I hope someone can help give me some advice on this. My Samsung HL-R6167W is now almost 2 years old and has worked fine until recently. A few days ago, it worked fine in the morning, then in the afternoon when I turned it on and since that time it has looked like the picture below. I am unable to change the volume, channels, source, or even turn it off with neither the remote nor the buttons on the TV. I get normal sound and mostly greenish grid/plaid like pattern with a faint background of the show that's on for about 35-45 seconds, then the screen goes blank, the sound goes away and the TV makes one "click" like when powering up. It is blank for about 15-25 seconds, and then comes back on as before and the cycle repeats itself.
I'm not sure if this is related or not, but over the past few weeks or maybe 1-2 months, I've noticed that when I first turned it on, the signal would be scrambled looking for about 5 seconds, then normal after that. Every once in a while during a normal viewing period, the screen would freeze for about 5 seconds, then go blank and I could hear the TV make a "click" like when it turns on, and then resume normal operation. Again, I'm not sure if that was related to this problem or not.
I don't know a lot about these TVs but am willing to take advice as to what's wrong and what, if anything, I can do to fix it myself or find out better what's wrong. If I have to call a repair service I will, but am willing to try 1 or 2 things on my own if that's possible. Again, any help with this is Greatly appreciated! Thanks.