LK: You just made $20,00 in your ftaprosupport fraud. Did you buy out with that money? Watch out for LK's new games of cheating people of their money. She is a big fraudster.
Warning there is a long time scammer who is now a supermod at ftalife. This guy has been around along time and has stolen from the members of many sites over the years. Here is a list of usernames that he has used on various forums.
"Warning there is a long time scammer who is now a supermod at" ftaprosupport. "This guy has been around along time and has stolen from the members of many sites over the years. Here is a list of usernames that he has used on various forums." Known past names: LK Largo Key Key Largo thill1951 thill storyteller anonymous WortHog MrPig Fumb Duck
nalin...why don't you just admit that U have been recommending a site with a known scammer, "pepsi drinker" at ftalife...instead of HIJACKING this thread, bashing me and making up lies ..U bring nothing of value to the table or this thread....
Obviously your interests here are self centered, and NOT for the good of the group..
LK: You will not get attention off yourself by attacking me. These are childish attempts. The simple fact is that you knew for over a month that ftaprosupport site was fraudulent, and you deliberately tried to entice people from Ecoustics to join it.
LMAO! Nalin is bashing LK now ... for the past few weeks ... it was my time and now it looks like LK ... who's gonna get a headache from this NALIN ... Nalin ... c'mon ... there's no point of fighting ... be happy .... LK good 2 see u back ... try staying here ..... u r a good helper ... cya