So after winds here I'm almost certain that the dish got moved.. I connected the lnbs straight to receiver and still get no 119 or 110. My friends dish got moved also but he's on legal BEV so he's not affected..
would the dishpointer,com help?
S 43 and Q 00
in other words nothing
How do i re direct the dish so it's back on receiving the channels?
Well I'm not an expert at all and don't know much about it, but since no-one else is answering... I would find the option in your reciever that shows signal strength. I'm guessing it'll say zero. If your pretty sure your dish has been moved by wind, you could likely guess which way it shifter from the way the wind was blowing? I would mark it witha pen and loosen off the bolts and shift it slightly, ch3eck signal, shift it slightly, check signal etc. Just make sure to mark your original spot well. The only way I can think of without a portable tester on hand.
But those with more knowledge please correct me if theres an easier way :-)
If you haven't already you should make note of your settings on the dish. Write down your elevation and skew. Also, make sure that the mast is level.I just installed my new dish 1000.2 and it was kinda hard but as I look back it was really easy. Go to dishpointer like African stated. Adjust your dish to your address that dishpointer gives you.