I went out this morning to 3 different Bell World Stores in Oahawa and asked about the card swap for the new up and comming Nagra 3 change. Since I only own a 4100 series receiver for BELL I was only told about the 4100 series. It is a newer receiver... EVERYTHING IS BUILT IN and DOES NOT REQUIER A NEW CARD when nagra 3 takes effect. Not one person could tell me when that will take effect. but 4100 series receiver subscribers are not going to receive a new card IT IS NOT NEEDED. Please do not call me a liar or that I am wrong about this info ... At least I went right to the source and found out what I just shared with you all.If you don't believe me go out and ask for yourselves.
I also did some reading on the interent and found this ... February 28th, 2008, 07:12 PM #1 RiseStar Digital Insurrection Godfather (Webmaster)
Join Date: Jun 1999 Posts: 4,682 Bell Expressvu dishes out new signal security upgrade
Bell Expressvu dishes out new signal security upgrade
Posted by : RiseStar , Lounge0101 Administrator
Similar to its security upgrade in July 2005, Canada's leading satellite broadcaster, Bell Expressvu is in the process of a new signal security upgrade in an effort to curtail its' rampant piracy problem.
Bell Expressvu utilizes equipment and signal encryption technology manufactured by Echostar, the U.S.'s second largest digital satellite broadcaster. Echostar's Dish Network has been plagued by piracy issues for many years, despite numerous expensive attempts to resolve the problem. This has lead to widespread piracy issues for Bell Expressvu due to the similarity in technology. Recent estimates peg more than 2 million pirates are currently receiving Dish Network and Bell Expressvu programming without payment.
The Bell Expressvu satellite signal is encrypted, allowing only authorized users, such as subscribers to decode the signal and allow them to view the channels that they are subscribing to. Signal pirates exploit vulnerabilities in the encryption technology, including the satellite access card, which uniquely identifies a subscriber to the satellite network to "unlock" the encryption without authorization.
To combat this, once it becomes obvious that the signal encryption technology has been compromised, the satellite broadcaster must upgrade their "conditional access" technology, usually requiring a software upgrade to subscribers receivers in addition to a replacement "access card".
Bell Expressvu has already begun to upgrade subscriber's receivers in preparation for the new access card which will begin mailing to subscribers shortly. Once the subscriber receives their new access card, they simply remove the old card from their receiver (if equipped), insert the new access card and follow the on-screen instructions, activating it either online or via a toll free phone number. Certain Bell Expressvu receivers may have an empty card slot, in which case, the new access card slides in and the identical activation procedure takes place. To ensure the new access card is updated in short order, once mailed to subscribers, the old access card will be automatically disabled with a short period of time.
Bell Expressvu states the new card activation procedure will take 15 minutes to 2 hours for programming to return to normal.
http://sattv.lounge0101.com/ < This is where I got the info from. there are some interesting things about Directv and Echostar on that link also. all update as of FEB 28 2008
LK sorry if this offends yourto paste your post here without your permition. I thought people might like to read your info also. So forgive me again for posting this I mean no harm.
LK Platinum Member Username: Lklives
Post Number: 14051 Registered: Jan-06 Posted on Thursday, February 28, 2008 - 04:42 pm:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- as stated above...again..
Receiver Model Being shipping with new CA Smart Card 4100 / 4120 March 5900/5920 February
Beginning April 15, 2008, Bell clients that require this upgrade will receive a letter, a new CA SmartCard and instructions on how to swap the SmrtCard.
ExpressVu will be upgrading the software in your receiver(s), which will require you to install and activate a new SmartCard. Installing new SmartCards will ensure that you continue to receive programming and prepare you for future service enhancements to ExpressVu digital TV from Bell.
That I dont know.(It's a lets wait and see game now) I supose the person to ask about that would be LK. Not sure if King or Nalin would give the right answers to that question. ( even tho they do try... I mean offence ) This thread is only about BELL subs.
Look Doreen and every one else here I have been here long enough to see that no one here knows shitt only what they read and copy. If I am wrong show me.
Well speaking for myself the first part of my post states that I did go to 3 different Bell World Stores and asked about the card swap Thats is hardly copy and pasted info . I also gave the link to where i got the other info from. http://sattv.lounge0101.com/ I will say tho that the people working at the stores I went too didn't know when the card swap would really take effect. Again that is NOT all copy and pasted information.
Nagra 3... hasn't that already running in Europe??? If I am not mistaken, that already has been broken. possibly my mis-understanding, if so my bad!!!! nub.
Well unlike some people that Do ONLY COPY AND PASTE info....Like I mentioned I went out and asked the right people at the right places. NONE of my first part of my post was found on the internet but IN THE STORES THAT I PAY MY BILLS TO! If I can't trust them then who can you trust to get the RIGHT INFO from? I am not dissing anyone in this tread/forum but posting what the store workers told me. After all I AM A PAYING CUSTOMER. Why would they lie to me? BTW... thank you! devin and sada
METALLICA .she is the 1 always said LK know sh1t I wasn't referring to his info on this matter, so far he is right. And on a personal note LK is wrong about a lot of MY PERSONAL LIFE thats all i am saying about that matter. Nub2fta this thread isn't about narga 3