Bronze Member Username: DirtystinkindemocratPost Number: 51 Registered: Feb-07 | Democrats to burn in Hell. This can be avoided by inviting Jesus into your life, turning from your support of abortion/homosexualityy etc and stop bearing false witness on The President of the USA and the troops. Just say....Jesus I believe you died on the cross for my sins, come into my heart Lord Jesus, thank you Jesus for saving me. Tell another person after you have done this and you will be born again.It`s that simple You should no longer support candidates that support killing Gods unborn children. You will no longer be able to support homosexualityy, as God says it is a abomination before him.You need to stop bearing false witness against your GW Bush etc. You will no longer want to support the terrorists over the troops and you will no longer(if your prayer was sincere) be able or want to ever vote democrat again. Likewise you will not vote for Rudy Guliana |
Gold Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 9970 Registered: Jan-06 | So u are saying that Jesus will NOT accept people and will persecute them if they are democrats and do not like George W...are U for real!...get off the crack dude!...U are twisted!...not even worth a debate.. |
Bronze Member Username: DirtystinkindemocratPost Number: 52 Registered: Feb-07 | No, Jesus will accept all who come to him.Thats what I said in my post, I even left a prayer there that will make sure you dont end up in hell. There will be plenty of Republicans in hell to,so not to worry. Just that the democrat party platform is so anti Christian, that its not something a Christian can be part of. You have your abortions and your homosexualityy spoken of as virtues. But you also have the democrat judges banning Gods word from schools and the public square.The list of abominations is long, and it`s right in Gods face. Republicans that vote for a Rudy will await the same fate as Democrats, if that makes some of you feel any better? Its just that the Republican platform is still pro life and pro family. The democrat platform is not,that`s why I say what I say about Democrats. GW Bush is a good man, he appoints the Judges that are pro family/pro life, the democrats vote against them. You tell me, the answer is clear. A vote for a Democrat, is a vote for abortion, homosexualityy,child pornn that`s right, child pornn, Democrat appointed judges say child pornn is a art form. Democrats want homosexualityy taught in schools as a option for kids to consider. Democrat judges want any reference to GOD/CHRIST banned from the public square. If that is not enough, democrats for the most part are rooting for the terrorists over the US Soldiers. YES I AM SAYING IF YOU VOTE DEMOCRAT, YOUR HEART IS NOT WITH GOD ![]() The ACLU (DEMS) also want the boyscouts and the Salvation army to embrace homosexualityy |
Gold Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 9977 Registered: Jan-06 | ohh I God is a registered Republican... and ALL Democrats like terrorists....go do another crack hit dude...what a fruitcake!...and I thought cartier was a tard, U have him beat!...he's a genius compared to you.. BTW...I am a Democrat for my entire life, and anti abortion and a 4th degree knight member of the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternity... U are worse than Jerry Falwell and Rush Limbuagh, with your misguided ignorant generalizations and preachings.. |
Bronze Member Username: DirtystinkindemocratPost Number: 55 Registered: Feb-07 | BTW...I am a Democrat for my entire life, and anti abortion and a 4th degree knight member of the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternity... 35 YEARS AGO A GOOD CATHOLIC COULD BE A DEMOCRAT...The pope does not think catholic politicians that call themselves pro choice should be allowed communion etc, how do you square that. I just dont understand how democrats that say they are pro life can vote for a party that supports abortion (and dont try and tell me the party does not) Every year in DC there is a pro life rally at the mall. Across the street your top democrats attend the NARAL breakfast,,Kerry, Clinton ,Kennedy etc If pro life democrats are really pro life then why are they not demanding the party have a pro life platform? I have many Catholic friends they all vote Republican. My Catholic friends are all evangelical Catholics, they could not support such a platform. There is a nice Young Preist Father..cant place his name but he is a vatican spokesperson, actually goes on Fox News quite often (so you would not like him I guess?) he as much as said he could never support a democrat under the current party platform. Many Catholics have a cafeteria style of belief, take what they like and leave the rest. Sort of a go as you please faith I guess. We dont like that scripture or this scripture. Forget that the Bible says God formed us in the womb, ignore scriptures regarding homosexualityy etc. As for Jerry Falwell...He was a courageous man of God. Demonised by the dems years ago but a great guy none the less. I guess I believe the same as he did. I saw him debate many times on CNN and was always in agreement with him. The Evangelical Catholics such as Mother Teresa also agreed with him. Catholic Church |
Bronze Member Username: PsychmonsterChi town, Il USA Post Number: 67 Registered: Jul-06 | Bush wrote that his commander in chief power allows him to do anything he thinks is necessary, including torture, notwithstanding the amendment passed by Congress. . Bush, according to Ratner, has declared that George Bush is the law. Ritter noted that Rumsfeld knew Iraq had disarmed and had no ongoing weapons program. By 1998, the weapons inspectors had accounted for 95 to 98 percent of Iraq's WMDs, Ritter said. "No nation had hard factual data that Iraq retained or was reconstituting WMDs," Ritter added. "No nation had those facts." The Bush administration willfully misled the American people about Iraq's weapons programs, Ritter charged. When Dick Cheney said that Iraq was constituting its nuclear program, he "was lying," Ritter said. From 1991 to 2003, the United States policy in Iraq was regime change, according to Ritter. "Intelligence" in the George W. Bush administration "was being fixed around the policy of regime change," Ritter maintained. "What passes for intelligence is nothing more than politically motivated propaganda." He said, "There was no intelligence failure because the policy wasn't disarmament; it was regime change." TESTIMONY UNDER OATH FROM INSPECTORS ON THE GROUND IN IRAQ BEFORE THE WAR...DIRTY DEMOCRAT, HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THE UNNECESSARY BLOOD OF ALL OUR BOYS AND THE INNOCENT IRAQ CITIZENS...WHERE IS HE GOING IN AFTERLIFE UP OR DOWN..GOOD MAN MY BUTT..WORST EVER..THIS IS JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG FOR BUSH..HE WILL BE "NIXONIZED" AS A PRESIDENT IN POSTERITY..EVEN TEXAS COLLEGES WILL NOT BUILD HIM A LIBRARY IN HIS HONOR... somehow this thread got we need to duplicate this moron ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: DirtystinkindemocratPost Number: 56 Registered: Feb-07 | RITTER![]() ![]() ![]() Weapons inspector Ritter...he took money from Saddam to make a propaganda film...The guy turned out to be a traitor to his country.. Scott Ritter has since been charged with meeting underage girls for sex on the internet. What a joke BTW THE YOUNG PRIEST FROM THE VATICAN WAS ON FOX NEWS THIS AM.HE WAS LIVE FROM ROME AND HIS NAME IS FATHER JONATHAN MORRIS. HE IS A SPOKESPERSON FOR THE POPE AND SAYS CATHOLIC AMERICANS NEED TO VOTE FOR PRO LIFE CANDIDATES. RIGHT FROM THE HORSES MOUTH. He can be reached at or its one or the other. Funny that the catholic church/vatican/rome/pope sees nothing wrong with the Popes spokesperson beeing a fox news consultant.He also likes GW BUSH last Sunday he said that GW Bush was a man of God, and that currently the front runners for 2008 did not have his moral compass. That must be hard for liberal catholic democrats to hear but it is true, he did say that. |
Gold Member Username: LklivesPost Number: 9990 Registered: Jan-06 | whats hard to hear is your ignorant biased truth twisting posts.. |
Bronze Member Username: BillybeerboyCarthage, Il United states Post Number: 66 Registered: Mar-06 | All Bush did was invade Iraq to finish his fathers war.Saddam was a liar and he didnt have the wmd's like he said but why not spend billions of america's dollars on Iraq while people on our streets starve to feed people that most of us dont give a crap about.If you notice most of the world has their handout for funds but most will turn their back on us when we need help.I say screw them all.And screw the republicans. |
Bronze Member Username: ImnycusaPost Number: 87 Registered: Jun-06 | Hey moron, doesnt the God u follow say thy shall not kill! This beloved president of urs is directly responsible for sending troops into harms way and getting em killed, knowingly that there was no WMD! Never mind 60,000+ Iraqis killed because of this guys actions. Countless people lost their mothers, their fathers, their sisters. families after familes got uprooted. if u wanna see hell, just go visit some ordinary solider or iraqi family and u will see how it feels like loosing loved one. Gosh, whatta ignorant idiot! |
New member Username: Adrenalyzer1Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-07 | Sounds like there's a bigger war going on right here, than whats going on in the middle east. The war of fighting the so called terrorist, is over the same babelings you guys are uttering. Perception of religion,=who and what God is. Religion is very personal, a relationship with God is very personal. You probably shouldn't splatter your personal life all over the internet, unless its meaningless to you. Our fore-Fathers fled Europe because they were being kill by the millions, because they had a different perception of religion than the catholic church had. Thats why we have freedom of religion, to protect your perception of who and what God is. So, you men ought to Love and encourage one another. And God Bless you all. P.S The roman catholic church killed over 70 million people including women and children during there rule, Thats more than all the wars put together since the begining of time. They have gaa problems, heavy alcohol problems, and also the mudering of unborn children, when the priest would fornicate with the nuns and inpregnant them. In south America, theres a whole cave fill with the remains of the children they aborted. THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH; THE PAPACY; IS LUCIFERS SEAT. |
Silver Member Username: Impala1977Post Number: 132 Registered: Apr-06 | Why did God put our oil in the Middle East! |
Bronze Member Username: Hoosier_daddyPost Number: 93 Registered: Dec-06 | I heard that they are trying to implement a law/rule that preist can't be with young children on their own....Nice... As for god...Did she make us or did we make her? As for the quote in a post above. "As for Jerry Falwell...He was a courageous man of God. Demonised by the dems years ago but a great guy none the less" - Great if you are a rich white guy....He was a bully and more than likely a latent h0mo$exual himself...He was in it for the money and the power... Bush is a moron pure and simple...He ran several companies into the ground and he gets elected president..twice! Oh well as long as all the members of the old boys club get their bad a ton of really nice young people are getting killed. If the US really cared about making the world a better place then more resources/troops would be sent into Africa where several genocides have and are taking place. They must already be getting large kick backs from the Debeers... |