The picture on my Vizio 50 inch plasma went out this week. The tech replaced the main board and the power supply, which did not fix the problem. Vizio is sending a new TV, but I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem. Also, before it went out, I noticed some odd colors on screen - what should have been white appeared as greenish yellow
Replace the Z Sustainer Board, Part # 6871QZH044B and replace the Y Sustainter Board, Part # 6871QYH039B at the same time. If you replace one and not the other the bad one will end up shorting the good one and you'll lose your picture within a week. You can do this work yourself by unplugging the unit and placing it face down on carpet (put down a soft blanket to protect the screen) and unscrewing the back of the unit (a power screw driver works great for this job because there are a few screws involved). The cheapest place to buy these two parts are: , or, or