is anybody having problems with BEV nimiq 2KU 82.0 W ?? as i suddenly am getting no picture on BEV, signal strength / quality is perfect but all of a sudden no pics. just blue screen with msg: scrambled or bad channel Charlie is going GR8...just dis BEV is #$%*@#
any news about key change for BEV???
i tried both keys listed as of june 13th but nothing works, still no picture. plz. help
I can watch only two channels of 82.0, those are free ones - not scrambled/paid ones. Rest of channels is black and scrambled... Numbers for Bell did not changed. Other Bell satelite 91.0 plays operfect with old numbers. I suspect new program will be needed to desramble 82.0 satelite from Bell. I asked people around, same problem... Bell must have changed encription signal on 82.0 W is 91.0 next?
Which receivers are you using? My Pansat 2500 clones have scrambled channels on 82.0 (signal is strong and names of shows are showing correct but black screen on almost evey channel), other one BEV 91.0 is fine ??? Strange.