Dish 1000 plus has 4 LNBs...110-118-119-129...its recommended to use a DPP 44 switch..
Dish Types here...
Dish 300 Single slot 18" round DBS dish that can pick up programming from one DBS satellite location at a time. DBS locations for Dish are 61.5°, 110°, 119°, 129°, 148° and (not used) 157°.
Dish 500 A two slot 18" x 20" DBS dish designed to pick up 110° and 119° simultaneously. However it can be used to pick up 119° and 129° or just one satellite location like 61.5° or 148°.
Dish 1000 A three slot DBS dish designed to pick up 110°, 119° and 129° simultaneously. This dish can be used to pick up 129° and 148° simultaneously.
Dish 1000.2 Slightly larger than a Dish 1000, its integrated head unit has 3 LNBs (110°, 119° and 129°), an input for a 4th LNB, and DP Plus switching to 3 receiver outputs.
Plus Dish 500+/1000+ Same as the Dish 1000 in function but about 5" larger and can pick up the 118.75° FSS location. As a 500+ it picks up 110°, 118.75° and 119°. Adding an LNB for 129° makes it a 1000+.
SuperDISH 105: Specifically designed to pick up 105°, 110° and 119° 121: Specifically designed to pick up 110°, 119° and 121°