My pioneer plasma, using a motorola cable card, shows very distorted images (pixels) but only on channels above 100. Comcast claims this is an issue w/ my set. I just have so little trust of comcast at this point. Should I call a pioneer tech?
Yes, Pioneer is very good at supporting their product. In most cases, pixilating is due to some interference in the digital QAM signal, which is usually a problem with the cable side of things. If Comcast hasn't checked it out with a QAM analyzer they are wasting your time.
Finally, Comcast is here. The pixilating turned to a black screen.3 cards tried.... no picture on any channel. I think I'm about say the heck with the card. The technology just doesn't seem to have all the bugs worked out and no one is responsible. And I'm so "impressed" with comcast I may have to switch to satellite.