ok, hate to ask this question...but after 4 hours of screwing around trying to find 110...i'm gonna ask it...
i move my dish off of my roof this afternoon due to neighbors trees finally getting so bad that my quality was mid 50s at best and if the wind blew...i'd lose the signal completely...move the dish into the yard where i had a clear line of sight...i've found 119 with an 90 sig and 90 quality...but for the life of my i can not get 110 ... here's my set up..
dish pro lnb... diseq 1 119 11250
diseq 2 110 11250
i've tried on a pansat and on a viewsat...gone thru each TP on 110 on both boxes and no quality...i can find 119 easier with the pansat for some reason...but with either stb there hasn't been any luck with the 110...the lnb was working fine before i switched off of the roof ... i'll try another lnb tmrw as well to see if that's the issue...i'll start back up tmrw after work tmrw...
TJ you need to choose good Tp freq if you want adjusted your dish. The Tp freq can changed if you are in east or west(spot beam), changed it for the best signal and quality
Thanks to both for the help...after having a night to sleep on it...i'll get a good TP ... verify my setting, skew, oscilator on the DishPro, and then push from there...i think i also need to verify how plumb i am on my mount...if all else fails...i take it back to the original spot i had the signal and see if it works...if it does...then it's just my mount set up at the new location...and i have about 4 LNBs i can switch out...I know it's not the coax because witchever coax I use...i get the same quality on for 110 and 119 and on both pansat and vusat...anyways...thanks again...i'll let u guys know what i come up with...mostlikey, as was stated by King, probably an alignment issue...funny, when i first moved here a year ago i couldn't get 119 to save my life, and i could find 110 easy enough...i found an old post of mine relating to the problem. thanks again.