Silver Member
Username: Leafs_wingp

Post Number: 167
Registered: Sep-07
I am down with Dec 7th files... dare I try the 14th again?

Same time as last Sunday...
Two weeks in a row... down on Saturday at 7:30ET
Down on Sunday at 7:30ET...
Trying the Dec 14th files again

Bronze Member
Username: Mrsofty

Platinum VIP Member

Post Number: 65
Registered: Nov-07
yes try em and let us know

Bronze Member
Username: Xanadu25

Post Number: 18
Registered: Dec-07
dec 14th and dec 5th fixes both do nothing.. shes down

Silver Member
Username: Leafs_wingp

Post Number: 168
Registered: Sep-07
14th is a no go...
Going to try the other two... the 9th and the 12th
cross your fingers
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