Bronze Member Username: Deborah_adairHollywood, California USA Post Number: 21 Registered: Nov-07 | Still waiting Thrill name us one of your many coding buds that hang out at sat forums ![]() just one is all I ask??? you cant do it, there are not any real coders that shoot the shiet on sat forums daily as you say. I know shiet about coding and neither does anybody here admit it. TDG/ VERACITY,LK, NALIN, THE SAT GUY ARE NOT CODERS BTW. |
Silver Member Username: Tigger_woodsFlutopia Post Number: 184 Registered: Jun-07 | Debra,Debra, Debra You are right, but you don`t have to be such a A** Hole about it. You are WRONG when you say there are about a dozen legit coders! There are about 3 or maybe 4 at the most.One of them is a Korean who speaks no english, no I can not name him. Coders are not shooting shiit daily on sat forums. I must correct you because Veracity is a coder!!! check your facts sexy lady. |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 313 Registered: Nov-07 | here 3 1) 0100111001101111001100010100001000110100011011010110010100100000 2) 01000010011001010110110001100111011000010111001001101001011011110110111000101110 011011000111001101110100 3) 010001000110111101101111011011010101001101100001011110010110010101110010 |
Gold Member Username: Donnie1973Post Number: 1994 Registered: May-06 | cyphris posts around, he is like the spokesman for vs. TDG is another. They do post whats going on. Thats why people need to read at OTHER sites... not here. U will never hear directly from a coder, just the spokespeople |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 315 Registered: Nov-07 | U will never hear directly from a coder, just the spokespeople thats not true many in (IRC) |
Gold Member Username: Donnie1973Post Number: 1995 Registered: May-06 | who??? |
Gold Member Username: Donnie1973Post Number: 1997 Registered: May-06 | those guys are too smart to talk. |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 316 Registered: Nov-07 | search rooms u find them |
Gold Member Username: Donnie1973Post Number: 1998 Registered: May-06 | OK... i am a coder... do u believe that? Thats the beauty of chat rooms, u can be whoever u say u are. OR, u can be anyone u say u are to the not so smart who will believe anything. |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 317 Registered: Nov-07 | U think they monks... many euro rooms topic of choice is encrytion thats the way most are broken is by sharing ideas not all info is spoken about but 95% is. dn hacks don't revolve around so called BL and the pancraps or viewshits it's much bigger |
Gold Member Username: Donnie1973Post Number: 2000 Registered: May-06 | Some sharing sure, now, during this? I dont think so. They supposedly have the full map as of last year. I do think the coders talk, not in public at all, do u see them sharing ideas on irc?? no, u see people giving updates. I havent seen irc for a year, i doubt much has changed. There arent many people who do this. |
Gold Member Username: Donnie1973Post Number: 2001 Registered: May-06 | U think they monks... no, but i have a feeling if they told u they were u would beleive them |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 318 Registered: Nov-07 | horse to water ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 319 Registered: Nov-07 | where U think info like this comes from... a tree [102Labels] ;Labels for known 102 Routines 4000=RESET 4505=SendBytesATRC1/0 4ED9=CreatePatchBlock_DataAtX/[a= size of patchdata][x= ptr to patchdata][RC1= patch location] 55D3=EMMBAD_RETURN_CLRBUFF/EMMBBAD 569E=MoveXXXtoRC1/Set RC1 to XXXX/2/XXX 5700=Get2ParmStroreRC1/Get 2 parms and store them at RC1/2/RC1H:L 5776=MoveSegXXXtoRC1/set RC1 to XXXX (+Seg?)/2/seg 57FE=MoveRC2toXXX/Set addr XXXX to RC2/2/XXXX 588E=IncRC1/RC1ADDRH:L = RC1ADDRH:L + 1 58AB=AddAtoRC1/AddAtoRC1 596B=SubAFromRC2/RC2ADDRH:L = RC2ADDRH:L - A 598E=GetNParams/getNparms/1/Nparms 59DA=Clear_RAM/Clear N bytes/2/Params : AddressH:L/1/ Bytes Count (N) 5A3C=MoveZPtoZP3P/Move N bytes of memory in ZP RAM/1/SRC/1/DST/1/Count 5A7D=Copy_RAM_to_ZP/Move N bytes of memory from RAM Address to ZP/2/AddressH:L/1/Bytes Count/1/DestinationZP 5AC0=Copy_to_RAM/Copy 4N byte/1/SourceH/1/SourceL/1/DestH/1/DestL/1/Bytes Count 5BBC=Move_A_RC1_to_X/Move A bytes of memory pointed to by RC1ADDRH:L to ZP starting at X 5C06=CmpZPtoZP3P/Compare ZP RAM to ZP RAM/1/Start1/1/Start2/1/Length 5CAE=Stack_Return_by3parms/stackreturn by 3parms/1/page??/2/New return addH:L in stack 5F23=Erase_RAM_and_Hang/Erase_ram_and_hang 60EC=ClaA0InsCA/0 6DE0=WriteRowEE_AfromXtoRC1/[A=len->EEBytesToWrite][X=src->EESrcPtr][RC1=dest-> EDestPtr] 70A6=WriteRowEE_RC2LenAToRC1/in: a= size RC2 = srcptr; RC1= destptr out:RC1 unchanged; RC2+=written 79D8=GetFirstMatchingItem/in: 4 emb. parms/1/mapped ItemID/1/dest/1/count/1/bitfield4compare Outc=1 if not found 7A95=SW9000_0/Send SW9000 7A99=SW6F00/0 7BB5=UpstatCmpEmmB1_by2parms/get2parms for compare/1/30E8 Upstat Msb/1/30E9 Upstat Lsb 7BD1=Update_Upstat_BY_INC 7BDD=Update_Upstat_BY_INC_From2Parms/Update upstat and inc/1/Msb/1/Lsb 7BEA=Update_UpstatMsb_LsbfromXA_Len02 7BF1=Update_RevlevelMsb_LsbfromXA_Len02 7BF6=Jmp_WriteRowEE_AfromXtoRC1_Init2Len_XRC2 7BFE=Jmp_WriteRowEE_AfromXtoRC1 7C06=Update_RevLevel_from_A_Len01 7C0B=Jmp_WriteRowEE_AtoRC1 7C13=Jmp_Erase_RAM_and_Hang_ 7C16=Jmp_WriteRowEE_AfromXtoRC1_init/Copy 4N byte/2/DST/1/SRC/1/LEN 7C2B=Update_307F_From_PARMS 7C59=Jmp_Erase_RAM_and_Hang 7C5C=UpdateBugTableCHKS/UpdateBugTableCHKS one parms for 3177/1/parms = BugTable_CHKS_Lsb 7C6B=UpdateBugTableCHKS_Msb 7C72=Update_BugTable/Update_BugTable 1parms/1/Update byte 7C80=UpdateBugtableCHKS_Len01 7C84=UpdatePatchtable/Update patch table/1/Bug number postion/1/page/1/RomMsb/1/RomLsb/1/EEpromMsb/1/EEepromLsb 7CAA=Update_UpstatMsbLsb_INCLsb 7CB4=Update_Upstat_From_A_X 7CB6=Update_Upstat_by_ADD_by_PARMS/Update Upstat with PARMS max0F/1/toadd 7CEC=Update_Upstat_from2parms_to_Upstat_Tmp/2/new upstatH:L 7CF9=Update_Upstat_From_AX 7CFF=Update_Upstat_From_UpstatMsb_Tmp/Update from UpstatMsbTmp at 03DD 30DE 7D17=ClaA0InsAD_none_valid 7D1D=ClaA0InsAD_JP_0100 7D22=ClaA0InsAD 7D96=JP_IDLETOP 7D99=JP_EMMBUFF08/0 86C8=EMMDECRYPT_Next 875E=Emmbuff_ByteFlop_tmpcount/0 9569=NEXTEMMCMD/0 9579=GOEMMEND/0 A9C7=StackReturn_by3Parms/stackreturn by 3parms/1/page??/2/New return addH:L in stack [103Labels] 4000=RESET 4505=SendBytesATRC1/0 69C4=CreatePatchBlock_DataAtX/[a= size of patchdata][x= ptr to patchdata][RC1= patch location] 7515=EMMBAD_RETURN_CLRBUFF/EMMBBAD 6B1A=MoveXXXtoRC1/Set RC1 to XXXX/2/XXX 6B5D=Get2ParmStroreRC1/Get 2 parms and store them at RC1/2/RC1H:L 6BD3=MoveSegXXXtoRC1/set RC1 to XXXX (+Seg?)/2/seg 6C5B=MoveRC2toXXX/Set addr XXXX to RC2/2/XXXX 6CEB=IncRC1/RC1ADDRH:L = RC1ADDRH:L + 1 6D08=AddAtoRC1/AddAtoRC1 6DC8=SubAFromRC2/RC2ADDRH:L = RC2ADDRH:L - A 6DEB=GetNParams/getNparms/1/Nparms 6E37=Clear_RAM/Clear N bytes/2/Params : AddressH:L/1/ Bytes Count (N) 6E99=MoveZPtoZP3P/Move N bytes of memory in ZP RAM/1/SRC/1/DST/1/Count 7F4C=Copy_RAM_to_ZP/Move N bytes of memory from RAM Address to ZP/2/AddressH:L/1/Bytes Count/1/DestinationZP 7F60=Copy_to_RAM/Copy 4N byte/1/SourceH/1/SourceL/1/DestH/1/DestL/1/Bytes Count 7F7B=Move_A_RC1_to_X/Move A bytes of memory pointed to by RC1ADDRH:L to ZP starting at X 700C=CmpZPtoZP3P/Compare ZP RAM to ZP RAM/1/Start1/1/Start2/1/Length 70AD=Stack_Return_by3parms/stackreturn by 3parms/1/page??/2/New return addH:L in stack 734F=Erase_RAM_and_Hang/Erase_ram_and_hang 4FF2=ClaA0InsCA/0 5824=WriteRowEE_AfromXtoRC1/[A=len->EEBytesToWrite][X=src->EESrcPtr][RC1=dest-> EDestPtr] 5AEA=WriteRowEE_RC2LenAToRC1/in: a= size RC2 = srcptr; RC1= destptr out:RC1 unchanged; RC2+=written 68DC=GetFirstMatchingItem/in: 4 emb. parms/1/mapped ItemID/1/dest/1/count/1/bitfield4compare Outc=1 if not found 76D2=SW9000_0/Send SW9000 76D6=SW6F00/0 7E6A=UpstatCmpEmmB1_by2parms/get2parms for compare/1/30E8 Upstat Msb/1/30E9 Upstat Lsb 7EC8=Update_Upstat_BY_INC 7ED4=Update_Upstat_BY_INC_From2Parms/Update upstat and inc/1/Msb/1/Lsb 7EE1=Update_UpstatMsb_LsbfromXA_Len02 7EE8=Update_RevlevelMsb_LsbfromXA_Len02 7EED=Jmp_WriteRowEE_AfromXtoRC1_Init2Len_XRC2 7EF5=Jmp_WriteRowEE_AfromXtoRC1 7EFD=Update_RevLevel_from_A_Len01 7F02=Jmp_WriteRowEE_AtoRC1 7F0A=Jmp_Erase_RAM_and_Hang_ 7E00=Jmp_WriteRowEE_AfromXtoRC1_init/Copy 4N byte/2/DST/1/SRC/1/LEN 4FA9=Update_307F_From_PARMS 4FD7=Jmp_Erase_RAM_and_Hang 7E16=UpdateBugTableCHKS/UpdateBugTableCHKS one parms for 3177/1/parms = BugTable_CHKS_Lsb 7E26=UpdateBugTableCHKS_Msb 7E2E=Update_BugTable/Update_BugTable 1parms/1/Update byte 7E3D=UpdateBugtableCHKS_Len01 7E41=UpdatePatchtable/Update patch table/1/Bug number postion/1/page/1/RomMsb/1/RomLsb/1/EEpromMsb/1/EEepromLsb 7EBC=Update_UpstatMsbLsb_INCLsb 7EC6=Update_Upstat_From_A_X 7E86=Update_Upstat_by_ADD_by_PARMS/Update Upstat with PARMS max0F/1/toadd 7F0D=Update_Upstat_from2parms_to_Upstat_Tmp/2/new upstatH:L 7F1A=Update_Upstat_From_AX 7F20=Update_Upstat_From_UpstatMsb_Tmp/Update from UpstatMsbTmp at 03DD 30DE 5B39=ClaA0InsAD_none_valid 5B3F=ClaA0InsAD_JP_0100 5B44=ClaA0InsAD 5BB8=JP_IDLETOP 5BBB=JP_EMMBUFF08/0 B930=EMMDECRYPT_Next B9CE=Emmbuff_ByteFlop_tmpcount/0 8029=NEXTEMMCMD/0 8039=GOEMMEND/0 AE65=StackReturn_by3Parms/stackreturn by 3parms/1/page??/2/New return addH:L in stack 7575=Check Bugtable |
Gold Member Username: NydasPost Number: 5374 Registered: Jun-06 | Deborah Adair : Nobody here cares even if you are Queen of Sheba. You came in November with a stupid post and have continued to be disruptive. Within a few posts you were asking somebody to shut up - somebody who had not made any comment about you and in a thread with 20 other posts, none of which was yours. If you want to find the real coders go and look at a lot of forums. Perhaps you are not aware that they have to hide their identity, so nobody is going to talk about coders and their identity to you. This forum is about TV and getting to view programs. At present your actions are highly disruptive. |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 320 Registered: Nov-07 | Nalin use google and the normal routines adding the word "bud" to the query and the name of debby the king of drag shall appear |
New member Username: Newbie777Post Number: 4 Registered: Nov-07 | probably Deborah Adair is an old guy working for DN and here to get some information? OR one of the old names here just changed nick? |
Gold Member Username: Donnie1973Post Number: 2002 Registered: May-06 | Thats a f'in script, lol And for what??? Do we know that? I can put one up too ya know... it wont get u free tv tho. I dont see any ideas changes minds there |
Gold Member Username: Donnie1973Post Number: 2003 Registered: May-06 | That wasnt irc either... |
Gold Member Username: NydasPost Number: 5378 Registered: Jun-06 | dantetn: Gold Member There are hackers everywhere. There are forums and clubs only hackers can join. Hacking FTA is just a small part of hacking activity. Just two days ago, I posted news of Malware on Google Search. This Malware is made by hackers, who insert their software inside your computer. Obtaining a Gold status after posting a lot of trash and hero-worship does not make you learned. Learning comes from reading and studying, not from hero-worship. |
Silver Member Username: RunnerguyPluto Post Number: 819 Registered: Sep-06 | Who needs soap operas when we have this! Nalin is an FTA larcenist who quotes from Omar Kayan...That's worse than Thill our in house Pre-OP Tranny. " I Wanna Be Sedated"..../Glad to see Deb is making a comeback though.![]() ![]() ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 321 Registered: Nov-07 | it's over a yr old its not a script ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Space_invaderAndromeda M31 Post Number: 274 Registered: Nov-07 | irc... coders don't need to show up what thy know, but thy don't live to code neither... |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 322 Registered: Nov-07 | don't live to code neither 100% true good to see not all basket cases here. some do have common sense |
Bronze Member Username: Deborah_adairHollywood, California USA Post Number: 22 Registered: Nov-07 | Tiger Woods Silver Member Username: Tigger_woods Flutopia Post Number: 184 Registered: Jun-07 Posted on Friday, November 30, 2007 - 09:43 am: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I must correct you because Veracity is a coder!!! check your facts sexy lady. Thank you for the kind comment? Veracity is not a coder btw. Hey Thrill, I am still waiting for you to name 1 of the many coders you know that shoots the sheit daily on sat forums |
Bronze Member Username: Deborah_adairHollywood, California USA Post Number: 23 Registered: Nov-07 | Within a few posts you were asking somebody to shut up - somebody who had not made any comment about you and in a thread with 20 other posts, none of which was yours. I am unaware of this would you mind showing me where I said this PLEASE! Also Thrill attacked me out of the blue this morning. I have never spoke to him in my life, He took offense when I posted that neither I nor anybody here knows anything about coding whatsoever. That happens to be a fact btw...sorry to you wannabe coders are not, nor am I. |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 324 Registered: Nov-07 | attack NOPE exposed U and the use of another puppet name.... hows life in the shed today..... |
Gold Member Username: Donnie1973Post Number: 2004 Registered: May-06 | it's over a yr old its not a script it did come from irc by use of get file ..u r done. lol...huh? English man... its a script jackazz, its running something. Yes nalin: little b1tch ... sweetheart, there are many hackers, more than even u can think of with ur 14 yr old mind. Thats what i was saying, that script can be from anywhere... anything... U think the guys making the fixes are chatting, "hey, i need help"? lol If so, all those sh1tty pansats woulda been up a lot sooner last year. Thill, show me where a coder is posting on irc? This time, no fakes. I saw the routines for 102 last year during the summer, they DID share that. |
Gold Member Username: Donnie1973Post Number: 2005 Registered: May-06 | I hace seen others like this over time. They want some of the newer people to think MAYBE, just MAYBE they might be one of these, OR to show that they know a coder OR chat with them... none are true. If so, thill would be at a much better site chatting with them now instead of on his laptop at a call center taking calls for Dell in the mid east trying to show US how smart he isnt. |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 326 Registered: Nov-07 | stooooooooooopid read first line [102Labels] ;Labels for known 102 Routines it's a list labels like that of a KERNAL map ![]() |
Gold Member Username: NydasPost Number: 5379 Registered: Jun-06 | Deborah Adair: This is the URL This is your post. Deborah Adair Bronze Member Username: Deborah_adair Hollywood , California USA Post Number: 12 Registered: Nov-07 Posted on Thursday, November 29, 2007 - 08:06 pm: "So please shut up. AND REMEMBER, NO ONE EVER PROMISED YOU FREE PREMIUM TV!!!!!!!!!!! OR another good one goes like this.....I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden do do do dodo I never promised you a rose garden...." You may be used to irrationality on other forums. We do not need this kind of posts where in the whole thread above your post, there was none from you. As I said before, we see you as a newbies a few days old in the forum, and that's what you are. If you have any other status in this forum, you should identify yourself with your old name. |
Silver Member Username: Space_invaderAndromeda M31 Post Number: 276 Registered: Nov-07 | dantetn Gold Member Username: Donnie1973 Post Number: 2003 Registered: May-06 "That wasnt irc either..." #2003 "lol...huh? English man... its a script jackazz, its running something." #2004 ? |
Gold Member Username: Ke5aqnIF I DONT KNOW THE ANSWER, I WILL FIND... Post Number: 1079 Registered: Sep-06 | That was code from a card reading program...... |
Bronze Member Username: Deborah_adairHollywood, California USA Post Number: 27 Registered: Nov-07 | Nalin Nayda you owe me an apology!!! you bear false witness against me. This is the oster that posted that... Roger Quinonez Bronze Member Username: Fahq Post Number: 26 Registered: Jul-06 Posted on Thursday, November 29, 2007 - 03:50 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN ALL OF YOU PEOPLE PLEASE SHUT UP! One ECM and the wohe fta community goes to sh!t. How many were around in the summer of 2006 when we went completely dark for 3 months? Everyone said that was the end of fta, and its been up and running for a year and a half now! Y'all sound like a bunch of whiny little kids. FTA aint going no where. Unless DN sends out new equipment, FTA will continue to go on. The coders have the full EMU of the cards, its only appling each mapcall. So please shut up. AND REMEMBER, NO ONE EVER PROMISED YOU FREE PREMIUM TV!!!!!!!!!!! |
Bronze Member Username: Deborah_adairHollywood, California USA Post Number: 28 Registered: Nov-07 | thill1951 Silver Member Username: Pulp_fiction Post Number: 322 Registered: Nov-07 Posted on Friday, November 30, 2007 - 11:17 am: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- don't live to code neither 100% true good to see not all basket cases here. some do have common sense HOW DOES THAT ADDRESS THE ORIGINAL CLAIM YOU MADE THAT CODERS ARE ALL OVER THE SAT FORUMS SHOOTING THE SHIET? |
Silver Member Username: Pulp_fictionPost Number: 334 Registered: Nov-07 | give it up shedboi u not even on the same page as always.. it time for meds and your warm milk and cookies...... Nalin owes U nothing and either do i....... nalin qutoed you verbatim ![]() I never said all over I said they do post and discuss in the open and on forums and that U r not privy to where. |
Gold Member Username: NydasPost Number: 5400 Registered: Jun-06 | My post No. 5399 repeated here. LK has been caught posing as Deborah Adair and attempting cause trouble. |
Bronze Member Username: Deborah_adairHollywood, California USA Post Number: 40 Registered: Nov-07 | Still bearing false witness I see |
Silver Member Username: DoreenakadjPost Number: 786 Registered: Dec-06 | LMAO oh this is just to funny .. Debby... girl give it up! Trust me your not going to make your point with these guys. Move on to something new like something you know about perhapse SOWING OR KNITTING. Lk does make some good pionts in here b4. (The troublemaker AKA Deborah Adair NOW) is ruining this forum. Keep it out of sat forums and move to someplace else will ya. I did ...i thnk you should do the same. oh and good luck Debby.. girl you'll need it! |
Bronze Member Username: Leafs_wingpPost Number: 19 Registered: Sep-07 | Hey did you hear the one about 0101010101 and 1010010010? 2.... BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! FTA FUKEN RULES! I can't help but love all the tips and information this board gives... makes me want to cream in my pants... oh wait too late... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ![]() |