I have my dish for 110, the lnb have two outputs and I have one conected to my VS and the other one to my Pansat, but the channels on the pansat after a few hours don't work anymore...am I missing anything?... Thank you again
A longer cable run will cause a weaker signal...and so will a bad cable or connections..
U may also have a bad outport on the LNB , try switching the 2 cables....and U may have a bad external disque switch....and if its a TWIN LNB, U may have a bad "internal" switch, requiring a new LNB...,
It is a single lnb with two outputs pointing to 110...I think it might be the cable because the one going to pansat is in my room... LK did you say that I need a disque switch?, I only have one for my VS, the other cable is going from the lnb straight to the receiver (pansat) Thank you