way up north in central saskatchewan,using a 39in dish and pickin up 119...there is quite a diff in quality signal at different times of the day,why is that?sig 75 and qual 50 in the wee hours of the morning deteriorating to sig 75 qual 20 by suppertime,how come?
Could be change of temperature. Also you may want to check the connection to the LNB and to an outside switch if there is one. If they look damp or rusty change them and wrap with plastic tape.
thanx for your replys,,,the cable length is no more than 75 ft and cables are new,the disc 4 in 1 is within 5 ft of the dishes,,91 comes in good on a 18 in dish with sig 75 qual 50 to 90,,,110 also is ok on a 36 in dish with sig 75 qual 40 to 90 depending on the tp,,,but 110 on the 39 in dish is not so good....would possibly a diff lnb help ,like an invacom polar perhaps,or maby a multiswitch instead of the disc?