I've been using 110 & 119 for my Pansat 3500SD for awhile. Few days ago, I accidentally did factory reset on my Pansat 3500SD. Since then I have successfully scanned 110 & 119 w/o any problems. Every time I try to align the channels using EchoStar package, everything freezes. Resetting and scanning has been done. Nothing seems to work. Any ideas? Please help.
I've deleted all channels using factory reset. Everytime I rescann, it's the same. Remote becomes useless and I have to turn it off by using the power switch in rear. I am still new to all of this.
Jason - Thanks. I don't think it's the remote. One thing I noticed was that after several minutes the picture remains frozen but I can scroll all channels. Picking another channel gives an error "No signal" or "Scrambled channel". The picture on the TV remains frozen from the channel it is tuned to when the power is turned on.
Jason/Nikk, I've checked the remote, nothing there. I can get all of the channels. No issues there. Settings are correct for LNB and the switch is fine. Matter of fact everything great was until I accidentially hit factory reset on the remote. Should be more careful when multi-tasking.
Last night, did another factory reset (w/o reload). Rescanned w/Autoroll on. Got new keys, but no sound and no picture. Not only that. Everything froze again (see my 1st post). Left it unplugged overnight after another factory reset.
Last night I did the following - press set default key, turn off via back switch, turn on and wait for keys to roll. Five mins later it was working. I am good to go.
LK - Thanks. I am bit puzzeled because I had tried all of that before and somehow it didn't work. Now that the problem is solved, I am good to go. Again thanks.
Hey guys, I am getting No Signal on my receiver. I haven't used my receiver in couple of months. Can some please give me step by step as what i need to do to get the receiver working again. And, what is the latest bin file and keys that everyone is using?