Where to Go?


Bronze Member
Username: Antidot


Post Number: 18
Registered: Jul-06
Wassup PPL.
So, where to go ? which site is good for FTA (files) right now?
please post it here... let's make new collection!

Gold Member
Username: Rtap


Post Number: 1492
Registered: Jan-07
Data Viewing Sequences
[link removed]

or get Keymaster 4.0 here free and NO registration is required...
[link removed]

Bronze Member
Username: Antidot


Post Number: 19
Registered: Jul-06

Gold Member
Username: Rtap


Post Number: 1494
Registered: Jan-07
your welcome

Silver Member
Username: Kirankumar

Post Number: 212
Registered: Oct-07
this is really good info.thanks

Gold Member
Username: Rtap


Post Number: 1496
Registered: Jan-07
your welcome african.remember to always go to the homesite first for files.

Silver Member
Username: Pulp_fiction

Post Number: 814
Registered: Nov-07

New member
Username: Juventus

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-07
yo pulp
dsscommunity is not scam or spam page it's just like totalfta and al7bar

Silver Member
Username: Pulp_fiction

Post Number: 816
Registered: Nov-07
Any site that charges for the work of others is a scam....

They charge for so called "vip" access to download bins.......

Bronze Member
Username: Taran420

Post Number: 31
Registered: Jan-07
-totalfta is never up these days,
-same with al7bar,
-future is also down,
-dssrookie wants you to become a "VIP" if u want to access thier forum in peak hours
-ftabins also asks for moeny if u want in on peak time
-f2atv is slow as hell and only wants to hear good things about co*lsat

You guys seriously need to update that list which you COPY AND PASTE all the time, like seriously do you even read what you post...that stuff is stoopid, adn then u call legit helping sites SCAMS......if u have good knowledge then post the s*it that works...some of the sites i prefer is [link removed], purefta (even though they do close it and want you to beome VIP....but i find [link removed] always open no matter what, and the staff is pretty good aswell...its my opinion, now its up to u guys to listen or disregard it

Bronze Member
Username: Taran420

Post Number: 32
Registered: Jan-07
i agree with pulp, if u charge for VIP access then its a scam....if not then in my mind, they are good to go

New member
Username: Juventus

Post Number: 2
Registered: Dec-07
yo pulp

just to update you and not to be mean
"no they don't" because I signed up(long time ago) and no money was involved.(and they do have the files faster than totalfta). Believe me I've been in the business for about 10years know and will "never" "ever" pay for a file. The only problem is that people don't have patient when it goes down, remember this is all FREE and will be around when we all are all gone from here, trust me, so let's all get along and work together and not as enemys take care and keeping watching for updates cheers

Bronze Member
Username: L_k_lives

Gold Member

Post Number: 34
Registered: Dec-07
Wassup PPL.
So, where to go ? which site is good for FTA (files) right now?............................................................................ ...................

FANTASY ISLAND comes to mind

Silver Member
Username: Pulp_fiction

Post Number: 817
Registered: Nov-07
"no they don't"

You must be BLIND !!!! READ THIS


Gold Member
Username: Rtap


Post Number: 1497
Registered: Jan-07
taran you are the spammer.after you blah blah blah its funny how you plug in your site.when the shhit hits the fan every site gets busy and difficult to get in.i've never paid for any site and i download from many sites.so don't preach what you don't know.i trust the list i posted and so do others if you don't want to pay then don't its that simple.

New member
Username: Juventus

Post Number: 3
Registered: Dec-07
yo pulp
not dsscentral/net but dsscommunity/com
theres a difference

Silver Member
Username: Pulp_fiction

Post Number: 818
Registered: Nov-07
they one in the same....


New member
Username: Juventus

Post Number: 4
Registered: Dec-07
no trust me their different cheers

Silver Member
Username: Pulp_fiction

Post Number: 820
Registered: Nov-07

They on the same sever different ports...
one is the extenstion of the other..

They charge for access...

bottom line... they SCAM...

New member
Username: Juventus

Post Number: 5
Registered: Dec-07
yo pulp
what ever, I know what I know and you know what you know as long as we help each other out then that's all i care about, people can go were ever they want to get a file doesn't bother me cheers
go leafs go
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