but he goes and gets his cps from there,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
c/p of a post by arboristman.
04/30/08 DN/Bev MECM Detected
Bev has a new Mecm60 in the stream as of yesturday morning. Bev may or may not activate the Mecm60 by sending a new 0907 key. That we will have to wait to see what they do.
An Mecm is usually sent 1 hr priour to activation giving at least 1hr heads up of things to come. They must do this to allow for subs to update before activation, or their subs face black screens.
DN entered a new Mecm60 in the stream as well at approx 4:50 pm today. Guess they will both be gearing up to activate them in the next day or so. Prepare for some action from both the providers.