I have a toshiba 32av500u that is 3 months old. Input is via an over the air tv antenna.
When I tune to a station, the internal TV speakers take 1-3 minutes to come on. This repoeats everytime I change to a new channel. Almost as if it has to "retune" itself. Picture is fine, signal is fine, but audio seems to be lost. What further confuses me, is that when I use some external speakers, connected via the variable audio outputs, they come "on" immediately, and don't have the same problem the internal speakers do. I can change the channel and have immediate audio through the external speakers, but wait 2-3 minutes for the internal ones.
Email to Toshiba said to unplug and reset tv. this worked, and everything was normal...for about a day. then it starts up again. Another reset fixes it again. Called in this time, and they say it is "normal" with HDTV over the air reception.
drives me crazy to channel surf and not hear anything!