Sometimes, things on my TV get blue shadows that do not belong... It would look sort of like this: Buy Today! Buy Today! And I really doubt that its suppose to look like that, as it happens for all sorts of things... FOX FOX I tried every single option in the Picture section of the menu, to no avail... Do any of you know the problem?}
Hi All My Toshiba PT55E50 projection Tv is dead now. It is 10 years old.Now I am just seeing blinking red LED on ON/OFF switch.Screen is black. Please help.
Woah... that's quite... odd... Well, its obviously plugged in. Then, its obviously not having a connection problem, according to your description. Hmmm, did someone maybe... forget to keep away from the TV when rough-housing? Just joking, however, you should ask anyone who is likely to have done such a thing... Incase, and don't accuse them right away... Just ask if they knew anything about the TV that might help you... Just throwing thoughts around, but who knows?