Archive through July 23, 2007

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  Thread Last Poster Posts Last Post
Don't buy from Sony. Ripoff.Tigger Fuzzmew Kitty1
Enable sound through HDMI on OPDV971Htim1
Samsung HD870jayne vanleer1
Rechargeable batteryjake faust1
Don't buy Cyberhomeshane monteath144
HDMI audio questionDennis Michael Wiley6
DVD in 480pDavid Massey2
DVD/SCART Problem - Help!Glenn Bendle1
Sony DAV-HDX267W unlock??kmizuno1
Unlocking my lg dvd ns9421pReeza1
Need advice on new source players...BigPoppaphile7
Problems with Sony DAV-S400Angie1
Universal Player with Random Play TScott1
Toshiba SDP1700 unlock code neededCamil1
Help with Hitachi DV-P543Uriddhish ruparelia1
All region for sony dvp-ns55pGeorge Bunceanu1
Denon DVD-800 player...Tom Cat1
Dvd unlock code please!kat m1
Unlock codeThandi Logan1
Help with JVC TH-S55 DVD PLAYER Nicole Brooks4
Magnavox combo DVD/VCR/TVJulia Lansden1
Unlock region code for Magnavox DVD playerigor kak2
Code for Panasonic SA-HT930 & SA-HT640 Please?Ricky Ollivierre1
Compatibility between lg dvd palyer and shaw remotelarry pearson1
Multi Region Hack for Bush DVD2051DIVx neededPaul Simpson1
Toshiba SD38VB Multi Region hack neededPaul Simpson1
DVD VCR comboDavid Massey2
Optical data to good/cheaper DVD players, make not too much diffren...David Massey6
Unlock RCA RTD 210Marian festugato de 1
Toshiba SD-P1707 PORTABLE DVD --> UNLOCK??Daniel1
Font - MPEG-4 to Font, TV to Fontpenggao1
Techical HelpKing Tapeman4
Cannot get DVD player to play on older GE televisionDavid Massey2
DVD data discshane monteath4
DIV-Xshane monteath4
Opening a bose 321 DVD case.Rick MacDonald6
Dvd-video - hddvd or blueraydisc is it a big leap?shane monteath1
Pioneer DV565A blacking outDavid Goodall1
DVD PlayersLuis Eduardo Lodono1
Need Durabrand AD980BD hacksally fawcett1
LG LH-W750TA Unlock CodeDean Jame Lewis1
Hooking up DVD player around DVR boxDavid Massey6
Unlock region codes for PDM-0084: 8" Portable DVD panasonic dvd pla...leslie2
I made a DVD disc, but can't be played in my Sumsung playerkendybech4
DVD player thru RF modulator is B/W w/ green/purple.zipi dachimp5
XMS 777 dvd player wont load disc.... HELP!!!!Sharon Stephenson1
Anyone own the Toshiba HD-A2?David Massey1
Pioneer DVD-R won't accept security code.Adam G1
DVD to VHS w/comboJexx3
Oppo Digital DV-981HD??Jim Bob Jones4
Denon 1920 and Toshiba 50hp66keith p1
LG DV8721P unlockcam1
Compatibility between DVD playersDavid Massey4
SONY DAV- fx888luke reid1
Language change for the PD040922Leonard Jeffrey1
Language change for the PD040922Leonard Jeffrey1
Panasonic DVD combo NV-VP32 H07 Error FIXroger c1
Finalizing problems pioneer dvr 320Monty Ratliff1
Denon DVD-3300Andrew2
Help w/ Panasonic DMR-ES 15 Region Free...Andrew2
Panasonic DVD-s75 region-freeAndrew2
Hookup Xbox 360 to Magnavox DVD player/recorder Darlene William1
What would your dealer do???Wolfman3
Somebody help me to unlock a philips lx36000d?ROMEY3
Friends Scene-It gameCharles Collins1
DvD HookupDavid Massey14
LG DV-8700C: Problem playing dvdsMarco Parrini4
HDMI dvd player help needed...Jim Bob Jones10
Panasonic DVD S97 HDMI OutputJim Bob Jones5
Sony dvp-ns300 patch?Berny5
Pioneer DV490V-S unlock help needed!!Luis Paz1
Unlocking a Pioneer DV-490?Luis Paz2
Lg dvd 6354Anisa Setka1
Transferring 8mm casetts to discsusan m glass1
Ago.Home theatreWestcott2
Best dvd/sacd comboWestcott6
How to make Panasonic SA HT 290 region free?fabi fernandes1
Oppo OPDV971H image flickering at 1080iRyan Traeger1
DvD HookupTerry Roek1
Multi region code for sonyAhmad1
Simple samsung problempaul smtih1
DVD/VCR Set upPaul Williams2
Panasonic asemble questionPaul Williams1
Unlock code for JVCJulie Simpson1
Help PLZ with Panasonic Dvd PlayerDavid Massey5
How can I watch 1080i upconverted through my component cables?David Massey6
Toshiba 7990: XviD playback is stretched vertically -- Thoughts?Bloom County1
Blue ray discsMarc Sherman49
Solving the DVD region lock nonsenseMaz1
Multi-region code for Toshiba RDXV45Colin Jones1
Unlock Sony DVP-NS 36jitka peeters1
Alba DVD 73ewan hugh harper2
Yamaha DVDs w/HDMI - remote hacks?: region 1 to region 0 Kevin K. L.1
Lg tv/dvd combiSteven Kelly1
Sharp DV-NC70 Need help to unlockRobert Lane1
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