We are proud to introduce an upgrade program for the older C00lSat 4000/5000/6000 STB's that we can no longer get parts to fix. Send you're none working box in for an upgrade.
Effective immediately you can trade your old stb in for an upgrade to a C00lSat 6100 by sending in your old box and $79.00 U.S Dollars.
Any repairs that your stb may need for the 2 years will only cost $10.00 U.S Dollars for shipping back to you. You will need to fill out an rma and attach a copy of the upgrade paper work for repair work.
This warranty is only good for upgrades for all others the standard warranty applies.
We do apologize for any inconvenience having to upgrade has caused and hope that you choose to buy C00lSat for your future purchases. We are trying to be responsible for our promise to our loyal customers.
This warranty is only good for boxes with the original factory software on it as we do not support any 3rd party software and not for clones of our equipment.
This is interesting, since I am at their home page and navigated the site (Coo*lsat - Freetech) and there is NO mention of this.....just where did u specifically get this?...please link it!
it is at the c00lsat site right now don't fall for this deal just add a little bit and buy from reputable manufacturer who will back up their receiver with good support. this must be the biggest rip off exchange program of the century