I have VSXtreme and Pantec v1 converted to PS2700. I have 2 dishes one pointing to 119 and the other to 148 and I have hooked the two receivers via two diseqc swithes. Now the problem:
Before conversion, if the two receivers were on, receiving signal from the same sat, both would work fine, otherwise one will freeze. But when one was turned off with remote,other would work on both sats without any problem.
Now after conversion, even when one is turned off with the remote, other will only work on the same sat where the first receiver was turned off.e.g if receiver one was turned off on a channel from sat 119, other will only receive 119. Wondering why before conversion each receiver was working on both sats when one was off and now each works on one same sat that the other (turned off receiver) was receiving. Thanks for your input. Sorry for reposting, but I didn't get any response the first time.
Yes I have two different cables coming down from each LNB going into each switch and then one going from each switch to each receiver.I know my settings are right.. Thanks.
Hmm ... STRANGE .... I sure that there's no problem with your receivers or their bins, but just to give it a try ... try loading the factory bins or do Factory reset .... from what i think ... there shouldn't be ANY connection between your 2 units .... they should work fine alone... if ya know what i mean?