I decieded to j-tag my 2700c as as a "oringinal'.Then I flashed the 203bin,It's working so far on DN but bev key's aren't rolling .Oh well no biggy ,I'm gonna see how long before it dies now.
Lk there is a bin at dss com. that is listed clone safe [203] but is a oringinal.Maybe you should check that out.I found that after I flashed it and checked on the system info screen.It might kill somebody's box .
BTW...its made for CLONES...never heard someone using it as a genuine, or after a GENUINE Jtag...don't think its a 2 way street like 2500 genuine and their clones..
I would have to look again when I have time but no c safe or identifing info from oringinal .It is in the clone bins section but and posted as clone but is a oringinal bin.I'm going buy the bin on system info in ird menu.and it identifed as original.I've deleted it from my pc so i'll look and get u the link when I get a chance.
Oh ,I didn't use it as oringinal ,came across it looking for clone bins and skymax files for clones.Vortex loads/works better on my box for some reason,not flaming Don,just loads better everytime were don's sometime fails to flash giving me a hard time on my box.But I have used both.
Ok,it linked me to dss central ,fta clones file share,http://www.dsscentral.us/fileshare/fs_clones/index.php?action=view&filename=x-87 bl_070411_b75_203_api.zip&directory=&PHPSESSID=e7022d98bf043d4f953f7d05c82813f9 Check it out ,must be mislabeled or put in wrong section.I loaded it ,checked the bin on screen and deleted it ,loaded the vortex immediatly after seeing the bin id.
Anyway makes no diff to me I'm gonna part the clone out after I modd the power board on it and keep that,trash the rest ,even the remote has issues,I learned enough from playing with it,and it was a freebee.think i'll pick up another box to play with,haven't deceided what one yet.