TDG talks too much...and always lies...and to the Feds, saving his own he's a regular at FFA which only can mean that the site is in the toilet...along with ftahq, and total, and thetotal...
and sure, they'll have a simple fix from this soon, its the only onces that got hit...this was not a major ECM...shows me that VS and SV are hitting bottom and furthest away from a real emu....its pretty bad when Pancrap has a better fix than you..
I staying with the CW and CNX as the best and closest to full emu...
ok is the bin for VS EXtreme dbpsw-080226x good or bad ? .... I got it on the 26th but have yet to load it. I read that it isnt a good bin and that we need a new factory bin now. Is this true?
Doreen why are you want to load that old bin?? new Extreme bin are already out DBPSW-080301X DN & Bev Fix...i am using it right now work pretty good..try to load the new factory bin first than load this new bin