convert bl27oo bin to ariza 700 this converter will allow the original remote from ariza 700 to work with modded bins with no mods to the inside of your unit you must tag to pansat and run only these new modded bin
the advantage to this is simple 1 no more ariza crappy bins (no offense to Mingo ) 2 picture more clearer 3 once bl releases 2700 bin you can fix it for your self 4 channel scan in minutes
well it is up to you WARNING: Use all files at your own risk. Attachment Issues? File Type: zip (795.3 KB, 143 views)
How to mod and compress 2700 to 2500 bin by FWANK7 That is what FWANK7 has to say:
I am hoping the mods leave this thread Open for discussion if it generates enough interest as it will be a pain to try to bounce between the Fortec Owner's and the Pansat 2500 owners not to mention the Pantec or Ariza Owner's.
Before I begin after you have learned how to mod and compress the 2700 bin I ask of one favor. Before posting any bins you mod and compress PLEASE take the time to test the bin file yourself on your receiever before posting your bin. PLEASE don't be in a rush so you can be the first one to get people TV as you may be the first one to KILL there reciever's. Remember alot of people have no jtagging experience and it will cost them money to bring there reciever back to life. I Strongly suggest that you have jtagging experience or learn how to jtag before attempting to mod your own bin.
There will be two parts of the how too.
1 Compressing and Modding the bin.(which this HOW TOO will cover) 2 modding the convert_xsc scripts each time a new bin is released(which we will get into later)
Compressing the bin involves programs like lh5 (For compressing the bin ,ran in DOS Command), mod_mtbl, mod_7ff1 (for decrypting the bin ,ran in DOS command) ,TMPGENC and JuegaBin (for changing the background image.) XVI32 HEX EDITOR and Hex Workshop 4.2 for modding the bin.
After we are comfortable with that we will get into the convert_xsc scripts for modding the bin. When using the convert_.xsc scripts the main one to use is the convert_224script that one is a must and has to run over the bin with no errors. The others like convert_217_pw, convert_217_c101_prov, convert_217_Text, and convert_217_bomb don't need to be ran but the other one I make sure I run is the convert_bomb xsc to take the clone kill out. The convert_bomb script has given me error's on the last 4 bins which means there is no clone kill in that address but doesn't mean there isn't one somewhere else thats why it is important to test your bin file first before posting it. the convert_xsc script will need modding when new bins get released but thats the part #2 I will explain when your comfortable doing Part #1 first.
The HOW TOO Mod and Compress 2700 to 2500 bin zip is snapshots I had taken while doing the process and each time I compressed the 2700 bin I found easier ways and elimanating some of the manual calculations (which made it more confusing) that needed to be made with Hex Calculator. I owe a BIG THANKS to Igoreshka and his awesome wife Irine for helping me put all the snapshots together as my brain is on overload from trying to make the conversion easy to understand as possible and didn't want to learn or have time to learn more programs.
Now what I am trying to teach is just the basics and there is alot more to learn about coding as I am doing everyday. This will get you up and running on your own with the help of BL's 2700 bin of course.
One last thing before I start is I want to give a HUGE THANKS to Jvvh5897 because without him NONE of this would have been possible and the Fortec/2500 support would have died months ago and is now lasting a little longer do to Jvvh5897 contributions.
Also a HUGE THANKS to Jeep_YJ and Ukronic who broke it down enough for me to understand, There patience with me and for getting me started as Jvvh is very hard to follow with his words for someone just starting off but that is expected with Intellegence like his.
With all that said I tried breaking it all down even more so more people can get on board and understand and hopefully with this HOW TOO I will acomplish that. So lets get started.
First thing you will need to do is download and Extract TMP ZIP FILE to C:\
I tried making this step easier so I added all the programs you need into a folder called TMP that needs to be added to C:\ for easy access while in DOS Command. You can put all other software downloads on desktop for easy access.
Download the current Pansat 2700 bin and extract it to C:\TMP folder. I have the Original 224 bin in the TMP Folder for practise.
Rename the current 2700 bin (in TMP folder) to BL_224 (We will use BL_224 bin for this example and is already added in TMP Folder.)
When you have all the above done open up dos prompt or command in your computer and lets start compressing.
In dos You should get C:WINDOWS>
1 Type in: cd\ (HIT ENTER you will now have) C:\>
2 Type in: cd TMP (HIT ENTER you will now have) C:\TMP>
3 Type in: mod_mtbl C:\Tmp\BL_224.bin Mtbl_224.bin
a. bin called Mtbl_224.bin will be created into C:\TMP Folder)
4 Type in: mod_7ff1 C:\Tmp\Mtbl_224.bin C:\Tmp\7ff1_224.bin
a. bin called 7ff1_224.bin will be created into C:\TMP Folder) Close Dos.
5 Open XVI32.exe (hex editor) click file and choose 7ff1_224.bin that is now in TMP Folder. Click on XVIscript then Editor click folder and choose convert_224.xsc found in c:\TMP Folder. Now hit Execute. This will write convert_224 xsc script to 7ff1_224.bin if no errors. Close XVIscript interpreter then click file and (save as) Conv_224.bin in C:\TMP Folder.
Make sure to add .bin at end of Conv_224 in order to make it a bin file so save it exatly as(Conv_224.bin) Now do the same for all the 224_xsc files saving each one as Conv_224 bin in C:\TMP Folder overwriting the previouse one. but only if there is no errors. Not all xsc scripts need to be ran but convert_224.xsc is a must with no errors. Now close XVI32.exe (hex editor).
6. Now I change my background. You need to take the image you want and cut it down to 448 x 336 in size. Use TMPGENC to take the 448 x 336 image and change it to a video file. Once you have the video file close TMPGENC.
Open Juegabin load Conv_224 bin,click on "create new bin" then click "Image" choose the 448 x 336 video file you made using TMPGENC. Must be perfect size and length if it is save as Conv_224 bin that you just opened (found in C:\TMP folder) select yes to overwrite it when asked.
This step is not necessary if your not worried about changing your background image. If not worried about background go from step 5 to step 7.
7. now Open Hex workshop and open the Conv_224 bin found in C:\TMP folder. Scroll down the bin (about 3/4 of the way down) until you see the code end with numbers (Usually at 70 000) and the FF'S start. Leave 20 bytes of FF ( for every (2) FF equal 1 byte so you leave 40 FF) put cursor on the 21 Byte of FF ( 41st FF).
Go to EDIT, then select block. When Select box pops up make sure (HEX) is checked and also (ending position) put in beside (BLOCK) 000DFFFF (ENDING OF BIN CODE)
You will notice everything high lighted from that address to the end of bin code.
Go back to EDIT and choose cut. Push (ok) when it ask are you sure you want to delete. Then save as 0 to C:\TMP.(Yes just "0" (zero) no other name.) Close Hex workshop.
8. Open DOS command prompt again.
Type c:\ (enter). Then c:\TMP (enter) you should now have C:\TMP>
now Type the following.
lh5 a C:\Tmp\New_224.bin C:\Tmp\0 (enter)
a. bin called NEW_224 bin will be put into the C:\TMP folder). Close Dos.
9. Open Hex workshop again and choose Conv_224 bin. Then click file again and choose NEW_224 bin. Now you have both bins Open in Hex Workshop.
click on the New_224 bin TAB and go to very bottom of bin and put cursor at the ending of last address and last byte (last numbers or letters). Look at the left bottom you will see offset-------(0x0006608E) (This is what it is for the New_224 bin but all bins will differ). So you take the 0006608E and replace the first 6 with the letter D so now you have 000D608E.
That will be the starting address of the Conv_224 bin.
Click on the Conv_224 bin TAB.Now will begin the select block. Go to address 000D608E and put the cursor on the beggining of that byte.
Go to edit, select block and put in 000DFFFF In the Block section of the pop up box.
Push ok and you will see everything high lited from Address 000D608E to the end of the bin code 000DFFFF. Now go to Edit, then Copy.
Click on the New_224 TAB. Go to the very bottom of the code to the very last byte 000D660E put your cursor on it.
Now go to Edit, Then Paste.
Now the New_224 bin should end on address 0006FFFF leaving address 00070000 blank with nothing in it.
That is the exact size bin we need for the conversion - 448kb.
Now go to file, save as and name it to what ever you want we will use Jvvh_224.bin for this example. Just remember to put .bin at the end of the name you choose in order to make it a bin file. Now close the new_224 bin and the Conv_224 bin in Hex Workshop but Leave Hex Workshop Open.
10. still using Hex Workshop Go to File. Open and choose the new bin you just named and created. Ex.Jvvh_224 put cursor at the start of the bin address (00000000) just before the # 1.
Click EDIT, select block, and put in 0006ffcf in the pop up box Block section push ok.
This will High light the code from begining of address (0x0000) to near the end of code at address 0006ffcf.
Leaving 3 address untouched starting at 0006ffd0.
Now go to TOOLS, generate checksum and pick checksum(32bit) click generate.
After you clicked on generate. Now Look to the bottom right side of Hex Workshop and you will see Checksum-32 Under Checksum/Digest is 03D7C95E (Now this will also differ from bin to bin). Now take the checksum 03D7C95E and plug it into the first 4 bytes of address 0006FFDO. Replacing the 0751 3062 (again this is an example and will from bin to bin differ but will start with 07)
Now go to file and push save (NOT SAVE AS) Just save and now your bin is ready to be loaded to your reciever for testing.
fwank7! WARNING: Use all files at your own risk. Attachment Issues? File Type: zip changing background on (3.01 MB, 166 views) File Type: zip Hex Workshop 4[1] (2.59 MB, 108 views) File Type: zip HOW TOO Mod and Compress 2700 to 2500 (980.2 KB, 107 views) File Type: zip (573.0 KB, 106 views) File Type: zip XVI32 HEX (496.9 KB, 96 views)