OK this is kind of pissing me off everyday around 1PM or so my VS plat goes into a mode where it keeps saying "searching signal..." and this continues for like an hour or so and then everything is fine and dandy! Why is this happening and only at this time? It actually never happened before and started like a week ago. I tried shutting the receiver on and off and tried pulling the power cord out but doesn't make a difference, it comes back by itself after.
try it: All viewsat box Go to Code menu Select Nagra and on Dish 01 06 00 Dish 00 01 00 dish 01 01 00 Delete this 3 provider one by one with F3 on remote "NEW" do same thing with all provider on Bev provider 09 07 00 09 06 00 09 05 00 09 01 00 08 01 00 no need to delete keys load last bin for your box turn autoroll on Keep on Bin and autoroll regenerete keys Resolve problem with lost channel , autoroll, freeze and search signal
"Dont load factory bin"
Thats erase bad data in the box For box who lost channel and sat setup ENJOY TV
TESTED and work fine New issue for problem on Viewsat Thanks
Plymouth it doesn't work, some how I found the problem is 110 signal is very weak even I have only connect 110 to the receiver. and it happened to me around 2 pm EST too.