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Bronze Member
Username: Arctick

Post Number: 12
Registered: Mar-07
I don't believe this story but I wanted to share with you. Reason for me not believing this is because most of the Dish box won't be able to process it because they don't have powerfull processor to do it. Make your own judgement
This is CP from other site
this latest ecm is nasty


Well, if timing one map call was not bad enough, the latest Dish MECM requires emulators to time map calls 0x02, 0x07, 0x3B, 0x1C, 0x29 and 0x0B. Map 0x3B is the tough one - similar to Map 0x57 timing in early January which wreaked havoc on the FTA community. The others are just there to complicate matters. Brute force fixes are impossible because they loop through four times instead of just once as they did with the Map 0x57. Coders are already musing that this is the hardest hurdle they have faced thus far. It seems for the moment coders have their backs to the wall. Expect B** to implement this new code within 24hrs. Expect major down time across N. America on all emulator platforms.
The good news is that 5 out of the 6 timer is figured out. now the bad news is the 6th timer on map-3b is the toughest one seen as tough as the map-57 and this is what has coders stuck for now. they may eventualy get this one and a fix but it looks like this time it might be a lengthy wait. Right now generaly it does not look good but keeping fingers crossed and hopefuly the coders prevail again and we see fixes. This was a ace card that DN hidden and got coders by surprised. By the way the word is that some recivers will not make it since it takes a good processing power to run the 6 timers. Also it is said that charlie can increase to 10 timers and if that happen then non of the recivers and emulators have the processing power to run it so FTAs will be in real troubles. So its aheadsup for possible bad bumpy road ahead.
The only sign that ftas will be up soon is when you see DVB emunation goes back up. So until then there would be no fixes because it is belived fta fixes are based on emunation and as in the past after emunation dvb was up we saw fixes afterward. this ecm was a bad one and it took all ftas and even non ftas down. Who could have thought they could do 6 timers running simutaniously cycling through 5 times each. this 0X3B timer is the one that needs tables to be figured out and once it is hopefuly, then the fixes should come soon afterward.
Im not sure why Cyphris said yesterday that there were only 4 map calls w/ timers,and i know that him and Verocity said fixes would be out soon,and i hope they are,but this is one nasty ecm.

Silver Member
Username: Jojogun

Fairfield, CA United States

Post Number: 380
Registered: Apr-06
Why did you feel the need to post this again when it has already been posted here twice?

Silver Member
Username: Leafs

Post Number: 458
Registered: Oct-07
visit for latest files when posted....

Bronze Member
Username: Fattay

Post Number: 33
Registered: Jan-07
Does'nt seem to affect Nfusion to long. How fast/powerful are their processors?
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