BEV Down with 17th BIN?


Silver Member
Username: Leafs_wingp

Post Number: 176
Registered: Sep-07

Silver Member
Username: Birdwatcher

Post Number: 579
Registered: Jul-06
What the f.uck kind of thread is this. Your a f.cken idiot!!!

Silver Member
Username: Leafs_wingp

Post Number: 177
Registered: Sep-07
The same kind of thread that someone with the name vandiesel would respond to... and that's a total fukcen hick thread.

Your Father's Motto: Why go across the street when you can go across the hall.

sniff my sack David Van Diesel

Forever Young... VanD... the main man! Speed date lately?

Bronze Member
Username: Princealbert

Post Number: 13
Registered: Dec-07
yes it is down

Silver Member
Username: Leafs_wingp

Post Number: 178
Registered: Sep-07
Thanks for the response... as apposed to our friend above... the VanD... oh yeah!!! VanD in tha house...

Silver Member
Username: Pulp_fiction

Post Number: 800
Registered: Nov-07
the VanD... oh yeah!!!

did u get the license plate number of that truck that ran u azz over

Silver Member
Username: Leafs_wingp

Post Number: 180
Registered: Sep-07
Why would he come on here to mouth off... oh wait I know why... most people do...

I love it! Gotta do something when the dish is down

Bronze Member
Username: Razzorwyre

Post Number: 88
Registered: Dec-07
I didnt know Charlie Ergin's username on here was!!

Bronze Member
Username: Coolgoose

Post Number: 69
Registered: Jun-06 posted the Dec17th bin file on their home page just an hour ago. Can anyone confirm whether BeV is working with this bin now?

Bronze Member
Username: Thadragun

Kingston, Ontario

Post Number: 40
Registered: Mar-07
Totalfta is just REALLY slow with thier updates. No point in going there for any fix... by the time they post it, its down again.

Bronze Member
Username: Chicken_little

Post Number: 21
Registered: Dec-07
total is sucking hind tit now and also mentioned in viewsat lawsuit - FTA FOR is better for viewsat and sonicview

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 6100
Registered: Jun-06
New BEV Viewsat fixes at 5:39pm today

Latest News: Dec 17 2007 5:39pm EST
BEV UP with files below
Charlie Premium & PPV DOWN
Viewsat Extreme / Viewsat Platinum
Viewsat Ultra / Viewsat 9000 HD
Viewsat PVR 7000 / Viewsat Pro

Silver Member
Username: Mrsofty

Platinum VIP Member

Post Number: 105
Registered: Nov-07
Nalin if your gonna post mis information just post it once _FTA Gear Auctions
FusionFTA - Not gonna do it

Bronze Member
Username: L_k_lives

Gold Member

Post Number: 26
Registered: Dec-07
I fell for the bin at total but its just rolling.

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 6105
Registered: Jun-06
Dudley: I DO NOT post misinformation.
It was straight from the totalfta site
So if you do not want to see for yourself that is your problem.

You are posting typically like LK. always putting others down without reason. You better QUIT this nonsense.

New member
Username: Mikdadog

Post Number: 5
Registered: Dec-07
I tried it on the X and the HD and I still have limited Dish still there but BEV just keeps (sing it!) "rolling, rolling... rolling down the river..."

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 6118
Registered: Jun-06
To the skeptics:

Look at the following BEV PID 0907 changes today.

BEV NEW PID - 0907 {Last update: Mon. Dec 17, 8.16AM EST}
Key 00 (86):
52 46 C0 90 54 78 B1 47 9E 13 9A A8 46 E2 63 AE
Key 01 (96):
60 B8 E2 A1 25 9F 09 6F FB 9B 30 FF 61 95 EE 65

Bell ExpressVu New PID - 0907 {Last update: Mon. Dec 17, 1:42 PM EST}
Key 00 (86):
52 46 C0 90 54 78 B1 47 9E 13 9A A8 46 E2 63 AE
Key 01 (96):
CD 13 C6 F3 0E C6 F8 E3 2E D8 4C 8D 5B F6 B0 E5 New

Note the date/time stamps </b>

That is why the totalfta post of BEV Fix has been proven wrong. I had asked you skeptics to post what your receivers are showing. But you were too busy to post that and just waiting to pounce on people.

Totalfta announced BEV fix early morning. This wasnullified by BEV with new Key 01 on PID 0907
Then Totalfta announced a fix again at 5:30 PM. BEV had the new Key01 in the works and they activated it after the announcement by totalfta.

Neither is totalfta cheating you nor am I !! Bev is keeping a step ahead of the game.

Gold Member
Username: Donnie1973

Post Number: 2268
Registered: May-06

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 6121
Registered: Jun-06
Blind skunk!!!

Silver Member
Username: Bill038

Post Number: 269
Registered: Sep-06

Gold Member
Username: Donnie1973

Post Number: 2273
Registered: May-06
LMAO... u got me with that blind skunk comment nalin. I bet that one is like the worse thing u can call someone in the iranian middle schools?

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 6126
Registered: Jun-06
Hugh G. Rection and dantetn : You remind me of the LK/PRJ team I had to deal with in the past.

Absolutely and stubbornly blind and deaf to any kind of intellectual input.


Gold Member
Username: Donnie1973

Post Number: 2275
Registered: May-06
LOL... posting bins that dont work is intellectual???????/ LMAO
Maybe in guam, or whatever country u are from... maybe

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 6128
Registered: Jun-06
dantetn : posting here is not going to get your ex-boyfriends attention. You will have to get him back from the 15 cheer leaders he is after.

Gold Member
Username: Donnie1973

Post Number: 2278
Registered: May-06
are u one of those chearleaders?? I think there has been enough people on u tonight... u lost all credibility tonight.

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 6133
Registered: Jun-06
You can keep you stupidity to yourself. You know you are jealous of the girls in the pictures your boy friend posted and you were not in it.

Silver Member
Username: Bill038

Post Number: 271
Registered: Sep-06
She just confirmed tonight she has no credibility

Gold Member
Username: Donnie1973

Post Number: 2281
Registered: May-06
Cmon nalin... dont change the subject... u are a fool and everyone knows it... 6000 posts of crap... and looking for a man

Bronze Member
Username: Coolgoose

Post Number: 70
Registered: Jun-06
Well Nalin u are a gold member so please behave like one.
When everyone is saying that the Dec 17th file is not working why are u still posting it in all the threads and why is LK being dragged into all this. He had enough so he left.

Gold Member
Username: Donnie1973

Post Number: 2282
Registered: May-06
blind skunk... LMAO

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 6136
Registered: Jun-06
cool goose : The facts should be looked at and analysed.
1. Totalfta is the reputable site for Viewsats.
2. They did have a fix for BEV early this morning.
3. They were foiled by BEV later in the day with new keys on PID 0907
4. They did fix that again and posted a fix at 5:39 = according to them there was a fix.
5. Bev countered with another key change and activated it after that time and made the new BIN ineffective.
6. I did ask these clowns to be alert about the PID 0907 changes, but they were too interested in their internal fights.
7. I posted what I saw from not just a trusted site but THE SITE for Viewsat fixes.

Some of these people are remnants of LK's wolf pack, and have known nothing but a wolf pack attack and stubborn refusal to look at facts. They do not understand that this is co-operative effort. They want to get post count up and keep their status with each other rather than with the truth.

Silver Member
Username: Kirankumar

Post Number: 208
Registered: Oct-07
you are a jerk.when was the last time you helped anyone? by the way Nalin is a guy and he is go f+ck yourself and don't bother coming back to this site.ill f=cking take you you on you mother f=cker son of a b=itch

New member
Username: Drunkenmonkey

Post Number: 2
Registered: Dec-07
Nalin, nalin, nalin.....the entertainment never stops does it.....There are many other reputable sites which for the past month have reported fixes for VS in a MUCH more timely fashion. The PID 907 fix made availible by Total was elsewhere several hours before they posted it (and yes it contained the same keys) As far as being a Gold Member you carry on the same way as everyone else here with the childish banter and insults. Really the only value I gain from you is purely entertainment. You are not innocent, you ALSO degrade the Co-operative effort which is FTA.

Bronze Member
Username: Extremex

Post Number: 78
Registered: Nov-07

VS only released 1 file today. The file on the toltalfta now is the same one from this morning.

I just confirmed this with "Beyond Compare"

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 6141
Registered: Jun-06
DrunkenMonkey: You are drunk as your name suggests, and I will talk with you if and when you are sober.

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 6142
Registered: Jun-06
Not Today: Thank you for your information. If people like you keep an eye on the two major sites and and keep on posting relevant information, there would be much less headache.

This is what I mean by co-operative effort.

New member
Username: Drunkenmonkey

Post Number: 3
Registered: Dec-07
And your response confirms what I was trying to say, Nalin the name calling etc, is everyones nick an extension of their knowledge or experience? But keep up the charade.

Bronze Member
Username: Freelance

Post Number: 22
Registered: Nov-07
Not Today, I've been saying the same thing since his first post on the subject at 5:39 this afternoon, how come Nailin' Nyda thanks you, but has been pig-headedly obstinate in his refusal to admit his mistakes to me (and dantetn) and the rest of this board??

LOL.. don't tell me YOU'RE Nyda... lol ... just kidding

Bronze Member
Username: Extremex

Post Number: 79
Registered: Nov-07
Maybe cause everybody is a bit on edge at the moment with no tv.

I am currently watching the game on nfusion and am relaxed. ;)

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 6143
Registered: Jun-06
It is no mistake for a newsman to post a story from Reuter. (although the story may later turn out to be wrong)
It is no mistake for a reporter to report what the White House says; (although the White House may be wrong)
In FTA terms,
it is no mistake to report what Totalfta says about Viewsats; (although totalfta might turn out to be wrong)
it is no mistake to report what future-fta says about Pansats; (although futuer-fta might turn out to be wrong)
it is no mistake to report what BL says about fixes and 2 weeks; (although BL might turn out to be wrong)

There are second level sites and people where you investigate more and then there are the third level, who are usually bad or wrong and you ignore. The second level are scamming here all the time and responsible people ignore it instead of reprimanding them.
There are posts from third level sites as well and people seem to tolerate them! Better bring rationality to your critisisms and analysis.

There is a methodology in reporting and I have not exceeded my mandate.

Bronze Member
Username: Freelance

Post Number: 24
Registered: Nov-07
Nalin, ever heard of "Investigative Journalism"? The best reporters don't repeat verbatim every rumour they hear, they check the facts.

If someone tells you "you made a mistake", why don't you correct it by checking your facts and saying "sorry" if required?

Now toddle off and be a good boy.

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 6144
Registered: Jun-06
I have just told you that
"There is a methodology in reporting and I have not exceeded my mandate."

When Whit House says "Iran has nuclear capability", journalists - good ones - do not go and do investigative journalism. They scramble to report it to their paper.

You toddle off to a journalism school.

Bronze Member
Username: Freelance

Post Number: 25
Registered: Nov-07
Nalin.... LOL...
Why do you think you have a 'mandate" to post crap? Where did you get this "mandate" anyway?
Do you even know what a "mandate" is??
I'll give you a hint, it's not what you and your boyfriend get up to on a Saturday night (Man Date).

New member
Username: Drunkenmonkey

Post Number: 4
Registered: Dec-07
First it is THE WHITE HOUSE we are American, second "You toddle off to a journalism school" is degrading another members opinion, intelligence etc. thus taking away from the collective power of the co-operative group, thirdly any decent reporter WOULD NOT report a nation as having nuclear capabilities without having some kind of definitive proof, it would create mass hysteria and chaos, no reputable paper would report any such story without some sort of proof. Once Nalin, enough said. You made a mistake, but I'm sure from what I've seen from your posts you will come back with insults of some sort when a simple......hey everyone I guess I WAS MISTAKEN is all that is needed to settle this and move on to something more constructive.

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 6146
Registered: Jun-06
Hugh G. Rection is a person with exactly 23 posts and claims to know a lot. has been the site for Viewsat information and files and continues to be so. whether or not ineffective BINs were posted is NOT the issue. They struggled and came up with solutions twice and were forstalled by BEV. I do not see in their action any intention to deceive anybody. It is not in their interest to do so. Even if made a mistake, it was a mistake that hurt them most.

However, it is in the interest of some of the new posters here to try and disrupt this site. They have the following characteristics:-
1. Initial behaviour as newbies quickly changing to giving advice and making authoratitive statements.
2. Attacking established posters and advisors.
3. Inability or faked inability to see reason.
4. Always a pretense they have no interest at heart except yours.

These people are to be seen as what they are and treated with disdain and sent back to the sites where they came from. There is intense competition of getting new members at all the FTA sites, and traditionally Ecoustics comes under instant attack to gain membership. Ecoustics has a very easy going policy about accommodating all types of members, and can withstand such attacks, if we can all recognise these trouble makers and get rid of them.

To the newbies and old posters returning here, I will say this: You are welcome, as long as you show good manners and behaviour and try and get solutions to your personal FTA problems. If you have ability to help others, use it positively by helping, not by abusing others or attacking other members.

Bronze Member
Username: Smoke74

Post Number: 13
Registered: Oct-07
should we have any reasonable expectation to think that we might be able to get maybe a week of continuous dn and bev service without disruption.....

Silver Member
Username: Rufa33

Post Number: 214
Registered: Jun-06
Nalin, we got spammed recently with many fake and crazy people. So cool off, they are just impostors.

I advice you not to react to them.

I always liked you and LK. Any useful information positive or negative were always welcomed. Just want to say, thank you.

Bronze Member
Username: Freelance

Post Number: 27
Registered: Nov-07
Nalin you are a twat.

I have been lurking here for 2 years, and only recently decided to register so I could post about how much of an idiot you are.

You are a complete tool. You are so full of sh!t, and have posted so much nonsense that you are starting to believe your own stories.

Give it up.

You are PAINFUL to read, and you haven't contributed anything of any worth in a long, long time.

Not that I believe that anything of value that you have posted was an original thought, because your greatest strength is your ability to Copy & Paste the thoughts of others.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again... "If you make a mistake, correct it and say 'sorry'"

WTF is so hard to comprehend about that??

Now, Piss Off!

Gold Member
Username: Nydas

Post Number: 6154
Registered: Jun-06
Hugh G. Rection aka pfj:
Go back to you hideout at
I will not tell anybody that you live in America and not off-shore as you try to fool others.
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