did you put in bin149 for the cw700s did you check your seting and you need to give more info did you inable the patch f1 000 on the remote did you try to scan sat again
the newest bin for cw600s is 165 02-04-08 you can get it at craztfta dot com and next time start your own thread this hijacking some ones thread thanks
i got a new captive work 600 s premium i downloade all the software needed and i put in the new bin 1.72 everything was done properly and i blind scanned the echo 3 (61.5 w) channels which it downloaded good.But when i play the channel it says "scrambled channel" what can it be.I had a pansat and i downloaded the bins all the time.But with this box i must be forgetting something can any one help please?
look i gave you ancer on othere thread next time i will not help you start your own thread this is hijacking some ones thread now for the secend time hit f1 000 on the remote this will inable the patch
I have a question regarding card sharing on CW600p, Does it really works and and what does it do, is this something similar to IKS system?. Thanks in advance!!
it was in use about 2years ago in the summer when all fta was dow but when new bins came out there was no need for it you can go read more on it in the old files at f2atv.com i have not heard about it in a long time sorry i do not have more info on it but if you find out more let use no thanks