how do i configure a single wire coming from a quad legacy lnb directly into my pansat. At this point any thing i try i keep gettin same channels on both 110 & 119.
The following is a C/P from an online retailer. C/P. This is the way to go for your expanded 3 or 4 Receiver system. Has built in SW-44 switch and two dual LNBs so it's strickly a bolt on installation. No tedious jumper coaxes to make plus the connectors are all out of the weather making it less likely to need service. There are four outputs which need to go directly 1 to each receiver. This legacy quad will work with older and newer Dish Network receivers but if you don't have models 301, 501, 508, 721, or model 6000 for you system you have to have this Legacy Quad. The Dish Pro Quad is made for the receiver models listed above and is recommended for them. see it in this same category.
hello2k3 its normal to get dup;icate channels when scanning.the easiest way is to use channel master to save your channels settings.just go thru the channels and deleate the dupilcates then download channel master(google it)save it and thats it.
as for setting echo7(119) lnb type - dish pro lnb frequecy - 11250 22khz - off diseq - off legacy sw - none skew - leave as is tp - leave as is position setting - disable
echo8(110) lnb type - dish pro lnb frequecy - 11250 22khz - off diseq - off legacy sw - none skew - leave as is tp - leave as is position setting - disable
I tried all that and channel starts working but as soon as i change the channel i get No Signal!. I then restart the receiver, the channel starts working but again channel change and No Signal! again
"how do i configure a single wire coming from a quad legacy lnb directly into my pansat. At this point any thing i try i keep gettin same channels on both 110 & 119."
"does any1 has answer to my problem? I need to find out how do I configure my pansat as in what settings should i enter for Antenna settings??"
Azzhole, each one of your questions is different. Are u Retarded? post using proper grammar mother fuckerrrrrr
I have a Quad Legacy LNB. For LNB type, I selected Standard. Channel on 119 work when 110 is disabled and channel on 110 work when 119 is disabled. Is there something i have to select in Legacy SW?
as for setting echo7(119) lnb type - standard lnb frequecy - 11250 22khz - off diseq - 1 legacy sw - none skew - leave as is tp - leave as is position setting - disable
echo8(110) lnb type - standard lnb frequecy - 11250 22khz - off diseq - 2 legacy sw - sw21 dish1 skew - leave as is tp - leave as is position setting - disable
the settings seem a little strange but i have not had a problemscanning channels or changing channels between the two birds with these settings.