i have a elliptical dish and have 110 locked in but cannot locate 119-someone says to move it to the right with no elevation change. also what would be the setting s for lnd on coolst 5000 receiver thanx. i tried moving it to the right most signal i get is 34% no quality.
You need to skew the dish, that is, rotating it like you are turning a steering wheel, sort of. So if you have 110 locked in, now standing behind the dish, rotate clockwise if you are east or counterclockwise if you are west. You may have to adjust the elevation and azimuth after you find 119 to tweak it for both sats if it is a Dish 500 type with 2 LNBs. If it's an elliptical dish with 110 right in the middle (and 119 to it's left, from behind the dish), you can tighten it right down when 110 is locked in. With 110 in the center, you can skew away and that LNB will stay peaked.
Here's a sat calculator help help you figure out the skew for your location: http://satcalculator.freehostia.com/