I've been trying to get my son to teach me to do my own box, as he does it all; therefore, I am clueless. So, he decides today is the day and throws me the cables as he is laughing his head off watching me not knowing what I am doing. He tells me here you go, you have to learn and leaves! This is ALMOST comical, if it wasn't pathetic. LOL
So, I did download the file (pansat2500a converted to 2700) and manage to plug in the cable to the box and computer.
So, can someone point me in the right direction, links, instuctions, anything! LOL
He is POSITIVE I will not be able to do it. Hmm...hope he isn't right.
Keep everything connected. Make sure the power is off on the receiver. Open the loader program . Select file using the loader. Hit the transfer button then turn on the power switch on the back of the receiver. You should see the file loading . After that turn the power switch back off then on again after you get everything connected.