does anyone knoe nfusion mastercode as i am unable to see po*rn as its locked with a parental code and somehow the code got messed so if some one can help that would be great
of course its 0000 and a factory default/reset will return it to the default 0000 code.....a deafault reset will always bring any reciver back to its default code...FTA 101....nalin quit posting bogus info and start reading and learning..
and if ya don't know, just admit it , and say I dunno..but quit giving bogus info all the time ..and stop c/p all my info after I post serves no purpose then..
there is actually no mastercode for nufion.. only factory default can bring ur nfusion rec back to fractory default and like many other recivers defualt password is oooo unlike some other recievers have mastercodes, this feauture is not available on nfusion.. for nufusion u have to do a factory default and scan channel again to make it work...
if 0000 is the default code, thats the same as the master code...just like with any receiver's master code, unless u change it and forget it..then U use default/mastercode was the situation here in this thread...
Thank you, Sada. I guess you have Nfusion and other don't. I am thinking of recommending it, but with this new Nagra 3 coming up, I will wait for more info.
LK i am not sure never tried that but i think that other rec like viewsat mastercodes unlock the channels.. no need to rescan channels.. on other hand nfusion rec have not this option, you basically have to do afactory default,then press menu,ins oooo code and then rescan sat agains.. thats what i meant by mastercode.. nalin you are welcome..lets see how nfusion handles nagra 3 ... if its still up.. then i thinks best reciever ever..