I Wish Dish would go down


Silver Member
Username: Leafs_wingp

Post Number: 121
Registered: Sep-07
Come on Dish, fail, fail, fail...
Us BEV users need a fix and we need to be inundated with all of the "new bins yet", "where are the new bins" threads we all love...
Talk on here now is BORING.

Gold Member
Username: Rtap


Post Number: 1427
Registered: Jan-07
tell me about it.it only gets interesting when the shhiit hits the fan.thats when people start crying for help.lol

Silver Member
Username: Birdwatcher

Post Number: 563
Registered: Jul-06
its not like you bung holes help anyone anyway. in all your use of fta terms you lose everyone.

Silver Member
Username: Leafs_wingp

Post Number: 124
Registered: Sep-07
I totally agree... if BEV was up I wouldn't even be on here. This fills my lack of TV void...

Also... BEV stands for Bell Expre$$ VU and Dish is Dish Net...
sorry for being to technical with my FTA terms

Gold Member
Username: Rtap


Post Number: 1428
Registered: Jan-07
i don't recall ever being disrespectful to you.if you don't understand fta terms go to the many fta sites and read to familiarize your self with the language.its not my fault you don't understand.

Gold Member
Username: Ke5aqn


Post Number: 1887
Registered: Sep-06
c&p from another site, thanks to Satfinder1.

Dish/ Bev Terminology

Alias: Dish, DN, dish net, Chuck, Chucky
Details: Similar to "Dave" for DirecTV, only Charlie Ergen is a real person. He is the CEO of Echostar, the company that owns Dish Network and supplies equipment for Bell ExpressVu.

Term: BEV
Alias: ExpressVu, Bell, XVU, Boris, Boris & Natasha
Details: One of the two satellite providers in Canada. All of their equipment is made by Echostar and they use the Nagravision encryption system (the same used by Dish Network). For testers, this provides the advantage of cross-compatibility for all receivers, cards, etc.

Alias: cheat card, Rom 2, Rom 3, Rom 10, Rom 11, Atmega, AVR, emulator, Guardian 2, Casper, DSSRev, Rom X
Details: The collective term that refers to any device used to decrypt Dish Network or Bell ExpressVu programming.

Alias: none
Details: A black (although sometimes blue) card with an Atmel chip that is designed to simulate the functions of a smart card. The unit completely replaces the smartcard and requires no additional equipment other than a special inexpensive programmer. It is the most commonly used method of testing.

Term: AVR
Alias: AVR3, AVR6, AVR8, AVR9
Details: Stands for Audio Video Replicator. A card that fits into the card acceptor on the receiver that requires the original smartcard to be attached to it. It is a stand-alone unit that contains an Atmel chip and programmer. It uses the smartcard to acquire essential receiver information but allows the user to open all available channels.

Alias: Rom 2, Rom 3, Rom 10, Rom 11, E3M
Details: Dish Network or Bell ExpressVu smart cards that have been hacked and re-programmed to receive all available channels.

Alias: WinVu, cemu
Details: Instead of using stand-alone cards, the receiver is hooked to a computer via a card-sized interface that is inserted into the receiver card slot. Software programs such as WinVu (Windows-based) or Cemu (DOS-based) allow the computer to mimic the functions of a smart card.

Term: IRD
Alias: receiver
Details: Stands for Integrated Receiver Decoder. It is your receiver.

Term: CAM
Alias: card, smartcard, access card
Details: Stands for Conditional Access Module. It is the smart card produced by Dish Network or Bell ExpressUu.

Alias: none
Details: Levels of programming that can be purchased by Dish or BEV subscribers that correspond to program packages.

Term: JTAG
Alias: none
Details: Stands for Joint Team Action Group. It is a simple device made of five resistors and a DB-25 connector that, when attached to specific points on the IRD mother board, allows the receiver to communicate with a computer.

Term: bJTAGi
Alias: buffered JTAG
Details: A JTAG device with a power supply (buffer) that some believe is more appropriate for programming a receiver with a computer than the simple JTAG device. There is considerable debate on this issue but in the end it is a matter of personal preference.

Term: TSOP
Alias: none
Details: Stands for Thin Small Outline Package. It is the chip inside the IRD that contains the software necessary to run it. A JTAG or bJTAGi device is used to read from or write to the receiver's TSOP.

Alias: none
Details: Stands for Electronically Erasable-Programmable Read-Only Memory. There are actually two locations that this term refers to. The first is the flash memory on a smartcard, Atmega, or AVR. The second is a chip inside the IRD that contains user information such as parental lock passwords, channel guide type, channel order, and VCR timers.

Alias: TSOP dump
Details: This refers to the binary file created when you read your TSOP with a JTAG or bJTAGi and save the file to the hard drive on your computer. Reading and editing such files requires a program called Flash Edit or a hex editor.

Alias: Receiver number, CAID
Description: The serial number on your receiver. It is important to have this number both in decimal (example: R 00 1234-5678-90) and hex (example: 01 AA BB CC). Use the scientific functions on the Windows Calculator to determine your receiver number's hex equivalent.

Alias: none
Details: The secret keys contained in each receiver's firmware that identify the particular IRD when used with test cards.

Alias: cam ID
Details: A special ID number printed on the back of the smart card. Begins with S 00 for Dish and S 04 for BEV. This number is stored on the EEPROM of the test card but is not located anywhere on the TSOP or IRD EEPROM.

Alias: none
Details: A four-letter code that identifies which factory batch your receiver belongs to. It is printed on a tag pasted on the surface of the IRD mother board.

Alias: none
Details: a code that has to do with allowing the receiver to power up and access the programming on the TSOP.

Alias: none
Details: Refers to changing the IRD number, box keys, build config, and bootstrap in a receiver's TSOP to match that of another. The end result is that test cards may be used interchangeably between the cloned receivers, rather than making it necessary for each receiver to have a test card unique to that receiver. There really is no benefit to this other than convenience.

Term: ECM
Alias: zap, hit
Details: Stands for Electronic Counter Measure. It is an attempt by Dish Network or Bell ExpressVu to disable units receiving unauthorized programming. Typically, a code is sent to the receiver's TSOP and/or EEPROM that renders the unit unusable. A JTAG or bJTAGi is used to fix an ECM'd TSOP or EEPROM.

Term: NAG
Alias: none
Details: A "lesser" ECM. It shows some sort of error message on the screen but the software on the TSOP and EEPROM remains intact. Reprogramming the test card with the latest fix is usually required to eliminate nags.

Alias: none
Details: A software code that circumvents an ECM or nag.

Alias: none
Details: receiver modifications that must be made to prevent ECMs or nags. Often involves cutting traces, removing resistors, or installing various circuits and gadgets.

Alias: none
Details: The software on the TSOP that allows the receiver to run. Subject to upgrades which are sometimes favorable but often intended to disable hardware fixes.

Alias: nagless TSOP lock, DL
Details: A circuit that prevents Dish Network or Bell ExpressVu from writing ECMs or firmware upgrades to your TSOP.

Alias: stream
Details: Stream of data that Dish Network or Bell ExpressVu uses to communicate with the smart card or IRD. All authorizations and updates to cards and receivers are sent via the stream. Unlike DirecTV, the actual decryption is done at the receiver end rather than at the transmission end of the datastream. The object of DTV testing is to "fool" the datastream into decrypting the channels. With Dish/ Bev, you are instead manipulating the receiver and card to unlock the goods. That is the primary difference between the Nagravision system and the Videoguard system that DTV uses.

Alias: none
Details: A code that prevents Dish Network or Bell ExpressVu from writing to or locking a smart card.

Alias: Locked Rom 3, Locked Rom 10, Locked Rom 11
Details: A card that has had its backdoor locked through the datastream by Dish or BEV to prevent tampering. Usually requires a dealer to unlock so that it may be used again.

Alias: Marked Rom 2, Marked Rom 3
Details: A code has been written to the one-time programmable section of the card that permanently flags the card for an ECM. Requires a special software fix to be written to the card. This primarily affects Rom 2 and Rom 3 cards since they were used during a time before blockers were introduced and thus allowed Charlie to write to that sector. Rom 10 and 11 cards became hackable after the advent of the blocker.

Alias: none
Details: The card has lost its ATR (Answer to Reset) and has gone into a "loop". The card cannot be used until unlooped, usually by a dealer who provides unlocking service. Dish and BEV are not known to loop cards through the stream, so looping is usually done by the tester due to carelessness when programming the card.

Alias: none
Details: The software used to program smart cards.

Alias: none
Details: The software used to read a receiver's box keys, as well as read from or write to the TSOP and/or EEPROM. Used with JTAG or bJTAGi device.

Alias: none
Details: The software used to program an AVR or Atmega.

Alias: none
Details: A Windows-based software program used to perform Emulation.

Term: CEMU
Alias: none
Details: A DOS-based software program used to perform Emulation.

Term: xCEL
Alias: none
Details: A software program used to read/write smart cards. Less popular than NagraEdit, but in the author's opinion best for programming Rom 2 cards.

Alias: RTM
Details: A software program that creates tiers to be written to test cards. The documents created by this program are written to the appropriate devices using NagraEdit or Jeepers.

Alias: none
Details: A software program that is used to read the TSOP bin and make changes in specific locations such as the IRD number, Box Keys, Build Config, and Bootstrap. It is primarily used for cleansing the TSOP bin of an ECM but can also be used for cloning.

Alias: none
Details: A red Atmega-like card that has the ability to run virtually the same as a Rom 3.

Alias: none
Details: Another sibling of the Atmega family that comes with auto-detect capability and claims to be compatible with Rom 101/102/103 cards when the time comes that that will be necessary.

Alias: none
Details: A security measure known to Dave testers for years, it is the process of sending customers a new unhacked card to replace an older, fully-hacked card. When all customers have received new cards, the data stream that supports the older cards is usually discontinued, making it necessary to find a hack to the new cards in order to resume testing.

Alias: Nag-1, Rom 2/3/10/11 stream, Blue card stream, 1800 stream
Details: The first-generation Nagravision encryption system that has been fully hacked and is the basis of all testing methods currently used as of 4/04.

Alias: Nag-2, Rom 101/102/103 stream, Yellow card stream, 1801 stream
Details: The second-generation Nagravision encryption system that was introduced in 2003 and currently as of 4/04 has not been hacked. At this time, this stream is being sent along with Nagravision 1, but as soon as the card swap is completed, most channels will switch to Nagravision 2 exclusively.

Alias: none
Details: A 5-byte code written to the section of the TSOP bin where the ECM code normally goes in order to prevent an ECM from being written to the TSOP.

Term: DVB
Alias: none
Details: Stands for Digital Video Broadcasting. This is the video format that has become the standard for digital compression, replacing the older DSS standard that DirecTV uses. Dish Network, Bell ExpressVu, and many Free-to-air services use the DVB standard.

Term: DVB-S
Alias: none
Details: A PCI card that is installed into a computer that is used to receive DVB-formatted satellite television, including Dish and BEV. These cards are manufactured in Europe for the purpose of receiving free-to-air channels and subscription services using an additional hardware device for smart cards. They are not manufactured for the purpose of testing.

Term: DVB-CI
Alias: none
Details: A conditional access module that is connected to a DVB-S card to enable the authorized reception of Pay-TV.

Alias: none
Details: A software program designed to enable a DVB-S card to display encrypted programming without the use of a DVB-CI module.

Alias: none
Details: One of two DVB display software programs used extensively in North America.

Alias: none
Details: One of two DVB display software programs used extensively in North America.

Alias: soft mode
Details: A DVB-S card that does not contain a video processor and therefore uses the memory and CPU resources of the computer it is running on. Requires more memory and a faster processor. Examples are the WinTV Nova and the Vision Plus. When used with DVB display software, it is necessary to have the proper codecs and graphs installed on your computer.

Alias: hard mode
Details: A DVB-S card that has its own processor and memory and operates similar to a conventional receiver. Hard mode cards can be used on slower computers. Examples are the WinTV Nexus and the TechnoTrend. When used with DVB display software (such as MyTheatre and ProgDVB), hardware mode cards can be used in either hardware or software mode.

Alias: none
Details: Stands for Digital Satellite Equipment Control. It is a 2-way or 4-way switch necessary to hook up two or more LNBs to a DVB-S card. This is not the same as an SW-21, SW-44, or other switch manufactured by Echostar and used for Dish Network or Bell ExpressVu receivers.

Term: FTA
Alias: ITC
Details: Stands for Free-to-Air. It means the same thing as the term "in-the-clear" from the old C-Band days. It refers to channels that are unencrypted and do not require a subscription to receive them.

Alias: DVB receiver, MPEG-2 decoder
Details: A digital satellite receiver designed for the reception of free-to-air broadcasts. As with DVB-S cards, they are not manufactured for the purpose of testing.

Alias: none
Details: An FTA receiver that has been modified to decrypt Dish and BEV signals.

Silver Member
Username: Scabz

Knoxville, Tn Us

Post Number: 140
Registered: Oct-07
Who cares about bev ? Just get Dn if bev don't work.

Gold Member
Username: Ke5aqn


Post Number: 1898
Registered: Sep-06
Bev is great. It has programing that is not on any other satellite.

Also we have alot of users from Canada and their locals are on it for news,weather,sports..

so who cars ALOT of users thats who

Silver Member
Username: Leafs_wingp

Post Number: 130
Registered: Sep-07
American TV blows son... BEV rules!

Bronze Member
Username: Whodatbe

Post Number: 51
Registered: Aug-07
BEV, has CBC, Hockey Night in Canada, nuf said!

Bronze Member
Username: Whodatbe

Post Number: 52
Registered: Aug-07
well i guess you can probably get those games on DN to, but... still... BEV rules!

Silver Member
Username: Cntrlaltdel

Post Number: 166
Registered: Nov-06
I wouldn't p1ss on the best part of that commie sanctioned piece of sh1t known as BEV, which is clearly the p0rn... in fact that's why I have FTA, to get real channels like HBO, not watered down pathetic Canadian versions like Movie Central.

by the way, Your Mother... are you that stupid that you don't know HNIC is on Center Ice Saturday nights on D1shnet... move your dish to 119 and shut up... it'll get fixed when it gets fixed!

Silver Member
Username: Scabz

Knoxville, Tn Us

Post Number: 141
Registered: Oct-07
Who cares about canada ? Not me.

Silver Member
Username: Saqeeb9000

Post Number: 718
Registered: Oct-07
scabz.. u know bev 91 has so many channels and its much better than any other sat..

Gold Member
Username: Dude123

Post Number: 1556
Registered: Jul-06
for sure BEV is better than DN. DN doesn't show sh!t all what so ever.

Silver Member
Username: Cntrlaltdel

Post Number: 168
Registered: Nov-06
You must be speaking of azz fu cking... cause that's the only thing BEV has over DN. Canadian television is just 90% American programming on fewer and sh1ttier channels... are you people retarded?

or are you all foreigners watching that sh1t on 81?

Silver Member
Username: Mclinkus

Post Number: 221
Registered: Mar-07
the conversation here may suck..

check out [link removed]

for more then noobs askin for help

also tester

those terms you posted ..

wouldnt it be nice if the terms were highlighted and linked to in all threads on a site. simaler to a wiki..

they are at

[link removed]

Gold Member
Username: Donnie1973

Post Number: 2206
Registered: May-06
Someone tell me whats on BEV and not dn please.
I am curious.

Gold Member
Username: Ke5aqn


Post Number: 1909
Registered: Sep-06
go to



remove *

I do not think anyone wants to go through channel by channel and compare what DN has and what BEV has..would take day's so just go look at what's their..

Gold Member
Username: Donnie1973

Post Number: 2210
Registered: May-06
No, I dont expect anyone to do that...
Just some main channels... and 8th HBO?

Gold Member
Username: Ke5aqn


Post Number: 1914
Registered: Sep-06
about 300 not on any system except bev

mclinkus are you wanting to go to war with me? I have played nice so far but that can change..

Bronze Member
Username: Razzorwyre

Post Number: 54
Registered: Dec-07
I thought the lame mcspamus had left. Oh well here we go again

FTAVIEW.COM is not a trusted site be ware when viewing it

Gold Member
Username: Ke5aqn


Post Number: 1924
Registered: Sep-06
he is driving it hard thats for sure they must pay him alot

I need to go over their and do some advertising for total tonight i guess LoL

Silver Member
Username: Destine0429

Quebec Canada

Post Number: 363
Registered: Dec-06
*Not bashing the USA but*
Canada rules. Not just on the tv part. And we're not as stupid as you people come to think "Canadian Eh?"
BEV has alot of things to offer that DN doesn't.
Check back in the threads from the past few weeks, months, years even. And you will see how many more people are asking for a BEV fix instead of a DN fix.
Azz fu kcing hahaha! Last time I checked, I seen a hell of a lot of that on DN po rns too.

Uz Canadians gots smarts ta ya heard?

*rolls eyes*

Bronze Member
Username: Joeturn

Post Number: 77
Registered: Apr-06
I would like to point out that the word "GLITCH" never appeared on the termanology!!

That is because it was a farse;) yest like the Spotbeam!

Can I get a hail yea out of that HEX
how about 1 whose ya DADDY

Bronze Member
Username: Joeturn

Post Number: 78
Registered: Apr-06
Just for the sake of argument! I would like to say that Foxtel has most every thing your looking for But a true FTA is needed! DBS providers get all their programing off FTA sats and reproduce them in a selective program that is most profitable to its intended audience!!

your welcome
joeturn PHD

Bronze Member
Username: Joeturn

Post Number: 79
Registered: Apr-06
Ahh heres a link of all the sats and their complete foot prints! I found it over in the wikipedia section @ ftaview


me and UNK knows which one is foxtel

Gold Member
Username: Ke5aqn


Post Number: 1932
Registered: Sep-06
Once again Joe were are you getting your information? This Foxtel sat is very out of the USA area...

Foxtel is a subscription television company in Australia and most of us here in this forum are in USA so it has not much to do with what we are doing..


Bronze Member
Username: One_eye_jack

Post Number: 98
Registered: Nov-07
I am not bashing the Candians that post here.
Just the dummies. I can do this all day,but for now I will only talk about FTA....TV.
Your are saying that Bev,s has more to offer then Charlie. You all sound like a bunch of kids, my dad is better then your dad. OK like what?
besides Poron and some French channels.
Almost half the people that live in Canada are from Asia.What birds carry the most International
channels and Sports? Even the paid Canadians
give Charlie a USA address in order to receive
Dish Network channels.

Bev's two 2 Small Birds about (600) channels.

Charlie's Big Birds nine 9 I don't have the time
to count all their channels but, I did count Echo's 7 and 8/10 little over (700) channels.

Now tell me, who is better my Dad or your DadUpload

Silver Member
Username: Pulp_fiction

Post Number: 674
Registered: Nov-07
The only thing better in canada right now is the dollar...

Silver Member
Username: Leafs_wingp

Post Number: 137
Registered: Sep-07
Canadian programing is way better than American.

If I wanted to see a Hinterland's who's who... or a Canadian Heritage moment I wouldn't be able to on BEV...

Sports channels alone make BEV the better choice... what about censorship... if you say poo on American TV or show a bum crack the FCC gets inundated with idiots mouthing about the children...
Maybe I want to see boobyes and hear Fukc every once in awhile on a TV show... The Daily Show and Colbert Report aren't censored in Canada late at night...
and Americans think they are free.


P.S My Mother is less suttie than Your Mother...

Silver Member
Username: Leafs_wingp

Post Number: 138
Registered: Sep-07
Half the people living in Canada are Asian? Ok there buddy... you've been living on the west coast far too long...

% of Asians in Canada = 2.5% (If you count illegals... maybe 4%)

WOW... that's a lot.... Yukon you are a statistic genius...
I can through out a general statistic that is complete bull$hit...
Everyone living in Yukon is cold.

Bronze Member
Username: Razzorwyre

Post Number: 55
Registered: Dec-07
Well technically you can show your azz and say whatever you like on pay tv, mainly its just the networks that the FCC will get you for. Hell I have seen way more than a crack on the p0rn channel ;)

Silver Member
Username: Cntrlaltdel

Post Number: 169
Registered: Nov-06
Canadian programming is American programming you idiot... with the exception of a few poorly produced Canadian shows on CBC that absolutely nobody watches up here.

Bronze Member
Username: Razzorwyre

Post Number: 56
Registered: Dec-07
I also looked up the population percentages for canada and the total asian population is around 6-8 percent. Just thought everyon would like to know. Now as for the up to date figures, I am sure that percentage is higher since that was a 2003 posting.

Silver Member
Username: One_eye_jack

Post Number: 101
Registered: Nov-07
For mother
Canada has the highest per capita immigration rate in the world, driven by economic policy and family reunification; Canada also accepts large numbers of refugees. Newcomers settle mostly in the major urban areas of Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal. By the 1990s and 2000s, almost all of Canada's immigrants came from Asia.

BTW when you say sports are you talking about football,hell all your football teams are made up from players that couldn't make it in the NFL.

...................To go any farther

Silver Member
Username: Leafs_wingp

Post Number: 140
Registered: Sep-07
If by football you mean soccer, then no I wasn't talking about that... if by football you mean the circus that is the NFL then I definitly wasn't talking about that.
CFL is way more exciting.
How about that Miami Pittsburgh game.... EXCITEMENT!
Hockey and the sports shows on the three Canadian 24/7 sports channels is far superior to anything on ESPN, or any other crappy network in the states.

Who cares about the Red Sox, Yankees, Cowboys, Patriots (though what they are doing is amazing)... only people in the states.

I prefer and enjoy my Canadian TV.

There are far more immigrants in the States than in Canada. Illegal or not.
Per capita... maybe...
In Canada we call ourselves Canadians... not Irish/German American or French/African Americans... if you were born in the States you are American.

Mr. Dressup Rules therefore BEV rules.

It's quality over quantity here...

Silver Member
Username: Cntrlaltdel

Post Number: 171
Registered: Nov-06
This guy is a total moron... besides hockey, TSN is filled with ESPN programming and fu cking curling. Sportsnet shows regional hockey and the rest of its lineup is poker and FSN programming.

Besised the American channels on BEV, it's filled with channels showing the exact same programs... the reason being 75% of Canadian networks are owned by the same 3 companies, and they cross all their programming on every channel they own, be it network or specialty channel... it's pathetic.

American television alway has ans alway will be light years ahead... that's why Canadian T.V. is 90% American, and the number of Canadians pirating American signals have always been huge!

Silver Member
Username: Oleg1474

Florida Usa

Post Number: 551
Registered: Aug-06
Posted on Thursday, December 13, 2007 - 09:20 pm:

12/13/2007: 1000 Software Version L4.35 for ViP 211/DISH 411
Effective Thursday, December 13th, Engineering plans to spool the FULL PHASE of software version L4.35 for the ViP 211/DISH 411 receiver. This is primarily a non-forced maintenance release available at ALL satellite locations.

At this time L4.35 will be the valid software version for the ViP 211/DISH 411. Thank you !! Oleg PHD.

Silver Member
Username: One_eye_jack

Post Number: 112
Registered: Nov-07
For Your Mother
I guess with Bev down you miss your por*n channels
I have always hated to see a grown man cry so maybe this will help. A gift from the USAhttp://tgp.89.com/?a
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