I have a legit bev box, and a viewsat. I want to split my satelite cable so that I have one dish, and 2 receivers. Is there any way that the guys at bev can detect that I am running a viewsat box as well?
Normally a dual LNB is a good choice - two outputs for two receivers. You probably have a twin LNB - One LNB for two sats (91W and 82W). In that case you need a DP34 switch. Put your BEV receiver on output port 1 and keep it on all the time. Put the new Viewsat on output port 2 or 3 or 4.
If you have a dual LNB you are all set. If you have a singal lnb and dont want to get a dual, you could put a a/b switch behind your 2 units and switch when you want to...this would not be very good,because you could only use 1 at a time.
Get a dual lnb for 20 bucks and run 1 wire to each receiver.
There's no way Bell can detect your viewsat. Even if your running it off the same dish and even if you plug the phoneline into your sub box, bev still wouldn't be able to see the viewsat, it's perfectly safe.
Nalin's and The $mart 1 are right though, if you don't have an lnb capable of handling two boxes you'll need to pick one up.
or if u wanna be cheap and not use ur name(Money) Just put a splitter u can find it at Dollar Store But the signal strength will be not good...... use money lol
I have 2 LNBs, and 4 wires coming out of them. I am using one of each (2) for my bev disect switch. I take from what u are saying that I can connect the other 2 to a switch for my viewsat box, and all will work out?
You already have an absolutely fabulous setup. You have two dual LNBs. so all you need to do is connect up the new receiver exactly like the other one using a new DisEwC switch.