to change EPG style? (Available in V1.13 Premium) =========================== Now EPG style can be changed to new or old style. New epg style looks great but if you are using full channel name Old epg style will work good for you because it got more room to show full channel names. Here is how you can change EPG style. Main Menu ->System settings-> OSD -> EPG Style -> Old or New
======================================= 2.How to Turn ON/OFF Display Icon feature? (Available in V1.13 Premium) ======================================= Premium model allows you to see Icon in EPG and also on right upper corner of the screen. To make this feature work you have to load the Icon.bin file to your receiver. After you have loaded the Icon.bin file must turn this feature ON/OFF to see Icons in EPG and on screen. Main Menu ->System settings-> OSD -> Display Icon -> Yes / NO
========================== 3.How to set 10/24 channels display? ========================== Main Menu -> System Setting -> OSD -> Scroll down to Channel List change that option to 10 or 24. Now whenever you will press Ok button on your remote it will show 10 channels or 24 channels. If you press F1 key system will sort all of the channels
===================== 4.How to set Event Timer on fly? ===================== With new OSD you can set event timer to certain event that will start in future sometimes on fly. Before set an event timer just make sure EPG is fully loaded. EPG -> Scroll to the event that you want to tune automatically and press "Green" key from your remote. A window will open to confirm date and time that event will start; Now just Press Ok to set.
======================= 5.How to Factory Default a CW600? ======================= New OSD the location for this feature is changed but it works exactly the same as in old OSD. Main Menu -> Installation -> Factory Default
=============== 6.How to set time? =============== Main Menu -> Channels Manager -> Timer -> Time setup
=========================== 7.How to Enable Patch or Disable Patch? =========================== Exit all menus, Press F1 key; the LED will display 'H', then press '000'
=================== 8.How to Edit Patch key? =================== After Enable patch key, go to Main Menu-->Accessories--> Key Menu
======================== 9.How to configure the SID sort? ======================== From main menu->system setting->system->channel No. style can change: Normal: Normal sort order SID sort: Dish order ===================== 10.How to Category Search? ===================== 1) Make sure the epg is loaded- to do that just open the epg screen and see if the boxes are full, if not go choose any box that has no epg and wait 15-20 sec and it will be filled. (You only need to do this once in the beginning).
2) Then exit and hit F2 on your remote.
3) Category box will open, just choose what category you want to watch and hit ok
4) After 2-3 seconds, a list of channels will open which are CURRENTLY playing these categories (every half hour this list changes when a new show is finished or started)
5) Next to the channel there is the title of the show, if you hit INFO button it will open the full information, hit INFO again and it will disappear. Just select what you like and watch.
================ 11.How to Blind scan? ================ BLIND SCAN function can be accessed by going to Main Menu-> Installation -> Antenna Setting -> selecting the satellite that you want blind scan and press Yellow key on your remote.
========================= 12.How to Clone CW600s Box to Box? ========================= From DigitalPlus: 1) Connect the master and slave box with twist RS232 null modem cable (pin2 to pin3, pin3 to pin2, pin5 to pin5). 2) Start the master receiver and press "POWER" key to make it standby "- - : - -". 3) Start the slave receiver, in the master box the led will display 'H' and blink it. 4) Input the password: 111 ---- Transfer S/W 222 ---- Transfer data 333 ---- Transfer data, then S/W 444 ---- Copy whole flash except Boot Loader. 5) After finishing inputting the password. Transfer will begin. When it finish, the LED will Display "-End". Disconnect the cable, start your receiver. Note: By the different password, you can do what ever you want to do for Box to Box.
===================== 13.How to set DishPro LNBs? ==================== DishPro LNB settings can be accessed by going to Main Menu-> Installation-> Antenna Setting-> LNB type-> OCS-DP
=============================== 14.How to Set Legacy SW21/42/44/ Switch? =============================== Legacy Switches settings can be accessed by going to Main Manu-> Installation-> Antenna Settings-> Legacy SW Set the type of switch you got on your dish setup. Don't forget to set DISCQ setting to none otherwise it will not work properly.
=============================== 15.How to set channel lock on certain channels? =============================== Channels can be locked by going to Main Manu->Channels Manager->TV Channels -> Right Arrow-> Lock/unlock go to specific channel and press OK key on your remote.
============================= 16.How to video adjustments option menu? ============================= Video options can be accessed by pressing zero "0" when view your normal TV. Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Hue, Sharpness and Tint can be adjusted
================== 17.How to Auto TP? ================== Auto Transponder Update can be Turn ON and Turn OFF by going to: Main Menu ->System settings-> system-> Auto TP changed to ON or OFF.
====================================== 18.How to get Seven Days of EPG on a CW600s Premium? ====================================== CW600s Premium allows to get 7 days of EPG. To get full 7 days of EPG tune to any channels on listed Transponders. EPG will Populate for full 7 days in about 10-15 mins, if you have more than one echo sats connected it will take 15-30 mins to populate for all of sats.
Some TPs below help you get 12 hour EPG: Dishnetwork: TP: 12530 CHs : 457 or 517 BellVU: TP:12268 CHs : 212 or 615
===================================== 19.How to change Time setting from Military to Regular? ================================== === To change time from Military to Regular go to Main Menu -> System Setting -> OSD -> Time Display Format change to 12/24.
======================================= 20.How to search Favorite show channel number and time? ======================================= Shows can be searched with start time and channel number by pressing the Click on Find key on your remote -> select OK -> then type your show name and search.
=============================== 21.How to Turn ON/OFF Auto Roll feature? =============================== Autoroll feature can be turn OFF and ON by going to: Main Menu -> System Setting -> OSD -> Autoroll -> ON/OFF
============================== 22.How to Turn ON/OFF key update message? ============================== Key update message can be turn OFF or ON. This feature can be accessed by going to: Main Menu -> System Setting -> System -> Key Update Message -> ON/OFF
======================================= 23.How to turn ON/OFF Dishnet/BellXvu full name display? ======================================= This unique feature can be accessed by going to: Main Menu -> System Setting -> System -> Scroll down to the next page -> ON/OFF
============================== 24.How to select packages for Dish and Bell? ============================== Echostar and Bell ExpressVu packages can be accessed by pressing the "SAT" Button from your remote and choose the option you like
============================= 25.How to fix NTSC/PAL scrolling screen? ============================= This is very frusctrating when we hook up our receiver to the TV and video is rolling. If we dont know how to fix it, it is imposible to fix this kind of problem some times. It hepens most of the time by chaning the system info by mistake or by load a custom channels list. Here is a little "how to" guide to fix this kind of problem. You can use this guide for both Premium and regular CW600s model.
Reboot your system once; just to make sure you are out of all menues A: Press Menu B: 3 Times down Key C: Ok D: OK again E: 5 Times Down key F: Right/Left key untill it goes to NTSC
what i did was put the batteries in backwards for about 10 min.i heard that here sometime ago,but it didn't work but after awhile it did so i don't know what happen its ok now its not a file issue thanks greg