if he is ill. then my prayer with him. But it seems bs to me. first holydays then pa ill. Now he will come up with other excuse for not writing the code.
the pancrap 2121 has enough mem. LOL It will come... whatever the reason... it doesnt matter. If u get a fix now, u will just be more pissed when it goes out on Saturday. There are still a lot of channels up on DN
some things were brought to my attention, and some things I felt needed laid out to all. Hope this helps a little and will be my last message of any sorts about the entire issue.
As far as the site goes, it was ONLY the domain name that was taken, not the server, so we do have the same IP and same server as we have for years now. This site was started 2 years ago mid December of 05. It was started with a couple of very helpful people I brought in (Warthog & Dipper), and then added some excellent other mods to help us grow. All our mods have been here for sometime, most all of you know who they are, have dealt with in one fashion or another. This is the same site that has been running since that mid December day, some long nights, the typical naysayers, the website attacks, the heavy traffic. Nothing has changed, except for the domain. thetotalfta.com is now what we call home, not gonna make excuses, get offensive. It happend, nothing we can do to fix it right now. The entire site is the same, look around people, moderators, forums, splash page, entrance page, sponsors... it is all 100% exactly the way it was before the domain name changed. I guess its hard for me to understand how so many things can be exactly the same and the only thing different is some low life who wants to steal states his site is down for upgrades, yet the original server is running flawless, not down for upgrades, just under a different name. the old site posts files with altered coder files (file inside the zip that tells about the changes in the fixes)
Take this all into consideration, understand what we have had to go through, not only this past week but the past 2 years building a great site for all to enjoy, a great site that most have learned to love and respect.
Thanks for your time and hope this opens the eyes of many more.
Happy new years and we are all hoping on a rocking 2008!
wilcoxen: i just fond out the viewsat coders dad past on tonight so we will have to wate a little longer for a fix and i under stand way i wont be thinking about a file right now if it was me
<+joker007> [ User peak in #totalfta: 863 (03/01/08) ] <!the_dss_guy> just here to dispell the death rumor <+kob> Bar-bee-q...some folks here will never be pleased...even if were up all year and would have one glitch...they would still b*tch about it <!the_dss_guy> coders father needs operation but is doing fine <@bar-bee-q> I know <@bar-bee-q> lol <@dragonman> good to know <!the_dss_guy> k <!the_dss_guy> i'm out <!the_dss_guy> bbl