Obama's Trap American Thinker ^ | May 4, 2008 | Todd Feinburg
Posted on Sunday, May 04, 2008 8:13:08 AM by libstripper
Barack Obama set the trap. Then he stepped in it. Or, as Reverend Wright might put it, Barack's chickens are coming home to roost.
Thus is the effect of the Great Race Speech.
Six weeks ago, Obama's status as the Messiah was dramatically enhanced for having turned the negative of Reverend Wright into a "much needed" exploration of race in America. So eager was the liberal establishment for confirmation that race is the biggest problem in this country (and that Barack is the solution) that they didn't see the obvious; they were being deceived by a cynical sleight of hand.
As virtually every intelligent (and honest) pundit noted, along with millions of average Americans, the Wright controversy wasn't about race. It was about patriotism. Any person seeing those clips said to themselves, "I would never have been part of this man's church. I'd have gotten up and left."
(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...
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[ Report Abuse | Bookmark ] Obama is a profoundly dangerous closet Muslim, anti-American Marxist. The only difference between Rev. Wright's version of the UCC and the white version of the same "church" is Wright's blackness and eloquence. Both are evil, anti-American, Marxist entities.
1 posted on Sunday, May 04, 2008 8:13:08 AM by libstripper [ Post Reply | Private Reply | View Replies | Report Abuse]
To: libstripper Obama is a profoundly dangerous closet Muslim, anti-American Marxist. We can thank our elitist political class for vomiting up garbage like this and calling it a presidential candidate.
The same, of course, goes for that dumpy, pants-suited, carpet cleaner.
2 posted on Sunday, May 04, 2008 8:15:47 AM by fweingart (It doesn't matter who you vote for, the government always gets in!) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies | Report Abuse]
To: libstripper Well said! Waiting to see if Timmy Russert has a pillow for Hussein this morning, or will he be tough?
3 posted on Sunday, May 04, 2008 8:16:40 AM by Friendofgeorge (McCain for president, not easy to say, but for the sake of the unborn I must support McCain)