I have a Panasonic PT-47WX42. When I watch DVD movies from my Play Station 2 I still get black bars on the top and bottom of the picture. I thought on a wide screen tv you wouldn't get these.. Please help, any suggestions
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You probably have to use the Zoom feature of your TV to make it fit the screen.
edgar v.
Posted on
there are several different versions of "widescreen." that is, there isn't one standard mode that film makers shoot in. your widescreen tv has a 16:9 aspect ratio, or 1.78:1 (the width is 1.78 times larger than the height). Widescreen movies for theatrical release can be almost any shape, but the most common aspect ratios are 1.66:1, 1.85:1, and 2.35:1.
So, your 1.78:1 widescreen TV doesn't exactly match any movie format (although it's very close to 1.85:1.)
All this means that just because you have a widescreen TV, widescreen DVDs and TV shows (ER, Sopranos, etc.) won't automatically fit perfectly into your screen. However, they fit better than if you were watching a standard TV with a 4:3 (1.33:1) aspect ratio. You'll probably notice that, watching most movies with your widescreen, the black bars are much thinner than on a regular TV.
But, if the black bars are really annoying you, you can just use the zoom feature of your TV and do away with them (like Derek said). I personally love the wide-zoom mode of my tv. it stretchs the outside of the image to fit the screen. The action is 99% of the time in the center of the screen, so you can't notice the stretching. Of course, with this mode you can still sometimes see black bars, but they're greatly reduced.