Ftahq.com it's enought


New member
Username: Plymouth

Quebec city, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jan-08
in my System Setup, what i see where it spposed to be the satellite name [link removed], i never download from this site, and it's impossible to receive Dish 110 and 61.5 autoroll always.
Viewsat Ultra, HH90 fortec 36" QPH-031}

New member
Username: Plymouth

Quebec city, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jan-08
what is the best for reset factory, by null cable or USB

Gold Member
Username: Saqeeb9000

Post Number: 1684
Registered: Oct-07
factory reset.. u can do it using remote.. by menu ins, factory reset...
factory reset is different than factory bin installation..
factory bin is that what u can do it with usb or null either ur choice...
if u are having problems just do a factrory reset (bu using remote) and then install new bin...
if it still doesn't solve ur problem intall factory bin and latest bin again..

and don't go to www.ftahaq.com (its hijacked)
try www.desifta.co.nr

Silver Member
Username: Way2smart


Post Number: 605
Registered: Oct-06
yaa u wanna sta away from the ftahaq and try desifta much better and more reliable for files and other needs

New member
Username: Thugged

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jan-08
you guys do know that this is a one time thing right

the reason it says ftahq in your menu is because viewsat wanted to clear up all doubts about its release site, and shut up stupid people

New member
Username: Plymouth

Quebec city, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jan-08
I tested but it does not work

New member
Username: Plymouth

Quebec city, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 4
Registered: Jan-08
since approximately 2 week I have this problem with Dish

New member
Username: Plymouth

Quebec city, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jan-08
hey inconito Gene who you call stupid, what you have for said stupid

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Username: Thugged

Post Number: 6
Registered: Jan-08
i didnt call anyone stupid

New member
Username: Plymouth

Quebec city, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 6
Registered: Jan-08
OK GENE but they don't solve my probleme

New member
Username: Plymouth

Quebec city, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jan-08
i have created a new satellite and blind scan 110W and this is solve.

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 7460
Registered: Jun-06
Considering the number of viewsats that have been sold, I see very few complaints about DN or BEV scanning, in this and other forums.
Something must be working right.

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Username: Pro5188

Louisa, Ky United States

Post Number: 1
Registered: Aug-07
ha plymouth i to have sean this in my ultra to day in the top right where it show what sat you lock on it show [link removed] and that the first time its bin there can any one tell me why

Silver Member
Username: Razzorwyre

Post Number: 169
Registered: Dec-07
I also have the latest bin for Ultra with www.ftahg.com coded into the menu screen. And in fact it DOES work and has no freezes glitches or anything. I have even d/l it from a few different sites and it has the same coded into the menu so relax and watch tv.

New member
Username: Pro5188

Louisa, Ky United States

Post Number: 2
Registered: Aug-07
ok this a good one i went to a site that says its total f t a , and it telling everone to stay away from this site [link removed] . it say it a bad site . if so then why does this site come up in my ultra reciver . me i think the site totalfta site is bogest a bad site ./ the www.ftahQ site i belive is the real site . so watch out

New member
Username: Grxmites

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jan-08
thats actually the official site for the viewsat recievers... it used to be totalfta then that got hijacked, then it went to thetotalfta and now its ftahq hence why it has that on the menu... if u go to totalfta they ask u to reregister where as if u go to ftahq it already has your old login...

that should clear it out for you

Bronze Member
Username: Plymouth

Quebec city, Quebec Canada

Post Number: 13
Registered: Jan-08
my viewsat work fine on Bev Dish and Globecast
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