Silver Member Username: Jorge_luisMind Freak, NO ROMPAS EL... Post Number: 968 Registered: Jul-06 | Este foro esta dedicado para cualquier persona que quiera aprovechar ofertas. Para vender algun accesorio o reciver fta ya sea nuevo o usado. O si requieres un servicio a domicilio, ya sea de instalacion u orientacion de antena etc. etc. En este foro se habla de numeros frios $$$ (ponle precio) Si compras algo y no te gusto tendras toda la libertad de quemar y exponer lo malo del vendedor. De igual forma podras quemar y exponer a los compradores que no tienen palabra y se hacen para atras sin una disculpa previa. EL RUMBO QUE TOME ESTE FORO, BUENO O MALO, TODOS LO CONSTRUIMOS. ADVERTENCIA.- la responsabilidad de poner un email, telefono, datos personales, podrian ser usados para fines no beneficos,recuerden que esta pagina se ve en cualquier parte del mundo asi que cada quien es responsable de si mismo y usen el sentido comun de la desconfianza antes de contactar. ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Jorge_luisMind Freak, NO ROMPAS EL... Post Number: 969 Registered: Jul-06 | ANTENAS, LNBS NUEVOS Y USADOS LUGAR.- puente del papa, entre zaragoza y cuahutemoc (centro de monterrey) COMENTARIO:en el puente del papa pregunta por don chente el esta entrando por morones prieto como si fueras hacia constitucion, casi abajo del puente del papa (para que no andes en todo el mercado buscando a don chente) este señor vende antenas nuevas y usadas asta en partes,solo los fines de semana Sabado y Domingo. |
Silver Member Username: Jorge_luisMind Freak, NO ROMPAS EL... Post Number: 970 Registered: Jul-06 | necesitas un lnb standar marca eagle para fta??? aqui he comprado varios en 19 dlls. cada uno (200 pesos mex.)marca este tel 8345-6628 para que pidas la direccion. Recuerdo que es en colonia Pio X en Monterrey N.l. |
Silver Member Username: RtapFL Post Number: 574 Registered: Jan-07 | nor popes cuidado por lo que tengo intendido es que el el foro no se puede vender nada.solament hablar del los equipos. |
Silver Member Username: Jorge_luisMind Freak, NO ROMPAS EL... Post Number: 973 Registered: Jul-06 | RTAP entendido y anotado, entonces veremos cuanto dura este foro de compra venta y servicio. saludos..... |
Silver Member Username: RtapFL Post Number: 579 Registered: Jan-07 | tranquilo dale palante como dicimos los cubanos. |
Bronze Member Username: Titu72Tecate, Baja california Mexico Post Number: 83 Registered: Nov-06 | ja ja ja ja estuvo muy buena su conversacion muchachos saludos |
Silver Member Username: Javy_gzaMONTERREY , NUEVO LEON Mexico Post Number: 941 Registered: Oct-06 | saludos compadre nor popes wen tiro jejeje |
Silver Member Username: Jorge_luisMind Freak, NO ROMPAS EL... Post Number: 979 Registered: Jul-06 | Aqui les dejo una oferta que encontre de san nicolas, el lavsat3600 ve , es el clon de viewsat extrem, lo interesante es que te lo venden en 1300 pesos ya programado con soporte indefinido y con el boot que te permite meterle bin originales de viewsat extrem, en lo personal ya cheque precios y estos aparatos en monterrey estan mas caros por lo general estan casi al doble del precio. Para el que viva en monterrey pues aqui hay una opcion mas. click a la imagen para mas informacion ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Javy_gzaMONTERREY , NUEVO LEON Mexico Post Number: 957 Registered: Oct-06 | saludos compa nor popes y es wen precio ese del lava saludos. |
Bronze Member Username: JesushhEl Paso, Texas U S A Post Number: 12 Registered: Oct-06 | Hola Jorge quiero ver si pudieras poner mas informacion sobre el anuncio que encontraste ya que yo estoy buscando un recibidor nuevo pues el mio un clon de pansat 2500 se apago hace unos dias y ya no lo he podido prender ese se me hace un buen precio y mirando la informacion tiene otros modelos un captiveworh creo que 600 pero segun esta persona te lo pueden entregar en ciudad juarez y como yo vivo cerca es mas facil para mi hacerlo asi pero te tienes que registrar en mercado libre para poder contactar a la persona pero ya intente varias veces y como te piden algunoas datos de mexico no he podido ejeplos: direcciones, telefonos y otras cosas si es posible que tu o alguien me dieran una informacion para contactar mas directo a esta persona o si alguien tiene buenos precios en juarez pues mejor |
Bronze Member Username: JesushhEl Paso, Texas U S A Post Number: 13 Registered: Oct-06 | PERDON: SALUDOS A TODOS Y GRACIAS. CREO QUE ESTE LUGAR NOS VA AYUDAR MUCHO |
Silver Member Username: Jorge_luisMind Freak, NO ROMPAS EL... Post Number: 989 Registered: Jul-06 | Jesus H Hernandez puedes visitare ste foro aqui puedes preguntarle a esta comunidad de fta en cd. juarez en donde puedes adquirir un fta por aquellos lares o checate estos anuncios de cd. juarez ------------------------ Recibidores y FTA, _coolsat, desde $150.00 dlls, programacion, instalacion y venta, LNB y antenas, Tarjetas amarillas, (044656)263-2058. ------------------------ INSTALACION, ORIENTACION Y VENTA, 631-51-21, 264-10-61, 62.13.82181 ------------------------ INSTALACIONES, ORIENTACIONES Y VENTA DE EQUIPOS, compro tarjetas, 623-00-40. ------------------------ DISNETWORK, PANSAT, FORTEC, LAVASAT, VORTEX, REPARACION,/PROGRAMACION E INSTALACION, 044-656-181-8087, 044-656-670-4101. INSTALACION, 044-656-181-8087, 044-656-670-4101. ------------------------ INSTALACIONES, ORIENTACIONES, todo Juarez, inmediato, profesional y garantizado, VENTA DE EQUIPOS COMPLETOS DESDE $200.00 DOLARES. Tel. 623-00-40. ------------------------ ANGEL SE LO INSTALA Y ORIENTA 3 .- INMEDIATO PROFESIONAL Y GARANIZADO, venta de equipos completo instalado y programado desde $200.00 dlls , COMPRO TARJETAS AMARILLAS 617-8701 . --------------------- Pansat y tarjetas, mayoreo, menudeo, tels. 620-24-02, (044656)264-93-82. --------------------- INSTALACION Y ORIENTACION, VENTA DE EQUIPOS, DESDE $180.00 DOLARES, instalado y programado, 683-39-21 y (044656)137-98-85. --------------------- Instalacion, orientacion y venta de equipos completos, servicio inmediato. Local 232-50-57. --------------------- suerte............. |
Silver Member Username: Jorge_luisMind Freak, NO ROMPAS EL... Post Number: 990 Registered: Jul-06 | aqui hay otras ofertas y lo interesante es que tienen envios a todas partes del mundo click en la imagen para entrar a la pagina ![]() Email Contacts: Business Relations - Wholesale Inquiries - Technical Assistance - Product Inquiries - Order Status - |
Bronze Member Username: JesushhEl Paso, Texas U S A Post Number: 14 Registered: Oct-06 | Jorge muchas gracias por contestar mi mensaje y sobre todo por tu ayuda Jesus H Hernandez por si en algo se ofreciera Gracias de nuevo. |
Gold Member Username: Javy_gzaMONTERREY , NUEVO LEON Mexico Post Number: 1005 Registered: Oct-06 | SALUDOS A LA RAZA |
New member Username: GusleonPost Number: 1 Registered: Oct-07 | necesito puedo orientar antena la señal marca solo 28 % que hago |
New member Username: GusleonPost Number: 2 Registered: Oct-07 | solo aparece una banda de color rojo creo que es el porcentaje de señal es asi? no se nada de esto la persona que iba a instalar la antena no aparece tengo una semana esperando que hago orientenme |
Gold Member Username: Javy_gzaMONTERREY , NUEVO LEON Mexico Post Number: 1007 Registered: Oct-06 | gustavo solo mueve poco lantena asi arriva o asia los lados segun p donde te de mas sanal para alla la vas a mover claro esto viendo tu tv p q veas la senal |
Silver Member Username: RtapFL Post Number: 620 Registered: Jan-07 | gustavo cambia el switch si esta usando uno.saludos a todos. |
New member Username: GusleonPost Number: 3 Registered: Oct-07 | esto quiere decir que estoy mas o menos orientado solo falta mover leve la antena arriba, abajo o a los lados en el receptor solo debe haber una linea de recepcion osea el porcentaje que aparece? y no no estoy utilizando ningun switch esta puesto un lnb california doble el cable al receptor esta conectado en un lado el otro nada |
New member Username: GusleonPost Number: 4 Registered: Oct-07 | y otra pregunta compre el viewsat extreme que necesito para ver el dish net |
New member Username: GusleonPost Number: 5 Registered: Oct-07 | dejenme ver si estoy entendiendo correctamente y disculpen mi ignorancia para el sat echostar 8/10 110w me marca compas reading 192.7 disch elev 64.6 y lnb rotation +17.4 esto quiere decir que debo apuntar la antena a 192 grados esto debe ser sur oeste????? |
New member Username: GusleonPost Number: 6 Registered: Oct-07 | alguien de guadalajara que sepa de esto para que venga a arreglarlo |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 12855 Registered: Jan-06 | Hey U guys...there is a thread here DEDICATED to U all, for Spanish speaking ONLY....there is no Spanish speaking alowed here or in any other threads except that one.."SOLO Hisp"...we all agreed to this about 1-2 years please honor this agreement and do NOT post in Spanish except in that 1 thread!... |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 12856 Registered: Jan-06 | This is the ONLY thread that Spanish speaking is to be used...TY |
New member Username: GusleonGuadalajara, Jalisco Post Number: 7 Registered: Oct-07 | no estes ching......LK escribo en mi idioma ademas es foro para solo en español no te gusta salte.........................................o eres el dueño de esto para irme con gente decente |
New member Username: GusleonGuadalajara, Jalisco Post Number: 8 Registered: Oct-07 | ya logre llegar al 68% DE RECEPCION pero aun no puedo que hago.....AYUDA........ |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 12860 Registered: Jan-06 | well it appears between the Spanish and the Middle East white American and Canadaian ENGLISH speaking caucasians are in the minority here!...this site has been overtaken by foreigners!...maybe time to move on to a site with English speaking and comprehending people... |
Bronze Member Username: CaliPost Number: 81 Registered: May-06 | hasta la vista malparido! You should have never dropped out of school. Illiterate Fukc! |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 12865 Registered: Jan-06 | U want war...U got it! Week 1 THU, SEP 6 HI PASSING HI RUSHING HI RECEIVING Indianapolis 41, New Orleans 10 Manning 288 Addai 118 Wayne 115 SUN, SEP 9 HI PASSING HI RUSHING HI RECEIVING Green Bay 16, Philadelphia 13 Favre 206 Westbrook 85 Driver 66 Houston 20, Kansas City 3 Schaub 225 Green 73 Johnson 142 Denver 15, Buffalo 14 Cutler 304 Henry 139 Walker 119 Pittsburgh 34, Cleveland 7 Anderson 184 Parker 109 Winslow 83 Carolina 27, St. Louis 13 Delhomme 201 Foster 94 Smith 118 Minnesota 24, Atlanta 3 Harrington 199 Peterson 103 Peterson 60 New England 38, NY Jets 14 Brady 297 Maroney 72 Moss 183 Washington 16, Miami 13 Campbell 222 Portis 98 Randle El 162 Tennessee 13, Jacksonville 10 Garrard 204 Brown 175 Northcutt 57 San Diego 14, Chicago 3 Rivers 190 Benson 42 Gates 107 Seattle 20, Tampa Bay 6 Hasselbeck 222 Alexander 105 Galloway 72 Detroit 36, Oakland 21 McCown 313 Bell 87 Curry 133 Dallas 45, NY Giants 35 Romo 345 Ward 89 Burress 144 MON, SEP 10 HI PASSING HI RUSHING HI RECEIVING Cincinnati 27, Baltimore 20 McNair 203 McGahee 77 Johnson 95 San Francisco 20, Arizona 17 Smith 126 James 92 Battle 60 Week 2 SUN, SEP 16 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Buffalo at Pittsburgh 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Heinz Field Houston at Carolina 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Bank of America Stadium Atlanta at Jacksonville 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel ALLTEL Stadium New Orleans at Tampa Bay 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Raymond James Stadium Green Bay at NY Giants 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Giants Stadium San Francisco at St. Louis 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Edward Jones Dome Cincinnati at Cleveland 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Cleveland Browns Stadium Indianapolis at Tennessee 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel LP Field Minnesota at Detroit 4:05 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Ford Field Dallas at Miami 4:05 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Dolphin Stadium Seattle at Arizona 4:05 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Cardinals Stadium NY Jets at Baltimore 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel M&T Bank Stadium Oakland at Denver 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Invesco Field Kansas City at Chicago 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Soldier Field San Diego at New England 8:15 PM NBC Tickets | Travel Gillette Stadium MON, SEP 17 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Washington at Philadelphia 8:30 PM ESPN Tickets | Travel Lincoln Financial Field Week 3 SUN, SEP 23 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Detroit at Philadelphia 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Lincoln Financial Field Miami at NY Jets 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Giants Stadium Buffalo at New England 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Gillette Stadium Arizona at Baltimore 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel M&T Bank Stadium St. Louis at Tampa Bay 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Raymond James Stadium San Francisco at Pittsburgh 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Heinz Field Indianapolis at Houston 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Reliant Stadium San Diego at Green Bay 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Lambeau Field Minnesota at Kansas City 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Arrowhead Stadium Cleveland at Oakland 4:05 PM CBS Tickets | Travel McAfee Coliseum Jacksonville at Denver 4:05 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Invesco Field Cincinnati at Seattle 4:05 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Qwest Field NY Giants at Washington 4:15 PM Fox Tickets | Travel FedEx Field Carolina at Atlanta 4:15 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Georgia Dome Dallas at Chicago 8:15 PM NBC Tickets | Travel Soldier Field MON, SEP 24 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Tennessee at New Orleans 8:30 PM ESPN Tickets | Travel Superdome Week 4 SUN, SEP 30 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Green Bay at Minnesota 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Metrodome Oakland at Miami 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Dolphin Stadium NY Jets at Buffalo 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Ralph Wilson Stadium Houston at Atlanta 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Georgia Dome Chicago at Detroit 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Ford Field Baltimore at Cleveland 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Cleveland Browns Stadium St. Louis at Dallas 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Texas Stadium Tampa Bay at Carolina 4:05 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Bank of America Stadium Seattle at San Francisco 4:05 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Monster Park Kansas City at San Diego 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Qualcomm Stadium Pittsburgh at Arizona 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Cardinals Stadium Denver at Indianapolis 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel RCA Dome Philadelphia at NY Giants 8:15 PM NBC Tickets | Travel Giants Stadium MON, OCT 1 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION New England at Cincinnati 8:30 PM ESPN Tickets | Travel Paul Brown Stadium · Bye: Tennessee, New Orleans, Washington, Jacksonville Week 5 SUN, OCT 7 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Miami at Houston 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Reliant Stadium Atlanta at Tennessee 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel LP Field Jacksonville at Kansas City 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Arrowhead Stadium NY Jets at NY Giants 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Giants Stadium Carolina at New Orleans 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Superdome Arizona at St. Louis 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Edward Jones Dome Cleveland at New England 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Gillette Stadium Seattle at Pittsburgh 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Heinz Field Detroit at Washington 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel FedEx Field Tampa Bay at Indianapolis 4:05 PM Fox Tickets | Travel RCA Dome San Diego at Denver 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Invesco Field Baltimore at San Francisco 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Monster Park Chicago at Green Bay 8:15 PM NBC Tickets | Travel Lambeau Field MON, OCT 8 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Dallas at Buffalo 8:30 PM ESPN Tickets | Travel Ralph Wilson Stadium · Bye: Cincinnati, Oakland, Minnesota, Philadelphia Week 6 SUN, OCT 14 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Minnesota at Chicago 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Soldier Field Miami at Cleveland 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Cleveland Browns Stadium Washington at Green Bay 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Lambeau Field Cincinnati at Kansas City 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Arrowhead Stadium Tennessee at Tampa Bay 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Raymond James Stadium St. Louis at Baltimore 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel M&T Bank Stadium Houston at Jacksonville 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel ALLTEL Stadium Philadelphia at NY Jets 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Giants Stadium Carolina at Arizona 4:05 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Cardinals Stadium Oakland at San Diego 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Qualcomm Stadium New England at Dallas 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Texas Stadium New Orleans at Seattle 8:15 PM NBC Tickets | Travel Qwest Field MON, OCT 15 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION NY Giants at Atlanta 8:30 PM ESPN Tickets | Travel Georgia Dome · Bye: Buffalo, Denver, Detroit, Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, San Francisco Week 7 SUN, OCT 21 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Tennessee at Houston 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Reliant Stadium Baltimore at Buffalo 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Ralph Wilson Stadium Minnesota at Dallas 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Texas Stadium Tampa Bay at Detroit 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Ford Field Arizona at Washington 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel FedEx Field San Francisco at NY Giants 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Giants Stadium Atlanta at New Orleans 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Superdome New England at Miami 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Dolphin Stadium Kansas City at Oakland 4:05 PM CBS Tickets | Travel McAfee Coliseum NY Jets at Cincinnati 4:05 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Paul Brown Stadium Chicago at Philadelphia 4:15 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Lincoln Financial Field St. Louis at Seattle 4:15 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Qwest Field Pittsburgh at Denver 8:15 PM NBC Tickets | Travel Invesco Field MON, OCT 22 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Indianapolis at Jacksonville 8:30 PM ESPN Tickets | Travel ALLTEL Stadium · Bye: Cleveland, Green Bay, San Diego, Carolina Week 8 SUN, OCT 28 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Indianapolis at Carolina 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Bank of America Stadium Cleveland at St. Louis 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Edward Jones Dome NY Giants at Miami 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Philadelphia at Minnesota 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Metrodome Pittsburgh at Cincinnati 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Paul Brown Stadium Detroit at Chicago 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Soldier Field Oakland at Tennessee 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel LP Field Buffalo at NY Jets 4:05 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Giants Stadium Jacksonville at Tampa Bay 4:05 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Raymond James Stadium Houston at San Diego 4:05 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Qualcomm Stadium New Orleans at San Francisco 4:15 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Monster Park Washington at New England 4:15 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Gillette Stadium MON, OCT 29 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Green Bay at Denver 8:30 PM ESPN Tickets | Travel Invesco Field · Bye: Atlanta, Dallas, Kansas City, Arizona, Seattle, Baltimore Week 9 SUN, NOV 4 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Denver at Detroit 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Ford Field San Francisco at Atlanta 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Georgia Dome Cincinnati at Buffalo 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Ralph Wilson Stadium Carolina at Tennessee 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel LP Field Green Bay at Kansas City 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Arrowhead Stadium San Diego at Minnesota 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Metrodome Jacksonville at New Orleans 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Superdome Washington at NY Jets 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Giants Stadium Arizona at Tampa Bay 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Raymond James Stadium Seattle at Cleveland 4:05 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Cleveland Browns Stadium New England at Indianapolis 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel RCA Dome Houston at Oakland 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel McAfee Coliseum Dallas at Philadelphia 8:15 PM NBC Tickets | Travel Lincoln Financial Field MON, NOV 5 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Baltimore at Pittsburgh 8:30 PM ESPN Tickets | Travel Heinz Field · Bye: Chicago, St. Louis, Miami, NY Giants Week 10 SUN, NOV 11 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Cleveland at Pittsburgh 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Heinz Field Philadelphia at Washington 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel FedEx Field Atlanta at Carolina 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Bank of America Stadium St. Louis at New Orleans 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Superdome Buffalo at Miami 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Dolphin Stadium Denver at Kansas City 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Arrowhead Stadium Jacksonville at Tennessee 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel LP Field Minnesota at Green Bay 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Lambeau Field Cincinnati at Baltimore 4:05 PM CBS Tickets | Travel M&T Bank Stadium Dallas at NY Giants 4:15 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Giants Stadium Detroit at Arizona 4:15 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Cardinals Stadium Chicago at Oakland 4:15 PM Fox Tickets | Travel McAfee Coliseum Indianapolis at San Diego 8:15 PM NBC Tickets | Travel Qualcomm Stadium MON, NOV 12 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION San Francisco at Seattle 8:30 PM ESPN Tickets | Travel Qwest Field · Bye: New England, NY Jets, Tampa Bay, Houston Week 11 SUN, NOV 18 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Cleveland at Baltimore 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel M&T Bank Stadium San Diego at Jacksonville 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel ALLTEL Stadium Miami at Philadelphia 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Lincoln Financial Field Pittsburgh at NY Jets 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Giants Stadium Oakland at Minnesota 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Metrodome Kansas City at Indianapolis 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel RCA Dome Carolina at Green Bay 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Lambeau Field Washington at Dallas 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Texas Stadium Tampa Bay at Atlanta 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Georgia Dome New Orleans at Houston 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Reliant Stadium New England at Buffalo 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Ralph Wilson Stadium Arizona at Cincinnati 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Paul Brown Stadium NY Giants at Detroit 4:15 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Ford Field St. Louis at San Francisco 4:15 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Monster Park Chicago at Seattle 8:15 PM NBC Tickets | Travel Qwest Field MON, NOV 19 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Tennessee at Denver 8:30 PM ESPN Tickets | Travel Invesco Field Week 12 THU, NOV 22 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Green Bay at Detroit 12:30 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Ford Field NY Jets at Dallas 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Texas Stadium Indianapolis at Atlanta 8:15 PM NFL Tickets | Travel Georgia Dome SUN, NOV 25 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Seattle at St. Louis 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Edward Jones Dome Minnesota at NY Giants 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Giants Stadium Buffalo at Jacksonville 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel ALLTEL Stadium New Orleans at Carolina 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Bank of America Stadium Washington at Tampa Bay 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Raymond James Stadium Houston at Cleveland 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Cleveland Browns Stadium Tennessee at Cincinnati 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Paul Brown Stadium Denver at Chicago 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Soldier Field Oakland at Kansas City 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Arrowhead Stadium San Francisco at Arizona 4:05 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Cardinals Stadium Baltimore at San Diego 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Qualcomm Stadium Philadelphia at New England 8:15 PM NBC Tickets | Travel Gillette Stadium MON, NOV 26 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Miami at Pittsburgh 8:30 PM ESPN Tickets | Travel Heinz Field Week 13 THU, NOV 29 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Green Bay at Dallas 8:15 PM NFL Tickets | Travel Texas Stadium SUN, DEC 2 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION San Diego at Kansas City 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Arrowhead Stadium Houston at Tennessee 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel LP Field Jacksonville at Indianapolis 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel RCA Dome Buffalo at Washington 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel FedEx Field San Francisco at Carolina 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Bank of America Stadium Detroit at Minnesota 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Metrodome NY Jets at Miami 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Dolphin Stadium Atlanta at St. Louis 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Edward Jones Dome Seattle at Philadelphia 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Lincoln Financial Field Tampa Bay at New Orleans 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Superdome Cleveland at Arizona 4:05 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Cardinals Stadium Denver at Oakland 4:05 PM CBS Tickets | Travel McAfee Coliseum NY Giants at Chicago 4:15 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Soldier Field Cincinnati at Pittsburgh 8:15 PM NBC Tickets | Travel Heinz Field MON, DEC 3 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION New England at Baltimore 8:30 PM ESPN Tickets | Travel M&T Bank Stadium Week 14 THU, DEC 6 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Chicago at Washington 8:15 PM NFL Tickets | Travel FedEx Field SUN, DEC 9 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Carolina at Jacksonville 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel ALLTEL Stadium NY Giants at Philadelphia 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Lincoln Financial Field Pittsburgh at New England 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Gillette Stadium St. Louis at Cincinnati 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Paul Brown Stadium Tampa Bay at Houston 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Reliant Stadium Miami at Buffalo 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Ralph Wilson Stadium Oakland at Green Bay 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Lambeau Field Dallas at Detroit 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Ford Field San Diego at Tennessee 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel LP Field Minnesota at San Francisco 4:05 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Monster Park Arizona at Seattle 4:05 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Qwest Field Cleveland at NY Jets 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Giants Stadium Kansas City at Denver 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Invesco Field Indianapolis at Baltimore 8:15 PM NBC Tickets | Travel M&T Bank Stadium MON, DEC 10 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION New Orleans at Atlanta 8:30 PM ESPN Tickets | Travel Georgia Dome Week 15 THU, DEC 13 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Denver at Houston 8:15 PM NFL Tickets | Travel Reliant Stadium SAT, DEC 15 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Cincinnati at San Francisco 8:15 PM NFL Tickets | Travel Monster Park SUN, DEC 16 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Jacksonville at Pittsburgh 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Heinz Field Atlanta at Tampa Bay 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Raymond James Stadium Seattle at Carolina 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Bank of America Stadium Green Bay at St. Louis 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Edward Jones Dome Baltimore at Miami 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Dolphin Stadium NY Jets at New England 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Gillette Stadium Arizona at New Orleans 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Superdome Buffalo at Cleveland 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Cleveland Browns Stadium Tennessee at Kansas City 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Arrowhead Stadium Indianapolis at Oakland 4:05 PM CBS Tickets | Travel McAfee Coliseum Detroit at San Diego 4:15 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Qualcomm Stadium Philadelphia at Dallas 4:15 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Texas Stadium Washington at NY Giants 8:15 PM NBC Tickets | Travel Giants Stadium MON, DEC 17 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Chicago at Minnesota 8:30 PM ESPN Tickets | Travel Metrodome Week 16 THU, DEC 20 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Pittsburgh at St. Louis 8:15 PM NFL Tickets | Travel Edward Jones Dome SAT, DEC 22 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Dallas at Carolina 8:15 PM NFL Tickets | Travel Bank of America Stadium SUN, DEC 23 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Oakland at Jacksonville 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel ALLTEL Stadium Washington at Minnesota 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Metrodome Miami at New England 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Gillette Stadium Philadelphia at New Orleans 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Superdome Kansas City at Detroit 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Ford Field Cleveland at Cincinnati 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Paul Brown Stadium Green Bay at Chicago 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Soldier Field NY Giants at Buffalo 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Ralph Wilson Stadium Houston at Indianapolis 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel RCA Dome Atlanta at Arizona 4:05 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Cardinals Stadium Baltimore at Seattle 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Qwest Field NY Jets at Tennessee 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel LP Field Tampa Bay at San Francisco 8:15 PM NBC Tickets | Travel Monster Park MON, DEC 24 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Denver at San Diego 8:00 PM ESPN Tickets | Travel Qualcomm Stadium Week 17 SAT, DEC 29 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION New England at NY Giants 8:15 PM NFL Tickets | Travel Giants Stadium SUN, DEC 30 TIME (ET) TV RESOURCES LOCATION Buffalo at Philadelphia 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Lincoln Financial Field Cincinnati at Miami 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Dolphin Stadium Pittsburgh at Baltimore 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel M&T Bank Stadium Dallas at Washington 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel FedEx Field Carolina at Tampa Bay 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Raymond James Stadium Tennessee at Indianapolis 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel RCA Dome New Orleans at Chicago 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Soldier Field Jacksonville at Houston 1:00 PM CBS Tickets | Travel Reliant Stadium Seattle at Atlanta 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Georgia Dome Detroit at Green Bay 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Lambeau Field San Francisco at Cleveland 1:00 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Cleveland Browns Stadium Minnesota at Denver 4:15 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Invesco Field San Diego at Oakland 4:15 PM CBS Tickets | Travel McAfee Coliseum St. Louis at Arizona 4:15 PM Fox Tickets | Travel Cardinals Stadium if not go to Kansas City at NY Jets 8:15 PM NBC Tickets | Travel Giants Stadium |
Silver Member Username: Saqeeb90Post Number: 138 Registered: Dec-06 | hi just listening to LK and saying hi... go back to ur spanish form otherwise there will be some one like me who will interfere this post |
Bronze Member Username: Shadow45Monterrey, Nuevo Leon Mexico Post Number: 87 Registered: Aug-07 | I swear its the last post i'll put in this thread concerning this whole BS. LK u moron, the moment u started with the "white", "caucasian" stuff, was about Race..was it not?, so don't tell me I give a bad name to MY people, you drama queen. and then like a damn child, you go and post things that dont belong here, I haven't seen one spanish speaking person go to one of your threads to "intrude" and "disrupt" your posts so don try turning this around since this thread was in spanish FROM THE BEGINNING , that was of course till you decided to take it upon yourself to tell this guy to go to SOLO HISPANOS. whatever the case and "agreement" might have been , if you arent a mod leave it be and mind your own damn bussines. so once again, if you dont want to read spanish posts, do not get in the thread period. And so if you have something else to say to me dont post here anymore, PM or email me. Los siento nor, como ya dije es el ultimo post que pongo aqui y espero que este pendejete no siga molestandolos. |
Silver Member Username: Silver1123Mexico, DF Mexico Post Number: 259 Registered: Jul-07 | Reporten a este pendejo a |
Silver Member Username: Silver1123Mexico, DF Mexico Post Number: 260 Registered: Jul-07 | LK is not the owner of, he or she doesn't have any authority. |
Silver Member Username: Rrios01Monterrey, N.L. Mexico Post Number: 268 Registered: Oct-06 | LK, thanks for the NFL information I was looking for, jajaja, id_iot mo_th_er fu_ck_er |
Silver Member Username: Silver1123Mexico, DF Mexico Post Number: 271 Registered: Jul-07 | LK, it's not because I want to cry. It's because I feel that we are all grown ups here, and, if we have a computer, we have some education. There is no need to use foul language, unless that's the way you were brought up by your parents, or if that's the way you speak amongst your sons and daughters if you have any... By the way, how come if you help people so much, Today you havent posted anything else than complaints? |
Gold Member Username: Javy_gzaMONTERREY , NUEVO LEON Mexico Post Number: 1055 Registered: Oct-06 | saludos a toda la raza jejeje |
Platinum Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 12934 Registered: Jan-06 | very lame and rude...but expected... |
Bronze Member Username: North_of_ontarioPost Number: 72 Registered: Sep-07 | yep. that's why there only good for washing dishes and cleaning toilets..... |
Bronze Member Username: Shadow45Mty, Nuevo Leon Mexico Post Number: 92 Registered: Aug-07 | ^^^^^ LOL , you goofy canadian you, eh? |
Gold Member Username: Javy_gzaMONTERREY , NUEVO LEON Mexico Post Number: 1070 Registered: Oct-06 | saludos a toda la raza tengo una antena de dis con sus lnbs dis pro y un pansat 2700 a original p el q lo quiera el paqete le sale en 3800 ia instalado saludos. |
Gold Member Username: Javy_gzaMONTERREY , NUEVO LEON Mexico Post Number: 1071 Registered: Oct-06 | u ofrescan $$$$$$$ jejeje saludos. |