"(nFusion up on IKS for BEV) all others down- - - dish-Stage 3 *Alert* TV going down. Set back and wait for the fix to come.--bevStage 3 *Alert* TV going down. Set back and wait for the fix to come."
Definitively, nF is my xmas present to me, this year!
There are no new Keys to think about. New keys will autoroll with your current BIN.
E X C E P T BEV has put in new keys this afternoon at Key 01 of New PID 0907 These do not autoroll. The coders are aware of it.
New Keys is NOT the solution. New BINs will be out to correct thatDN is working fine . and in the meantime, you may, turn your BEV dishes 28 degrees further West to Scan DN, if you want to and have permission to do so.
BEV New PID - 0907 {Last update: Tue. Dec 4, 2:05 PM EST}
Key 00 (86): 8E 01 FE 27 88 9F 83 CB C4 AD 85 8C FE 5C 2A 10 Key 01 (96): 68 6B FF 7A E7 7C 5B 22 C8 5E 56 2A 82 9B BE 47