Hi, guys. I've had my nfusion for about a week now and thought I'd share my experience with it:
1. There is a 1 to 2 second pause when using IKS and switching between channels. If you are using EMU (not IKS) then channel switching is instantaneous.
2. Colors are vibrant. Kudos to nfusion in this respect.
3. The power supply on the unit sucks. It runs very hot and I am having issues with my disecq switch that I never had with my other receivers. I'm told this is due to noisy power (there is a capacitor fix for those who are experienced in mods).
4. Internet bin update feature saves some time when having to upgrade the bin. (Note: initially you will have to load your bin from your PC)
Overall, I'm pleased with the unit because of the high level of uptime. However, I have no EPG steaming from disecq/power problems. Maybe the Neosat has a better power supply?
The answer is yes to all. The receiver is an FTA receiver just like any other, so you have access to true-FTA sats as well as to BEV & DN with the modified bin. I do see "motor settings" in the menu.
I have standard lnbs, so lnb type is not the issue. The issue, I believe, is diseqc command signaling getting misinterpreted, between the receiver and the switch due to noisy power. My options are: upgrade to a higher quality switch, or, reduce the noise by installing some filter capacitors.
It's really too bad about this crappy power supply issue, because I really miss the EPG.