Bronze Member Username: Deborah_adairHollywood, California USA Post Number: 26 Registered: Nov-07 | Naylin Nayda bears false is the originator of a comment he posted I said!!! Roger Quinonez Bronze Member Username: Fahq Post Number: 26 Registered: Jul-06 Posted on Thursday, November 29, 2007 - 03:50 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN ALL OF YOU PEOPLE PLEASE SHUT UP! One ECM and the wohe fta community goes to sh!t. How many were around in the summer of 2006 when we went completely dark for 3 months? Everyone said that was the end of fta, and its been up and running for a year and a half now! Y'all sound like a bunch of whiny little kids. FTA aint going no where. Unless DN sends out new equipment, FTA will continue to go on. The coders have the full EMU of the cards, its only appling each mapcall. So please shut up. AND REMEMBER, NO ONE EVER PROMISED YOU FREE PREMIUM TV!!!!!!!!!!! |
Gold Member Username: NydasPost Number: 5388 Registered: Jun-06 | Deborah Adair : The only person who should apologize is YOU. You jumped in for no reason, and did not say you were quoting somebody else. In any case, when you emphasize such a quote,it becomes your opinion. Roger Quinonez is member here for over a year, and you are a newbie. THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE I have seen your offensive post in the Turkey plane crash thread. Your attitude towards a calamity like that is disgusting. |
Gold Member Username: NydasPost Number: 5389 Registered: Jun-06 | Ecoustics should not allow big ego people like Deborah Adair to post here. |
Bronze Member Username: Deborah_adairHollywood, California USA Post Number: 29 Registered: Nov-07 | You bore false witness...Show me where I disrupted a thread. |
Bronze Member Username: Deborah_adairHollywood, California USA Post Number: 30 Registered: Nov-07 | Until you apologise for bearing false witness...I will continue to hound you. |
Bronze Member Username: Deborah_adairHollywood, California USA Post Number: 31 Registered: Nov-07 | I have seen your offensive post in the Turkey plane crash thread. Your attitude towards a calamity like that is disgusting. I SAID GOD BLESS THEM ALL...then I used some dark humor...hope there was no coders on board....get a life... |
Gold Member Username: Ke5aqnIF I DONT KNOW THE ANSWER, I WILL FIND... Post Number: 1090 Registered: Sep-06 | You two need to find another place to have this fight. Their are are lots of people comming here to this forum looking for answers and seeing you two fighting about nothing is not helping. I expected better from a user that has been around as long as you have Nalin An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who intentionally posts controversial or contrary messages in an on-line community such as an on-line discussion forum or group with the singular intention of baiting users into an argumentative response. |
Silver Member Username: KirankumarPost Number: 133 Registered: Oct-07 | no one is going to apologise to you.if u dont like this forum go somewhere else for help. |
Gold Member Username: NydasPost Number: 5392 Registered: Jun-06 | Deborah Adair is hounding me for the explanation of the following: I admit I do not have the explanation. [102Labels] ;Labels for known 102 Routines 4000=RESET 4505=SendBytesATRC1/0 4ED9=CreatePatchBlock_DataAtX/[a= size of patchdata][x= ptr to patchdata][RC1= patch location] 55D3=EMMBAD_RETURN_CLRBUFF/EMMBBAD 569E=MoveXXXtoRC1/Set RC1 to XXXX/2/XXX 5700=Get2ParmStroreRC1/Get 2 parms and store them at RC1/2/RC1H:L 5776=MoveSegXXXtoRC1/set RC1 to XXXX (+Seg?)/2/seg 57FE=MoveRC2toXXX/Set addr XXXX to RC2/2/XXXX 588E=IncRC1/RC1ADDRH:L = RC1ADDRH:L + 1 58AB=AddAtoRC1/AddAtoRC1 596B=SubAFromRC2/RC2ADDRH:L = RC2ADDRH:L - A 598E=GetNParams/getNparms/1/Nparms 59DA=Clear_RAM/Clear N bytes/2/Params : AddressH:L/1/ Bytes Count (N) 5A3C=MoveZPtoZP3P/Move N bytes of memory in ZP RAM/1/SRC/1/DST/1/Count 5A7D=Copy_RAM_to_ZP/Move N bytes of memory from RAM Address to ZP/2/AddressH:L/1/Bytes Count/1/DestinationZP 5AC0=Copy_to_RAM/Copy 4N byte/1/SourceH/1/SourceL/1/DestH/1/DestL/1/Bytes Count 5BBC=Move_A_RC1_to_X/Move A bytes of memory pointed to by RC1ADDRH:L to ZP starting at X 5C06=CmpZPtoZP3P/Compare ZP RAM to ZP RAM/1/Start1/1/Start2/1/Length 5CAE=Stack_Return_by3parms/stackreturn by 3parms/1/page??/2/New return addH:L in stack 5F23=Erase_RAM_and_Hang/Erase_ram_and_hang 60EC=ClaA0InsCA/0 6DE0=WriteRowEE_AfromXtoRC1/[A=len->EEBytesToWrite][X=src->EESrcPtr][RC1=dest-> EDestPtr] 70A6=WriteRowEE_RC2LenAToRC1/in: a= size RC2 = srcptr; RC1= destptr out:RC1 unchanged; RC2+=written 79D8=GetFirstMatchingItem/in: 4 emb. parms/1/mapped ItemID/1/dest/1/count/1/bitfield4compare Outc=1 if not found 7A95=SW9000_0/Send SW9000 7A99=SW6F00/0 7BB5=UpstatCmpEmmB1_by2parms/get2parms for compare/1/30E8 Upstat Msb/1/30E9 Upstat Lsb 7BD1=Update_Upstat_BY_INC 7BDD=Update_Upstat_BY_INC_From2Parms/Update upstat and inc/1/Msb/1/Lsb 7BEA=Update_UpstatMsb_LsbfromXA_Len02 7BF1=Update_RevlevelMsb_LsbfromXA_Len02 7BF6=Jmp_WriteRowEE_AfromXtoRC1_Init2Len_XRC2 7BFE=Jmp_WriteRowEE_AfromXtoRC1 7C06=Update_RevLevel_from_A_Len01 7C0B=Jmp_WriteRowEE_AtoRC1 7C13=Jmp_Erase_RAM_and_Hang_ 7C16=Jmp_WriteRowEE_AfromXtoRC1_init/Copy 4N byte/2/DST/1/SRC/1/LEN 7C2B=Update_307F_From_PARMS 7C59=Jmp_Erase_RAM_and_Hang 7C5C=UpdateBugTableCHKS/UpdateBugTableCHKS one parms for 3177/1/parms = BugTable_CHKS_Lsb 7C6B=UpdateBugTableCHKS_Msb 7C72=Update_BugTable/Update_BugTable 1parms/1/Update byte 7C80=UpdateBugtableCHKS_Len01 7C84=UpdatePatchtable/Update patch table/1/Bug number postion/1/page/1/RomMsb/1/RomLsb/1/EEpromMsb/1/EEepromLsb 7CAA=Update_UpstatMsbLsb_INCLsb 7CB4=Update_Upstat_From_A_X 7CB6=Update_Upstat_by_ADD_by_PARMS/Update Upstat with PARMS max0F/1/toadd 7CEC=Update_Upstat_from2parms_to_Upstat_Tmp/2/new upstatH:L 7CF9=Update_Upstat_From_AX 7CFF=Update_Upstat_From_UpstatMsb_Tmp/Update from UpstatMsbTmp at 03DD 30DE 7D17=ClaA0InsAD_none_valid 7D1D=ClaA0InsAD_JP_0100 7D22=ClaA0InsAD 7D96=JP_IDLETOP 7D99=JP_EMMBUFF08/0 86C8=EMMDECRYPT_Next 875E=Emmbuff_ByteFlop_tmpcount/0 9569=NEXTEMMCMD/0 9579=GOEMMEND/0 A9C7=StackReturn_by3Parms/stackreturn by 3parms/1/page??/2/New return addH:L in stack [103Labels] 4000=RESET 4505=SendBytesATRC1/0 69C4=CreatePatchBlock_DataAtX/[a= size of patchdata][x= ptr to patchdata][RC1= patch location] 7515=EMMBAD_RETURN_CLRBUFF/EMMBBAD 6B1A=MoveXXXtoRC1/Set RC1 to XXXX/2/XXX 6B5D=Get2ParmStroreRC1/Get 2 parms and store them at RC1/2/RC1H:L 6BD3=MoveSegXXXtoRC1/set RC1 to XXXX (+Seg?)/2/seg 6C5B=MoveRC2toXXX/Set addr XXXX to RC2/2/XXXX 6CEB=IncRC1/RC1ADDRH:L = RC1ADDRH:L + 1 6D08=AddAtoRC1/AddAtoRC1 6DC8=SubAFromRC2/RC2ADDRH:L = RC2ADDRH:L - A 6DEB=GetNParams/getNparms/1/Nparms 6E37=Clear_RAM/Clear N bytes/2/Params : AddressH:L/1/ Bytes Count (N) 6E99=MoveZPtoZP3P/Move N bytes of memory in ZP RAM/1/SRC/1/DST/1/Count 7F4C=Copy_RAM_to_ZP/Move N bytes of memory from RAM Address to ZP/2/AddressH:L/1/Bytes Count/1/DestinationZP 7F60=Copy_to_RAM/Copy 4N byte/1/SourceH/1/SourceL/1/DestH/1/DestL/1/Bytes Count 7F7B=Move_A_RC1_to_X/Move A bytes of memory pointed to by RC1ADDRH:L to ZP starting at X 700C=CmpZPtoZP3P/Compare ZP RAM to ZP RAM/1/Start1/1/Start2/1/Length 70AD=Stack_Return_by3parms/stackreturn by 3parms/1/page??/2/New return addH:L in stack 734F=Erase_RAM_and_Hang/Erase_ram_and_hang 4FF2=ClaA0InsCA/0 5824=WriteRowEE_AfromXtoRC1/[A=len->EEBytesToWrite][X=src->EESrcPtr][RC1=dest-> EDestPtr] 5AEA=WriteRowEE_RC2LenAToRC1/in: a= size RC2 = srcptr; RC1= destptr out:RC1 unchanged; RC2+=written 68DC=GetFirstMatchingItem/in: 4 emb. parms/1/mapped ItemID/1/dest/1/count/1/bitfield4compare Outc=1 if not found 76D2=SW9000_0/Send SW9000 76D6=SW6F00/0 7E6A=UpstatCmpEmmB1_by2parms/get2parms for compare/1/30E8 Upstat Msb/1/30E9 Upstat Lsb 7EC8=Update_Upstat_BY_INC 7ED4=Update_Upstat_BY_INC_From2Parms/Update upstat and inc/1/Msb/1/Lsb 7EE1=Update_UpstatMsb_LsbfromXA_Len02 7EE8=Update_RevlevelMsb_LsbfromXA_Len02 7EED=Jmp_WriteRowEE_AfromXtoRC1_Init2Len_XRC2 7EF5=Jmp_WriteRowEE_AfromXtoRC1 7EFD=Update_RevLevel_from_A_Len01 7F02=Jmp_WriteRowEE_AtoRC1 7F0A=Jmp_Erase_RAM_and_Hang_ 7E00=Jmp_WriteRowEE_AfromXtoRC1_init/Copy 4N byte/2/DST/1/SRC/1/LEN 4FA9=Update_307F_From_PARMS 4FD7=Jmp_Erase_RAM_and_Hang 7E16=UpdateBugTableCHKS/UpdateBugTableCHKS one parms for 3177/1/parms = BugTable_CHKS_Lsb 7E26=UpdateBugTableCHKS_Msb 7E2E=Update_BugTable/Update_BugTable 1parms/1/Update byte 7E3D=UpdateBugtableCHKS_Len01 7E41=UpdatePatchtable/Update patch table/1/Bug number postion/1/page/1/RomMsb/1/RomLsb/1/EEpromMsb/1/EEepromLsb 7EBC=Update_UpstatMsbLsb_INCLsb 7EC6=Update_Upstat_From_A_X 7E86=Update_Upstat_by_ADD_by_PARMS/Update Upstat with PARMS max0F/1/toadd 7F0D=Update_Upstat_from2parms_to_Upstat_Tmp/2/new upstatH:L 7F1A=Update_Upstat_From_AX 7F20=Update_Upstat_From_UpstatMsb_Tmp/Update from UpstatMsbTmp at 03DD 30DE 5B39=ClaA0InsAD_none_valid 5B3F=ClaA0InsAD_JP_0100 5B44=ClaA0InsAD 5BB8=JP_IDLETOP 5BBB=JP_EMMBUFF08/0 B930=EMMDECRYPT_Next B9CE=Emmbuff_ByteFlop_tmpcount/0 8029=NEXTEMMCMD/0 8039=GOEMMEND/0 AE65=StackReturn_by3Parms/stackreturn by 3parms/1/page??/2/New return addH:L in stack 7575=Check Bugtable |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 335 Registered: Nov-07 | looks word for word!!!! ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Tigger_woodsFlutopia Post Number: 185 Registered: Jun-07 | I did not want to get into this, but it is clear to me other than a dark joke after saying God Bless them all, Debra has done nothing wrong. Naylin attributed a comment to her that was said by a previous poster. Naylin was rude to me also for no reason about 2 weeks ago. Naylin why don`t you just apologise, for as she said, bearing false wittness against her. Or is that now allowed here? |
Gold Member Username: NydasPost Number: 5393 Registered: Jun-06 | THE FTA TESTER : There was no need to come to the defense of Deborah Adair. You have started by attacking me as an Intenet troll, when you know well enough that I am not. Looking at the number of posts you are making, and at time for no reason, I am wondering what your intentions are. |
Silver Member Username: KirankumarPost Number: 134 Registered: Oct-07 | the name is 'Nalin' and i hope he does not apologise to anyone.and i suggest you get help elsewhere |
Silver Member Username: Tigger_woodsFlutopia Post Number: 186 Registered: Jun-07 | You are starting to get me annoyed also Naylin, you know that was from another poster. Show some class and apologise to Debra. |
Silver Member Username: Tigger_woodsFlutopia Post Number: 187 Registered: Jun-07 | Roger Quinonez Bronze Member Username: Fahq Post Number: 26 Registered: Jul-06 Posted on Thursday, November 29, 2007 - 03:50 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN ALL OF YOU PEOPLE PLEASE SHUT UP! One ECM and the wohe fta community goes to sh!t. How many were around in the summer of 2006 when we went completely dark for 3 months? Everyone said that was the end of fta, and its been up and running for a year and a half now! Y'all sound like a bunch of whiny little kids. FTA aint going no where. Unless DN sends out new equipment, FTA will continue to go on. The coders have the full EMU of the cards, its only appling each mapcall. So please shut up. AND REMEMBER, NO ONE EVER PROMISED YOU FREE PREMIUM TV!!!!!!!!!!! |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 336 Registered: Nov-07 | Debra is a new shedboi puppet name nalin owes them nothing. |
Gold Member Username: RtapFL Post Number: 1237 Registered: Jan-07 | just apoligize one is coming to your defense. |
Gold Member Username: Ke5aqnIF I DONT KNOW THE ANSWER, I WILL FIND... Post Number: 1091 Registered: Sep-06 | You need to take a deep breath sit back and re read my post........ Mabee I did not make it in kindergarten clear but I think if you read it again you will see what I was saying.. You have been here a long time....don't fall for a troll.....their are a few here today lets all keep them at bay by not playing their games... We have no mods here its up to us users to not fall for the trolls and they will be comming out of the woodwork today with this wait for new bin's taking this long... so in short Nalin take a deep breath, go have a nice lunch or something to relax..and most importantly dont fall for the troll's! We need experanced users with knowledge now more than ever... |
Silver Member Username: KirankumarPost Number: 135 Registered: Oct-07 | you put it well fta tester.Nalin ignore these guys and carry on with the good work u r doing |
Bronze Member Username: Deborah_adairHollywood, California USA Post Number: 32 Registered: Nov-07 | Thank you Tiger for coming to my defense FTA tester When you call someone a troll you should back it up. So you just call someone a troll and walk away. I started out just posting something that I found interesting in the FTA community, Nalin did not like it and attacked me. I made a bad joke ..said I hope their was no coders on the airplane that crashed. I said that after I said God Bless them all. I have been on this forum for many years and I have never sworn or used bad language. I forget my password etc once in a while hense a new name. |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 337 Registered: Nov-07 | Deborah Adair is a shedboi PUPPET!!! O really... U have gone from Deborah Adair Hello my name is Deborah Adair. I am brand new at all this satellite signal borrowing stuff, and am stuck on a couple issues. How do I delete the ppporno? (dirty stuff) How do I get Americaone television? Thanks in advance, I am using a VS Plat Toooooooooooooo the utmost authority on how many coders there are. in less then week There are less than a dozen coders so now the real question is which one of the gaynation members r u I willing to bet seeing the lack of control and ur laziness to correct typo's before hitting submit a HELLO it's LK in drag is due. |
Bronze Member Username: Deborah_adairHollywood, California USA Post Number: 33 Registered: Nov-07 | African Silver Member Username: Kirankumar Post Number: 135 Registered: Oct-07 Posted on Friday, November 30, 2007 - 01:45 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- you put it well fta tester.Nalin ignore these guys and carry on with the good work u r doing If you mean bearing false witness, yes he seems to be very good at that. Just as long as I understand the rulkes here, bearing false witness is allowed, is that it? And not only allowed but condoned by the rest of you it seems. Seems to me a fair minded person would think that attributing a negative comment to another, when everyone can see it was doctored by Nalin, I posted the entire quote several times. |
Silver Member Username: RunnerguyPluto Post Number: 820 Registered: Sep-06 | ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 338 Registered: Nov-07 | Deborah Adair Bronze Member Username: Deborah_adair Hollywood , California USA Post Number: 32 Registered: Nov-07 I have been on this forum for many years and I have never sworn or used bad language. I forget my password etc once in a while hense a new name. then fives days ago.. Hello my name is Deborah Adair. I am brand new at all this satellite signal borrowing stuff, and am stuck on a couple issues. HE IS A PUPPET HE IS A PUPPET HE IS A PUPPET can't even keep stories Straight from day 2 day |
Gold Member Username: Ke5aqnIF I DONT KNOW THE ANSWER, I WILL FIND... Post Number: 1093 Registered: Sep-06 | Deborah, I find it interesting as well how you went from "I am brand new at all this satellite signal borrowing stuff" to "I have been on this forum for many years" in just a few short few day's.. Also you said I called you a troll then left... I tend not to feed trolls I suggest all other users do the same.... |
Bronze Member Username: Deborah_adairHollywood, California USA Post Number: 35 Registered: Nov-07 | Like I am the first person that has ever been silly on this forum. Bearing false witness can hardly be compared with being silly. |
Bronze Member Username: Leafs_wingpPost Number: 11 Registered: Sep-07 | I pooped |
Silver Member Username: KirankumarPost Number: 136 Registered: Oct-07 | Deborah, i dont think it is being silly,to me it sounds more like lying and looking for an excuse to start trouble on this forum |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 341 Registered: Nov-07 | ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: VariusPost Number: 13 Registered: Mar-07 | Deborah, I bet you are not even female heh... Naylin has posted many helpful posts and answers in threads I have read. What have you done for us? *sound of crickets* |
Silver Member Username: Bill038Post Number: 202 Registered: Sep-06 | BORING |
Silver Member Username: KirankumarPost Number: 138 Registered: Oct-07 | hey little billy, is BORING the only word you can spell or know.find yourself another forum |
Gold Member Username: NydasPost Number: 5403 Registered: Jun-06 | African: Some of these people do not understand how illegal it is to create racial tensions and racial hatred. Bill Vickers is a LK stooge. |
Bronze Member Username: Nbn3Post Number: 62 Registered: Nov-07 | jesus christ nalin shut the up with your crap for once. |
New member Username: SurvivorOshawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 3 Registered: Nov-07 | hey guys relax we'r here to do the job not to be kids relax and slow down you too |
Silver Member Username: Bill038Post Number: 205 Registered: Sep-06 | Hey african......You are boring.....bite me |
Bronze Member Username: CaliPost Number: 93 Registered: May-06 | Nailin ignore these clowns, they're disenfranchised losers - probably all part of LK's mob squad. They wear funny pointed white hats and robes. Anyway, what's with the code you posted? Do you have a debugger for this sort of assembly lookinf language. Anywhere to find more info on generating bin files? Assuming this is the source... |
New member Username: NcktPost Number: 2 Registered: Nov-07 | hello i hope all the dust will settle n all u ppl will have a nice day night chill out ROOM! |
New member Username: NcktPost Number: 3 Registered: Nov-07 | nalin r u here ? can i chat with u plz? bye.. |
Bronze Member Username: Nbn3Post Number: 63 Registered: Nov-07 | nalin is over in the feedback forum complaining about everyone but himself |