Does a 36 inch flat screen tv provide the sharpest(and affordable)picture on the market today?
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Well, seems my 57" looks absolutely terrific when in HD or dvd, but kinda sucky when viewing cable normally..The expansion of the picture provides artifacts that i don't see on my 27"
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qdog , Do you think the Sony WEGA is a good choice for a 36 inch flat?
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I have never been a big fan of Sony, after purchasing a Sony 27" in 1990, only to have the picture tube crap out after 13 months..Warranty expired after 1 year...After much heated discussion they agreed to split the cost...I promised after that, to never buy a Sony product again...
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I think the Sony KV-36FS100 is one of the best anolog TV's that you can buy. Street price is around $850. It will serve you well for a few years. After that it's all HD. The KV-35HS510 will do HD but it's around $1700. The only problem with the KV-36HS510 is that it is a 4:3 set. You will have to watch widescreen format with bars on the top and botom. The KV-34HS510 is a widescreen which will be good for DVD's and widescreen format but you will have to watch 4:3 format with bars on the sided or distort (stretch) the image. It all depends on what format you will be watching primarily. It's not very easy to buy a TV now that we are in transition mode.