To All Site Owners! To all other sites owners!!!!! ALL stop the rumor no arrests ever happened!!!!! NO sites understands how bad it is to make rumor like that. IF feds take this seriouse, everyone whos linked in this community will have to reided!! I will warn again everyone, but wont repeat! Everyone plays danger game without knowing it!!!! TO all site owners -------------------- REMOVE Blacklist busted all the opened threads!!! Always welcome to put the thread if you have actual files! But Stop playing danger game in a FTA Community!!! --------------------------------------- post in couple sites already! Asked to remove that bullshit thread!!!!! But dont know what will be their respond! ------------------------- Nice Game by the way! My turn Regards, Blacklist
From Blacklist!!! - 02-20-2008 Sorry for the delay since it took some time for me just to make sure all the BS and rumors going round over net. Guys and girls, just be happy. Nothing to be concorned of. Engineers are working on BEV fix too now and it will take a couple of more days with the new EMU. It was a little break for all the way for our goal.
No other camp/team seems concered about this rummor. The "Koolaid cult" doesn't control us or other sites.Go back to Future and drink some more koolaid . CRYING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED HERE !
be positive man, give the man some credit and a break to come with fresh news. i dont doubt that this bullsshit about him getting busted is not other thing that people who owns pansat and get desperado of not viewing tv.
cmom fta is a hobby , u re taking it to far throwing rumours about someone that doesnt make u any harm at all. on the contrary makes u possible to watch tv without paying a Pucking miserable dollar. come back to earth and be realistic!!
I agree, then BL should stop bullshiting ppl about the full emu crap too. He's bullshitted and started rummors before himself . Remember the super bin promise YEARS ago ? Being realistic he can't even fix the epg problems and bugs in every bin they produce.Now he's gonna have full emu ? LMAO It's not possible , it's the nature of the beast .
Posted at **--- **--- **--- **--- **--- **--- **--- **--- **--- From Blacklist!!! - 02-20-2008 Sorry for the delay since it took some time for me just to make sure all the BS and rumors going round over net. Guys and girls, just be happy. Nothing to be concorned of. Engineers are working on BEV fix too now and it will take a couple of more days with the new EMU. It was a little break for all the way for our goal.
Thank you.
Maybe BL should concentrate on his "full emu" or just release some new "patch bins "and not worry about rummors .
You heard wrong. Blacklist is a Korean with a Black belt and that is why he is on the list The President is in consultation with the Military advisors and planning a strike against Korea for harbouring this fugitive from American justice for having killed thousands of clones. The Chinese government is supportive of the US initiative and has offered (undisclosed) help.
MclickASS , i think ur primary problem with blkkiast is personal because i see u re marketing and in that website normally blklist publish the bins. what is ur problem dude? re u jealous or something i m tired of u crying and gossiping around. U RE A PATETIC BIN!!!!!! and dont created by blklist, it is 4 sure.}
Free satelite TV and you're whining about the EPG? You are kidding,right? If the EPG is that big a deal loosen up and spend less than 175 bucks (thats less than you WOULD pay in 2months)for another brand. Its like a stealing a car and complaining that there isn't enough gas in it. Take a breath and realize what you spent and what you recieved. Did you get more than 90 days use out of you Pansat? Well you're ahead then.
Blacklist is a human, and 1 person who is Ukrainian or Romainian, but 99% sure Ukrainian..
He is NOT Korean, and never has been Korean...LMAO
He has some other coders with him and collectively they are called TEAM BLACKLIST
Mr KIM, a Korean man , is the owner of Pansat, and also a relative (father in law, I believe) of Blacklist's thru marriage..Blacklist works for Mr Kim..
Just wanted to clear that up for ya...and again Nalin gives U people BOGUS info...
Mr. Kim is father-in-law of Blacklist. LK is mother-in-law to Blacklist's sister. Now we know that Mr. Kim is the owner of Pansat and we know a woman posing as Tom Hill of florida born in 1951. It should not be difficult to trace Blacklist and serve a subpoena on him.
Nalin..since U like to provide personal info to the public...expect to lose your computer!!!!...along with your personal info!
U have just committed the worse possible offense to anybody and broken every rule of FTA, DSS and internet shows your character and just proves that U are ONLY here on behalf of the authorities,,,and nobody can now argue that, not even you!
Since I am a MUCH smarter man than you, I have NEVER released any true personal info to anybody here regarding my true name, or year of birth luckily for me your attempt to PUBLICALLY provide the authorities or this site my personal info is useless, but now U have been smoked out of hiding behind that nalin nick, and shown the people here who and why U are really here......goodbye Dik aka nalin...
Well here we go again folks, Bev is partially down and DN will be soon to follow expect both to be all down by 5pm EST today. Not to sure what they are up to yet, but I head it could be a bad one, so lets all sit tight and wait for things to happen. Please don't ask for when files will be out and any post not pertaining to this thread will be moved out. Old files WON'T work to fix this one..FIX COME SOON. Thanks for Oleg Ph.D.
think about; hhmmm, if, for some reason, enough DN legit customers complain they have no tv while an ecm is taking place, they won't do it as often, yeah, NOW NOW: Don't Don't spread this on the net everywhere, where DN personal can read it, hopefully, they won't see it here, be discreet
Post Number: 8356 Registered: Jun-06 Posted on Thursday, February 21, 2008 - 08:24 pm:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony: You don't know that Blacklist is an Armenian; neither does your mentor, LK.