International Services Moving to 118.7 Orbital Slot --------------- It's official. Many internationals are MOVING to 118.7 orbital slot. The official particulars are just in:
International Services Moving to 118.7 Orbital Slot DISH Network will begin broadcasting the following International languages from the 118.7 orbital location. This new orbital location will be viewed with a DISH 500+ (which also includes 110/119) or with a DISH 1000+ (including 110/119/129). Look for complete details on these new products this week at Team Summit & the 6/14 Retailer Chat.
The new 118.7 Dish installation kits will be available for purchase beginning on or about June 15th.
All languages not listed below, are currently and permanently available from either the 148 or 61.5 orbital locations.
International languages moving to 118.7 orbital location:
* South Asian -- Kannada * South Asian -- Bangla * South Asian -- Malayalam * South Asian -- Telugu * French * African * Armenian * Filipino * German * Chinese * Korean +++++++++++++
That has been the "news" ever since early 2006. As you can see, most of us will not even be affected if and when it does come to pass.
If the sky does indeed fall on our heads, we will see what's do be done when the time comes, eh?
Let's not be President Bush about this and destroy everything we have out of fear of what could conceivably come in our worst case scenarios.
No one mentioned anything about the HD channels on 61.5. Maybe it's a strategic move to put more Hd stations on there. Sats do have a lifespan of 15 years. I also can only get 61.5 from my location, so I am hoping the Hd channels stay up for the next year or so before I move. I dont need the international ones. HD is great!
If you people are not guessing that 61.5 is moving to 118 other then what they have already moved, put some proof on the table. Hell I can guess too but I have no proof. Ask yourself, why they moved Rainbow 1 there and now move Echo 3 out? I don't think so. King said to make room for HD Channels. Right now on Echo 3 they only using (16) TPs and (12) on Rainbow 1 (10) of them are in HD. They are allow to have (32) TPs on each Bird. Most of the international Channels on 61.5 and 148 are the same, so by moving these Channels in one location between the East and West coast will save them money and spare TPs on these two Birds. NO Proof just guessing.