kris on the box of your fta does it say free bev or dish on your box mine did not so you can get free tv if you move your dish to 110w or 119w all is working good on dish the coders are working hard to get better fix for all so move your dish or us it for what it is made for fta the coders owe us nothing and one day this will all be gone and somthing new will be out so be cool and bins will come out try to have a nice day
Well Guys and Gals, The word is B3V might be down for a couple more days.The coders are waiting to see what DN has in store this week before they bother fixing B3V. They are also taking this time to try and make us a bit more stable fix. What B3V did over the weekend is on Saturday,12/08/07, they changed from using mecm40 to mecm60(there have to do with the processing of the video) and they are code. A few week ago they added a Timer function,and if this wasn't properly coded in our BINs,this would result in no video or picture.The Timer is a math function, the last few "HIT" they have done to us they also changed the timing on that function.You can think of the Timer as a math equation.If you don't have the right answer to the math equation,and you get it wrong,you get no video,oly sound.Well, the same theory goes for this new ECM. now yesterday what B3V did was they changed back to mecm40 and once again changed the timing,or in other words,changed the math equation again.
So just sit tight and as soon as files are ready they will be posted here on this site. DN will most likely do their change todays. So please don't ask when files will be release. as soon as they are done they will be here as soon as we get them.
More than likely the new BINs will fix both B3V and DN when they are release. Please be Patient,and we will wait and see.We have seen many worse situation than this.